Reverse Dependencies of virtualenv
The following projects have a declared dependency on virtualenv:
- enos-kubernetes — no summary
- enterprise-search — Enterprise search CLI.
- entoli — A Python functional programming library
- enw — Tool for simple administrating of multiple python virtual environment with virtualenv and autoenv.
- epicure-utils — A common utils Python library. Don't write that one little function again!
- esp-serial-find — Find the ESP32 serial port name with device serial number on macOS.
- ethcx — Python wrapper and version management tool for ethereum-targeting compilers.
- etlrules — A python ETL rule engine operating with data frames.
- eva — Plugin for virtualenvwrapper to automatically export config vars found in your project level .env file.
- evalify — Evaluate your face or voice verification models literally in seconds.
- evolve-agent — Evolve Agent to connect your systems to the Evolve Security Automation and Orchestration Platform.
- ewah — An ELT with airflow helper module: Ewah
- explainit — A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application
- ezflow — A PyTorch library for optical flow estimation using neural networks
- falra-run-github — no summary
- fastapi-mailman — Porting Django's email implementation to your FastAPI applications.
- fastopendata-client — Client for the FastOpenData API service
- faultybot — Faultybot Discord Handler
- feast-doris — Python SDK for Feast
- feastmo — Python SDK for Feast
- fedn — Scaleout Federated Learning
- fencepy — Standardized fencing off of python virtual environments on a per-project basis
- Fenv — Generate a folder, establish a virtual environment with a single command.
- File-Selector-Input — Sets up a basic application to move file locations
- filelock — A platform independent file lock.
- filenamemanager — A simple library to handle filenames automatically for artifacts..
- FileWriterCLI — Sets up a CLI app to write a file through an application.
- finagg — Data aggregation with popular and free financial APIs.
- Find-Sitemap — A set of data tools in Python
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- fitsnap3 — Molecular Machine Learning Interface
- fj — Pool installations of Python projects
- Flask-App-Install — Sets up a basic Flask App with Javascipt Functionality
- Flask-App-Multi — Sets up a basic Flask App with Javascipt Functionality
- flask-flac — Flask based library to help structure an application with an eye towards CLI apps, not just web.
- Flask-Mailman — Porting Django's email implementation to your Flask applications.
- flopy — FloPy is a Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models
- form-tools — no summary
- fosslight-dependency — FOSSLight Dependency
- fromager — Wheel maker
- funcnodes — funcnodes
- fusion-sdk — JPMC Fusion Developer Tools
- fzpycreate — pycreate
- galilei — the galilei project.
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gdrf — Pytorch+GPytorch implementation of GDRFs from San Soucie et al. 2020.
- generic-crawler-sdk — Generic Crawler SDK
- geomeffibem — A small library to facilitate some building energy modeling geometry operations with OpenStudio and EnergyPlus in mind.
- geotify — geotify
- getnum — get a num by random
- ghubunix — Browse GitHub like it is Unix
- giit — Wrapper git to automate running scripts.
- gitcicd — no summary
- gitcidi — no summary
- gitcidii — no summary
- givenergy-modbus — A python library to access GivEnergy inverters via Modbus TCP, with no dependency on the GivEnergy Cloud.
- gokku — A small PAAS to deploy Flask/Django, Node, PHP and Static HTML sites using GIT, similar to Heroku
- google-ads-report — Easier to use
- google-play-developer-api — Wrapper for APIs
- gp.recipe.tox — use buildout with tox
- GPErks — A Python library to (bene)fit Gaussian Process Emulators.
- gpnpytorchtools — A collection of pytorch tools created by GPN members
- gpucsl — A library for constraint-based causal structure learning on GPUs.
- graphqler — A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- grid-tariff-calculator — Library to calculate the grid tariffs in Norway.
- grounder — Estimate the quality and factual correctness of natural language text to help ground language models such as BERT, GPT-J, GPT-Neo, ChatGPT, and Bard.
- gsy-frameworke — GSy Framework
- guildai — Experiment tracking, ML developer tools
- gwapandas — Python tools for GWAS summary statistics.
- hagrid — [DEPRECATED] Our old deployment tool hagrid has been deprecated,for the updated deployment options kindly refer to
- handy-utils-agni — Handy Utils for daily use
- harlequelrah-fastapi — Package personnalisé pour faciliter le développement avec python avec fastapi
- hash_cache_venv — get or a create a cached virtual environment based on requirements
- hatch — Modern, extensible Python project management
- hdata — Interacting with the HyperData API.
- hermod — Hermod is a package that generates .proto files out of your sqlalchemy models.
- hirundo — This package is used to interface with Hirundo's platform. It provides a simple API to optimize your ML datasets.
- hmd-cli-repo — Implementation for repo cli command
- hmk1 — A package that is quite pointless
- homebase-calendar-sync — A simple web scraper that reads's schedule and updates Google Calendar.
- HomeDirectory — Sets up a basic function to print and show the Home Directory of the current Terminal.
- hoymiles-modbus — Gather data from Hoymiles microinverters.
- hoymiles-mqtt — Send data from Hoymiles photovoltaic installation to MQTT server.
- Html-Flask-Install — Sets up a basic HTML Boilerplate for a Flask App with Javascipt Functionality
- HtmlFileWriter — Sets up and writes an HTML File using a filewriter.
- httpx-auth-awssigv4 — This package provides utilities to add AWS Signature V4 authentication infrormation to calls made by python httpx library.
- hugo_jupyter — Use Jupyter notebooks to publish with Hugo.
- humint — Intelligence Tools for Humans.
- humpty — A tool to convert python wheels to eggs
- hybrid-index — Easy to use hybrid index for semantic + keyword search
- ign8 — Ignite it all.
- imouapi — Library for controlling Imou devices by interacting with the Imou Life API.
- importmod — A CLI tool to import mods into the Portmod repository format
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- indico-plugin-payment-stripe — Stripe payment support plugin for the Indico conference management system.
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- instappium — Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- instapy — Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- instapy-mad — Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- instapymad — Tool for automated Instagram interactions