Reverse Dependencies of virtualenv
The following projects have a declared dependency on virtualenv:
- sir-bot-a-lot — The good Sir Bot-a-lot. An asynchronous python bot framework.
- slam — Serverless application manager
- slicer-package-manager — Manage Slicer application and extension packages.
- snekpy — Template tool for a Python projects
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- snraspi-lib — Convenience utilities for Raspberry Pi
- solcix — A Python wrapper for the Solidity compiler. Switch between versions, compile, and manage artifacts.
- soufi — no summary
- sovol-xy — Library for controlling the Sovol-SO1 xy plotter using the Marlin Firmware.
- sphinx-external-toc-strict — A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
- sphinx-polyversion — Build multiple versions of your sphinx docs and merge them into one website.
- spirograph — A tool to help building ML pipeline easier for non technical users..
- sprinter — a utility library to help environment bootstrapping scripts
- sqlalchemy_schemadisplay — Package for the generation of diagrams based on SQLAlchemy ORM models and or the database itself
- squirrel-writer — A command line program to track writing progress
- sroll — Python package for SRoll installation
- ssb-project-cli — SSB Project CLI
- SSL-Generator-Validator — An implimentation to generate and work with local and production ready SSL certificates for your application.
- starwhale — An MLOps Platform for Model Evaluation
- stickybeak — Package that makes e2e tests easy.
- structure-learning — Generate data from causal graphical models.
- stsb3 — Structural time series building blocks
- surrortg — surrortg
- SW1Dto2D — Tool to convert results of a 1D Shallow Water model to 2D geometries
- synthientpy — Synthient API bindings.
- syslog2 — An improved SysLogHandler for Python
- tabpipe — A toolkit for tabular data ML preprocessing pipelines.
- team13hackertype — An example of a package developed with pyenv, built with build using setuptools, uploaded to PyPI using twine, and distributed via pip.
- terrarium — Package and ship relocatable Python virtual environments
- tesseract-client — Client for Tesseract API
- test-lib-39485735 — just for testing
- test-runner — A small test runner library for Python testing
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- textgrid-convert — textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
- textgrid-convert-ina — textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- thamos — A CLI tool and library for interacting with Thoth
- theforensicator — School project for forensic investigations.
- thermal — Surrogate times eries generation.
- thoth-solver — Tool and library for discovering package dependencies in PyPI world
- tianshou — A Library for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- tid-home-prices-prediction — Train a xgboost model to predict housing prices in Bangalore
- tid-salary-survey-prediction — Train a gradient boosted tree to predict the salary of US residents from a salary-related survey dataset
- timewise — A small package to download infrared data from the WISE satellite
- tinyscript — Devkit for quickly building CLI tools with Python
- tman — TODO
- tosholi — Read and write TOML config files with dataclasses.
- tox — tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool
- tox-constraints — Reproducible tests, by default.
- trackable — A minimalistic machine learning model tracker and reporting tool.
- traffic-guardian — Dynamically managed proxy server to intercept and mock responses for HTTP traffic
- trains-agent — TRAINS Agent - Auto-Magical DevOps for Deep Learning
- twistnsync — Twist-n-Sync is time synchronization algorithm that employs IMU gyroscope data.
- twitter-scraper-without-api — twitter_scraper without API
- txZMQ-ng — Twisted bindings for ZeroMQ
- udps — Analyze authorization.
- uhura — Wrapper code for cleaning up IO
- uranium — a build system for python
- vantage-sdk — Vantage Python SDK.
- ven — Easy way to use virtualenv.
- venvctrl — API for virtual environments.
- vex — Run commands in a virtualenv
- vformer — A modular PyTorch library for vision transformer models
- vfxtest — Manages a test suite across multiple python contexts commonly found in a VFX production environment
- virtenv — Create a virtual environment with venv or virtualenv
- virtualenv-asdf — A virtualenv Python discovery plugin using asdf
- virtualenv-better-bash — Add in custom modifications to virtualenv
- virtualenv_multipython — virtualenv discovery plugin for tox 4 and multipython
- virtualenv-multiver — Python multi-version wrapper for virtualenv.
- virtualenv-pyenv — A virtualenv Python discovery plugin for pyenv-installed interpreters
- virtualenv-reproducible — ensure virtualenv doesn't download new copies of pip/setuptools/wheel.
- virtualenv-seedhelper — A virtualenv seeder to seed wheels from a folder
- virtualenv-tauthon — Tauthon support for Virtualenv
- VirtualEnvironment — Sets up a CLI app to write a file through an application.
- virtualenvwrapper — no summary
- virtualenvwrapper-win — Port of Doug Hellmann's virtualenvwrapper to Windows batch scripts
- virtualfish — Fish shell tool for managing Python virtual environments
- waldorf — Waldorf, a distribution computing package based on celery
- wibor-simulation — Simulates the loan installments at different interest rates.
- wolf-core — This is a core package for the Wolf project.
- workon-poetry — Natural Language Understanding (text processing) for math symbols, digits, and words with a Gradio user interface and REST API.
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- wsgi-lineprof — WSGI middleware for line-by-line profiling
- wxy121517761848 — Some lite description.
- xicam — The CAMERA platform for synchrotron data management, visualization, and reduction.
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xonsh — Python-powered shell. Full-featured and cross-platform.
- yapenv — Yet another python environment
- yoti — The Yoti Python SDK, providing API support for Login, Verify (2FA) and Age Verification.
- yoti-sandbox — The Yoti Python Sandbox SDK, providing API support for sandbox services
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- yTermPlayer — Stream youtube playlists as audio on linux terminal
- zeroml — zeroml.
- zillionare-backtest — zillionare backtest framework.
- zillionare-core-types — core types definition shared by zillionare.
- zillionare-em — earn money.
- zillionare-omega — 高速分布式行情服务器
- zillionare-pluto — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).