Reverse Dependencies of uritemplate
The following projects have a declared dependency on uritemplate:
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- aegea — Amazon Web Services Operator Interface
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- apatterson189-google-api-helpers — LIbrary of helpers for using google apis
- apitally — Simple API monitoring & analytics for REST APIs built with FastAPI, Flask, Django, Starlette and Litestar.
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- appian-locust — Tools and functions to make testing Appian with Locust easier
- arkhn-arx — arkhn_arx is a tool to pseudonymize or anonymize datasets while evaluating reidentification risk metrics
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- aviatrix-migration-gcp — no summary
- backstage_catalog_client — a python client for the Backstage catalog API
- balanced — Payments platform for marketplaces
- bitbucket-linter — Run a linter on bitbucket diffs, and add comments.
- bmds-ui — U.S. EPA Dose Response Modeling Software User Interface
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- botrun-drive-webhook — no summary
- botrun-drive-webhook-roy — no summary
- bruin — Command line tool made by python for various toolbox used in UCLA
- c7n_gcp — Cloud Custodian - Google Cloud Provider
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- changes — Generates a github changelog, tags and uploads your python library
- chartmogul — Python library for ChartMogul API.
- cloudimized — Google Cloud Platform (GCP) configuration scanning tool
- cloudmarker — Cloudmarker - Cloud security monitoring framework.
- cltoolkit — A Python Library for the Processing of Cross-Linguistic Data
- cobra-archiver — Comprehensive Backing up and Restoration Archiver. Docker volumes, bind mounts and plain directory backup automation tool.
- cognifloyd-uplink — A Declarative HTTP Client for Python.
- concrete-datastore — A highly versatile REST Datastore
- ContextQA — Chat with your data by leveraging the power of LLMs and vector databases
- coreapi — Python client library for Core API.
- cori-ai — An AI-powered code review assistant
- csvcubed — A tool to generate RDF Data Cube style CSV-W cubes from tidy CSV files. Part of the csvcubed family.
- csvcubed-pmd — Provides functionality necessary to transform RDF Data Cube style CSV-Ws into a format compatible with the Publish My Data platform. Part of the csvcubed family.
- csvw — Python library to work with CSVW described tabular data
- csvw-functions — Python functions for working with CSV on the Web datasets
- csvwlib — Python implementation of CSV on the Web
- cyberguard-sdk — Open source, AI-driven cybersecurity SDK for system analysis, actor identification, autonomous threat detection, analysis and mitigation.
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- database-factory — Database Factory;
- datasette-cldf — datasette plugin to explore CLDF datasets
- declareq — declare http request over requests
- dftimewolf — Digital forensic orchestration.
- django-doclib — A Document library
- django-ocs-observation-portal — The Observatory Control System (OCS) Observation Portal django apps
- django-ogcapif — Easily expose your Django models through an OGCAPI-Features endpoint
- django-pydantic-field — Django JSONField with Pydantic models as a Schema
- djangorestframework-jsonapi — A Django REST framework API adapter for the JSON:API spec.
- djumail — no summary
- doclink — Create HTTP client from pydoc
- DownloadDMARCAttachmentsFromGmail — Downloads DMARC attachments from Gmail
- drf-openapi-schema — Django Rest Framework OpenAPI Schema generation.
- drf-pipeline-views — Django REST framework views using the pipeline pattern.
- drf-spectacular — Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework
- drf-turbo — An alternative serializer implementation for REST framework written in cython built for speed.
- drf-yasg — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
- drf-yasg-edge — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
- drf-yasg2 — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code
- drive-backup — Backup your Google Drive files locally.
- ds-popularity — no summary
- dsparse — Multi-modal file parsing and chunking
- dspreview — a simple preview for dsp digital advertising information
- dsub — A command-line tool that makes it easy to submit and run batch scripts in the cloud
- edx-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- EGDrive — A Simplified Google Drive API.
- enablr-dashboard — Populate data from excel in gdrive enablr
- ephios — ephios is a tool to manage shifts for medical services.
- ergast — Python HTTP client to the Ergast Motor Racing Data API
- ergast-py — A comprehensive Python wrapper for the Ergast API.
- evennia — A full-featured toolkit and server for text-based multiplayer games (MUDs, MU*, etc).
- fdr-beta — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.0 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v3 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v4 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v5 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v6 — Sample fdr lib
- firefighter-incident — Incident Management tool made for Slack using Django
- formal-sdk — Formal SDK
- foxylib — First package
- g-sheets-tools — no summary
- gator-red — no summary
- genflowly-lambda-utils — no summary
- gidgethub — An async GitHub API library
- — Python wrapper for the GitHub API(
- Gogokit — GogoKit is a lightweight, viagogo API client library for Python.
- gokart — Gokart solves reproducibility, task dependencies, constraints of good code, and ease of use for Machine Learning Pipeline. [Documentation](
- google-api-python-client — Google API Client Library for Python
- google-oauth2-tool — Create OAuth2 key file from OAuth2 client id file
- HALchemy — Toolkit for creating clients of HAL based Hypermedia APIs.
- hardcopy — Tool to download and export Google Drive files
- hazard-feed — storm warning rss parser
- heaobject — Data and other classes that are passed into and out of HEA REST APIs.
- hmrc — HMRC API client library