Reverse Dependencies of uritemplate
The following projects have a declared dependency on uritemplate:
- homebase-calendar-sync — A simple web scraper that reads's schedule and updates Google Calendar.
- humansignal-drf-yasg — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
- hyperspace — General-purpose REST/hypermedia client.
- iluvatar — With each note, Eru crafts worlds, blending music and magic into stunning realities.
- immudb-py — Python SDK for Immudb
- invenio-github — "Invenio module that adds GitHub integration to the platform."
- invenio-oauthclient — "Invenio module that provides OAuth web authorization support."
- invenio-records-resources — Invenio resources module to create REST APIs.
- iqtk — Reproducible biological data science.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jwt-email-auth — JWT authentication from email login codes.
- kafkit — Kafkit helps you write Kafka producers and consumers in Python with asyncio.
- keystone-api — A REST API for managing user resource allocations on HPC systems.
- kognitos-bdk-api — Kognitos Book Development Kit
- lg-rez — Discord bot for organizing Werewolf RP games ESPCI-style
- — Python wrapper for the GitHub API(
- llm-error-handler — A simple decorator for AI error handling in Python.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- ltd-conveyor — LSST the Docs admin client.
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- mafiagg — A Python wrapper for the MafiaGG API
- mapbox — A Python client for Mapbox services
- mapistar — Api pour ma gestion d'un dossier médical sous Apistar
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- marshmallow-utils — Extras and utilities for Marshmallow.
- mdast-cli — Dynamic-Mobile-Security
- meteoroid-cli — CLI Client app for Meteoroid which is one of FIWARE components
- mongs-kfp — KubeFlow Pipelines SDK
- monocat — monocat is a command line utility for managing GitHub releases
- mypystarter — A Django JumpStart Library.
- naver-core — A Core Ancestor Library
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- notion2googlecalendar — A package to synchronize Notion tasks with Google Calendar
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- officelyTest — A brief description of your package
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- oms-cms — A high-level Python Web CMS
- oni-api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- OniPKG-Api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- open_source_library_data_collector — Periodically capture external data relating to GitHub hosted Open Source libraries
- pak8 — no summary
- palace-webpub-manifest-parser — A parser for the Readium Web Publication Manifest, OPDS 2.0 and ODL formats.
- papermerge-core — Open source document management system for digital archives
- pheme — report-generation-service
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- pokapi — Python package for getting basic data from a FOLIO LSP server
- poly-app-downloader — app_downloader
- pquisby — Quisby is a data processing and visualization tool for benchmark testing.
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- prinder — Posts a list of open pull requests for an organization
- prismedia — scripting your way to upload videos on peertube and youtube
- prospecting — Marketing toolset using Pandas & Google Sheets API, with classes for a variety of other Google APIs
- pureml-llm — no summary
- pybitbucket37 — A Python wrapper for the Bitbucket API
- pycldf — A python library to read and write CLDF datasets
- pyclts — Programmatic access to CLTS
- pydcapi — Unofficial Python library for Adobe Document Cloud
- pyhalboy — Halboy port to python for everything HAL related.
- pyne-xmas-elves — The Great Elf Game adapted for Python North East - client & server
- pynorare — A Python library to handle NoRaRe data
- pyrdfj2 — Python wrapper on jinja SPARQL templating
- pysema — Overall parent of all packages involving semantic manipulation of RDF data.
- pyshoper — Python client to REST api
- pysubyt — Python implementation of LinkedData Templates to produce triples out of various datasources
- pyte-prism — A Page Object Model DSL for Python, inspired by Ruby SitePrism
- pytigon-batteries — Pytigon library
- pyxiv — Pixiv Private API Wrapper
- quick-mail — A simple commandline application for sending mails quickly
- — Python wrapper for the GitHub API(
- rarefaction — Rarefaction and Accumulation for Metagenomic datasets
- restdoctor — BestDoctor's batteries for REST services.
- restnavigator — A python library for interacting with HAL+JSON APIs
- rivr-rest — Library for building REST apis.
- robotframework-pageobjects — no summary
- robustraster — Running user-defined functions on large datasets via out-of-core computation simplfied.
- rri — Client library for the ICANN Registry Reporting Interface
- satnogs-db — SatNOGS DB
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sharedstreets — Python implementation of SharedStreets Reference System
- sheet2db — A tiny library for one-way syncing the Google spreadsheet to database
- simple-youtube-video-commenter — CLI utility for adding comments
- SimpleVoiceAssistant — A simple voice assistant
- sirbot.plugins — Plugins for the good Sir Bot-a-lot
- six-python — Six offical python ackage
- sixth-python — Sixth offical python package
- sixth-sense — Six offical python ackage
- skyatc — no summary
- social-gpt — Social gpt
- songbirdcli — Songbird's cli.
- songbirdcore — core low level api for songbird
- sphynxml — no summary
- spotlite — Package to simplify working with Satellogic APIs
- sqlLibraryNabeel — Process json and convert it into dataframes
- — Python wrapper for the GitHub API(
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- swap-python-sdk — SWAP Python SDK
- telegram-gmail-bot — A bot that connects Telegram with Gmail