Reverse Dependencies of tzlocal
The following projects have a declared dependency on tzlocal:
- — The official command line client for RIPE Atlas
- risktools — Python wrapper for the R package RTL
- rizzgpt — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- RobertCommonBasic — Robert Common Basic Library
- robusta-stats — Statistical analysis package in Python
- rofehcloud — AI-powered CLI tool for automatic troubleshooting of complex systems based on Kubernetes, public and private clouds like AWS, Google Cloud (GCP), Azure, OpenStack, etc
- roses — ROSES (R pythOn Statistical tEstS) is a package to use statistical tests from R to Python
- rpaframework — A collection of tools and libraries for RPA
- rpnChilada — command-line RPN calculator
- rpy2 — Python interface to the R language (embedded R)
- rpy2-robjects — Python interface to the R language (embedded R)
- rs232-to-pdu — Converts RS232 serial data to SNMP commands to control PDUs.
- rs232-to-tripplite-pdu — no summary
- runtilities — running related scripts
- rupindytetool — Dyte task myawsometool by Rupin Patel.
- rx-weather — demo app to fetch weather using requests and rxpy
- sadf — Parse sysstat (sa/sar) output into Pandas Dataframes
- safetyculture-sdk-python — iAuditor Python SDK and integration tools
- sanic-restplus — Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Sanic
- saturnscrape — Scrapes information from, a collaborate school scheduling system.
- saveass — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- sbx — StudyBox (SBX) - Terminal Flashcards
- scalifiai-client — SCALIFI AI NO CODE PLATFORM
- scalr-ngine — Autoscaling for Clouds.
- sch2 — A cron shell wrapper for registering and updating cron jobs automatically in healthchecks
- sciunit2 — Sciunit command line
- scrapeanything — Library to scrape data from the internet and persist it easier
- scrapy-do — A daemon for scheduling Scrapy spiders
- scrapy-do-heroku — A daemon for scheduling Scrapy spiders
- scrapy-omdena-latam — Web Crawling application running Scrapy Tool extracting official policies
- scrapy-plus — scrapy 常用爬网必备工具包
- scrapy-processors — Provides processors for the itemloaders package, commonly used with scrapy.
- scrapydweb — Web app for Scrapyd cluster management, with support for Scrapy log analysis & visualization.
- scrapydwebx — Web app for Scrapyd cluster management, with support for Scrapy log analysis & visualization.
- scs_analysis — Information management and analysis utilities for South Coast Science data consumers
- scs_core — The root of all South Coast Science environmental monitoring applications.
- scs-hue — Connecting Philips Hue light bulbs to South Coast Science environmental data sources
- sealights-python-agent — Python Agent
- secat — Size-Exclusion Chromatography Algorithmic Toolkit
- sego-cli — The command line interface for the sego framework
- self-stats — Process Google Takeout data and visualize it using Dash.
- self-stats-app — Process Google Takeout data and visualize it using Dash.
- seniorweb — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- sensorkit — Simple utilities for generically using GPIO/I2C RPI sensors.
- seqslab-cli — Atgenomix SeqsLab Command Line Tool
- serverlesscli — automate db using csv data manipulation
- service-bootstrap — Framework for setting up service
- setec-ndustrialio-python — API bindings and worker tools for </>
- seven2one — Functions to interact with the Seven2one TechStack
- seveno-pyutil — Various unsorted Python utilities
- sh-mongodb — tap for extracting data from MongoDB - Datazip compatible
- shareddata — Memory Mapped / Shared Memory Database with S3 repository
- shaystack — Implementation of Haystack Project Specification
- sinatra-notion — Unofficial Python API client for
- sinatranotion — Unofficial Python API client for
- sirbot.plugins — Plugins for the good Sir Bot-a-lot
- skylab — A TUI for showing latest upcoming rocket launches.
- slack-message-pipe — a library for reading a Slack channel's message history as simple Python data structures
- slackchannel2pdf — Command line tool for exporting the text contents of any Slack channel to a PDF file.
- slippistats — Stats library for SSBM replay files
- snapshooter — Provides a set of utilities for comparing and backing up data on different filesystems
- snowflake-snowpark-python — Snowflake Snowpark for Python
- solaredge2mqtt — Read data from SolarEdge Inverter and publish it to MQTT
- sorno-py-scripts — Herman Tai's python scripts all prefixed with "sorno_"
- sourcespec — Earthquake source parameters from P- or S-wave displacement spectra
- spade-norms — SPADE Normative Plugin
- spectrochempy — Processing, analysis and modelling Spectroscopic data for Chemistry with Python
- SpiderKeeper-wmh — Admin ui for spider service, update info: upgrade dependent package
- SpiderKeeper-zam — Admin ui for spider service
- SpiderKeeper-zus — Admin ui for spider service, update info: upgrade dependent package and add secondary path
- SpiderManager — Admin ui for spider service
- sportmonks — Pythonic wrapper around SportMonks API.
- sportmonks-py — A Python package to interact with the SportMonks API
- spotml — Automate ML training on spot instances easily.
- ssak3 — ssak3 package
- st-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- st-menu-component — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developes
- stackcli — no summary
- stalker — A Production Asset Management (ProdAM) System
- stamwqr — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- starthinker — StarThinker is a Google gTech built python framework for creating and sharing re-usable workflow components.
- stela-control-dynamic — All apps in one for business.
- stela-control-professional — All apps in one for business.
- stictionanalyser — Stiction analysis of time series data in Seeq
- stjudecloud-oliver — An opinionated Cromwell orchestration system
- storyboard-api — StoryBoard Task Tracker API Service
- strategy-tester — A python package for testing strategies
- streamlit — Streaming Data Science
- Streamlit-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- streammachine-schemas-clickstream-avro — Python classes for clickstream
- streammachine-schemas-demo-avro — Python classes for demo
- Stricture — Stricture is a python package that provides classes and a CLI tool for easy scheduling, automating, and managing of specific operations.
- strmprivacy-schemas-demo-avro — Python classes for demo
- suntimes — For a given place (longitude, latitude and altitude) and a given day, returns the time of sunrise and the time of sunset (in UTC and in local time). Create and save a json or csv file with the timetables for a whole year. Calculations valid beyond the polar circles; returns Polar Day or Polar Night if needed.
- Superdesk-Core — Superdesk Core library
- suzieq — A framework and application for network observability
- sweet-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- swtools — Shortwave CLI tools for SWLing and DXing!
- systools — A project gathering basic Python tools.
- taipy-gui — Low-code library to create graphical user interfaces on the Web for your Python applications.