Reverse Dependencies of tzlocal
The following projects have a declared dependency on tzlocal:
- calcprimenumbers — package example
- caldav — CalDAV (RFC4791) client library
- calendar-cli — Simple command-line CalDav client, for adding and browsing calendar items, todo list items, etc.
- calendar-cli-kku — test file
- candy-web — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- carpi-gpsreporter — Python-written daemon reporting Redis bus delivered GPS data to external sources
- carpi-redisdatabus — Redis Data Bus (inspired by CAN-BUS, developed for CarPi)
- cdds — Package for coding dojo data science students and staff.
- cerebrium — no summary
- certomancer — PKI testing tool
- cfstacks — Manage CloudFormation sanely with templates written in YAML
- channelarchiver — Python client for the EPICS Channel Archiver.
- chaosiq-cloud — ChaosIQ plugin for the Chaos Toolkit CLI
- chartfactor — Integrates ChartFactor with Jupyter Notebooks
- chatgptTTS — This is the simplest module for AI Conversations with TTS.
- Chatty — A multi-platform chat bot framework
- chatwithkafka — A Kafka Chat application as a TUI
- cherryblossom — CherryBlossom: an API for Nosedive AI
- Chronoflow — no summary
- chyllonge — A Python 3.8+ implementation of the API.
- cid-cmd — Cloud Intelligence Dashboards deployment helper tool
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- clacks — Clacks framework
- clanvas — Command-line client for Canvas by Instructure
- clarite — CLeaning to Analysis: Reproducibility-based Interface for Traits and Exposures
- claude-pyrojects — A tool for uploading and managing projects in
- cli50 — This is CS50 CLI, with which you can mount a directory inside of an Ubuntu container.
- clickhouse-connect — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- clickhouse-connect-demo — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- clickhouse-connect-micropip — ClickHouse Database Core Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- clickhouse-driver — Python driver with native interface for ClickHouse
- cligraphy — Cligraphy Command line tools
- climextremes — climextremes wrapper module
- clockifytool — Tool to list, create, and delete time entries in Clockify
- closer-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- cloudbase-init — Portable cloud initialization service
- cloudmesh.common — A set of useful APIs for cloudmesh
- cnx-publishing — Application for accepting publication requests to the Connexions Archive.
- cogsys — cogsys package
- collatelogs — A simple log collator
- collective-folderprotection — Provide delete, rename and password protection for Plone items.
- conciseSchedules — A Concise Schedules module -- conciseSchedules for Python.
- cook-client — Two Sigma's Cook CLI
- coref — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corens — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- craft-ai — craft ai API python 3 client
- croninfo — Elegant Cron Expression Output via the CLI
- crontools — Python cron tools
- crypto-licensing — The crypto-licensing module implements Ed25519-signed license checking and automatic issuance after cryptocurrency payment
- cryptoadvance.specter — A GUI for Bitcoin Core optimised to work with airgapped hardware wallets
- crystal-web — Downloads websites for long-term archival.
- cryton — Advanced scenario orchestrator
- cryton-cli — Command line interface for Cryton Core
- cryton-core — Advanced scheduler for attack scenarios
- csv2notion-neo — Upload & Merge CSV or JSON Data with Images to Notion Database
- curls-cli — A command-line alternative to Postman.
- custom-streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
- cyberguard-sdk — Open source, AI-driven cybersecurity SDK for system analysis, actor identification, autonomous threat detection, analysis and mitigation.
- cypherpunkpay — Modern self-hosted software for accepting Bitcoin on clearnet and onion websites.
- dallinger — Laboratory automation for the behavioral and social sciences
- dareyou — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- dask-sql — SQL query layer for Dask
- databroker — Unification of NSLS-II data sources
- datadog-export — CLI and Lambda for exporting datadog metrics
- datadog-exporter — CLI for exporting datadog metrics
- dateparser — Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages
- datetime-formatter — Manipulate and format datetimes
- datmo — Open source model tracking tool for developers
- dbnd — Machine Learning Orchestration
- dbnd-airflow-monitor — Machine Learning Orchestration
- dbtr — An extension for the dbt CLI that allows deploying and running jobs remotely
- dds-cli — A command line tool to manage data and projects in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System.
- debpacker — A tool to help pack projects as a DEB file
- decentralizedroutines — Master/Worker implementation of decentralized git published routines and kinesis worker pool
- demisto-py — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- dependably-me — no summary
- deployfish — AWS ECS related deployment tools
- devdeck-macos — DevDeck commands for interacting with a macOS system
- devdeck-slack — Slack deck and controls for DevDeck.
- dfgen — A little tool to generate commonly used ci/cd templates like Dockerfiles.
- dgbowl-schemas — schemas for the dgbowl suite of tools
- dictrack — A componentized dictionary tracker
- digicloud — DigiCloud CLI
- discord-analyzer — CLI tool for scanning Discord servers and visualizing statistics
- discorddataanalyzer — no summary
- distask — a distribute task scheduler
- django-formulaic — A Django app for building custom web forms and collecting submissions.
- djangocms-installer — Command to easily bootstrap django CMS projects
- dmm-hummingbot-dev — Hummingbot
- dms-influx2 — Library to connect and retrieve data from DMS influxdb
- DNS-Command-Line-Tool — no summary
- dooit — A TUI Todo Manager
- DoTH-DNS — DoTH-DNS gives you great control over your DNS traffic
- dron — no summary
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- dsc — Implementation of Dynamic Statistical Comparisons
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- dt-browser — A TUI for browsing, searching, and filtering dataframes using Polars/Apache Arrow
- duty-board — Package to display an overview of all active Duty rosters you have at your Company using iCalendars.