Reverse Dependencies of twine
The following projects have a declared dependency on twine:
- xync-bot — Telegram bot with web app for xync net
- xync-client — no summary
- xync-schema — XyncNet project database model schema
- xync-script — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- xync-scripts — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- xyz2graph — Package for reading of .xyz files and constructing of molecular graphs from atomic coordinates.
- xyzspaces — Manage your XYZ Hub server or HERE Data Hub from Python
- yabm25 — Fast BM25 search engine for Python with RAG support
- yabs — Yet Another Build Script
- yaconfiglib — Another Config lib for python, basically load config/yaml/toml/... files and add some features like relative import and templating.
- yad80 — Yet Another Disassembler for Z80
- yalab-procedures — The yalab-procedures repository is dedicated to managing and executing data processing procedures for MRI data in the Assaf Neuro Lab.
- YAMDOG — Yet Another Markdown Only Generator
- yaml-models — Generate torch models from yaml config files.
- yandex-quasar-cli — Command line interface for Yandex Smart Home API
- yapconf — Yet Another Python Configuration
- yapic.json — Fastest JSON encode / decode library.
- yaping — ping library
- yaplon — Python 3-based commandline converter CSV → YAML ↔ JSON ↔ PLIST ↔ XML
- yardang — Easily generate sphinx documentation
- yasik — Yasik language compiler
- yasspy — Yet another sudoku solver
- yatotem2scdl — no summary
- yawsso — Yet Another AWS SSO - sync up AWS CLI v2 SSO login session to legacy CLI v1 credentials
- yby — yanbingyang personal packages
- yc-central — My package description
- ydata-fabric-sdk — YData SDK allows to use the *Data-Centric* tools from the YData ecosystem to accelerate AI development
- yellowdog-sdk — SDK for the YellowDog Platform
- ygg-keyfile — A library for handling the encrypted keyfiles used to store yggdrash private keys.
- yieldlang — no summary
- yin2009 — C3 and C4 photosynthesis models
- ynput — Ynput namespace
- yoggopoth — YogGoPoTh: learning Transformers with the Cthulhu Mythos!
- yolo-vision — realtimecv Python package
- yolocv — realtimecv Python package
- yolohub — realtimecv Python package
- yolololobagv4 — TensorFlow 2.x implementation of YOLOv4
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- yolov5-utils — Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
- YOLOv8-Explainer — Python packages that enable XAI methods for YOLOv8
- yoloworld — no summary
- Yoteelijo — Una Biblioteca que contiene la clase Random_pokemon para mostranos poquemones locos
- youtool — Easy-to-use library to access YouTube Data API v3 in bulk operations
- youtube-selenium-py — A Python package to create youtube channels, sub channels, upload videos, create community posts, edit channel, delete channel, and so much more.
- youtube-summary — no summary
- youwol — YouWol as a desktop application
- yrouter — A URL routing library.
- yt-transcript-dl — YouTube Transcript Downloader
- ytcomment — ytcomment scrap all comments and title given a youtube url.
- ytdl-sub — Automate downloading metadata generation with YoutubeDL
- ytree — An extension of yt for working with merger tree data.
- yum-hal — yummy hardware access layer
- YWP — This is a library to simplify the Python language for beginners while adding some features that are not found in other libraries
- za-id-number — South African (RSA/ZA) Identity Number checking and validation library
- zaim-pay-importer — zaimに対応していないANA Payや楽天Payの明細をGmailから取得してzaimにインポートするPythonライブラリ
- zaim-sdk — Zaim APIのためのPython SDK
- zaku — Zaku Task Queue is for distributed ML-workloads.
- zapp — Build zipapp single file Python applications easily
- zaps — Low-code Python wrapper for Exploratory Data Analysis
- zarinpal-py-sdk — A Python SDK for Zarinpal Payment Gateway
- zato-apitest — API Testing for Humans. Write API tests in pure English, without any programming needed.
- zavod — Data factory for followthemoney data.
- zdt-stepper — ZDT stepper motor control library
- zebra-qa — ZEBRA: Zero-Shot Example-Based Retrieval Augmentation for Commonsense Question Answering
- zeemee-py — Python packages for ZeeMee data-team
- zenkit — Python wrapper for the ZenKit library
- zenodoclient — programmatic access to Zenodo
- zenplate — A pluggable CLI templating tool leveraging the powers of Jinja2 and YAML
- zensvi — This package handles downloading, cleaning, analyzing street view imagery in a one-stop and zen manner.
- zephyr-ml — Prediction engineering methods for Draco.
- zeplyn — Zeplyn allows to you release python package fastly and easily in one command
- zero-mech — A zero-dimensional mechanics solver
- zeroml — zeroml.
- zerospeech-libriabx — Wrapper package for librilight-abx.
- zest.releaser — Software releasing made easy and repeatable
- zetsubou — FASTbuild generator for the helpless
- zf-pd — pd supercharges your development workflows
- zfit — scalable pythonic model fitting for high energy physics
- zfit-interface — zfit model fitting interface for HEP
- zfit-physics — Physics extension to zfit
- zfitpy — Electrical model fitting to impedance data
- zgw-auth-backend — A Django REST framework authentication class for the ZGW API authentication pattern.
- zhu2018 — Data and formalisms from Zhu 2018
- zhu2020 — Data and formalisms from Zhu 2020
- zhuan — no summary
- zhujunhua-common — Common model for other project
- zigzag-dse — ZigZag - Deep Learning Hardware Design Space Exploration
- zik-dl — Command-line program to download music from YouTube and other websites.
- zillion — Make sense of it all. Data modeling and analytics with a sprinkle of AI.
- zillionare-backtest — zillionare backtest framework.
- zillionare-core-types — core types definition shared by zillionare.
- zillionare-em — earn money.
- zillionare-omega — 高速分布式行情服务器
- zillionare-omicron — Core Library for Zillionare
- zillionare-pluto — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- zillionare-ths-boards — 同花顺行业板块及概念板块数据本地化
- zillionare-trader-client — Zillionare Trader Client
- Zino — Robust network management system for large backbone networks
- zip-files — Command line utilities for creating zip files
- zipfile-inflate64 — Extract Enhanced Deflate ZIP archives with Python's zipfile API.