Reverse Dependencies of twine
The following projects have a declared dependency on twine:
- xkcd-python — A wrapper for's API. Built Using Python.
- xlavir — Excel report from viral sequencing analysis output
- xllm — Simple & Cutting Edge LLM Finetuning
- xlrd — Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) .xls spreadsheet files
- xlrd-2024 — Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) .xls spreadsheet files
- xlref — Excel table reader library.
- xls-updater — Convert legacy xls data to newer xlsx format.
- xlsx2sqlite — Generate a Sqlite3 database from a Office Open XML file.
- xlutils — Utilities for working with Excel files that require both xlrd and xlwt
- xmlhelpy — CLI wrapper supporting the xmlhelp interface.
- xmltread — Make XML documents more easily accessible
- xn-api — Simplest fastest minimal REST API CRUD generator for Tortoise ORM models
- xn-auth — Auth adapter for XN-Api framework
- xn-client — no summary
- xn-model — Base model for xn-api
- xocto — Kraken Technologies Python service utilities
- xontrib-aliastips — Suggest alias tips after a command is executed
- xontrib-simplejump — The simplest way to jump between directories.
- xournal-converters — Python scripts for converting Xournal documents to HTML and PDF.
- xpdlines — A program for plotting powder diffraction patterns and background subtraction
- xpip-python — Python package. Build. Install.
- xpip.upload — upload python package via twine
- xplogger — Logging Utility for ML Experiments
- xport — SAS XPORT file reader
- xportr — Lightweight Prometheus exporter
- xradar — Xradar includes all the tools to get your weather radar into the xarray data model.
- xradio — Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
- xrandr-extend — Extend a HIDPI screen to a normal DPI external display
- xraydb — calculations with XrayDB: reference data for X-ray interactions with matter
- xrayweb — Web interface for X-ray Properties of the elements
- xrlint — A linter for xarray datasets.
- xrobo-calibration — The xrobo_calibration project provides a robust framework for calibrating robotic systems. It supports tools and methodologies for determining transformations between key components, such as cameras, robotic arms, and mobile base using calibration patterns like chessboards or markers.
- xsessionp — A declarative window instantiation utility for x11 sessions, heavily inspired by tmuxp.
- xsm-parser — Executable Shlaer-Mellor State Model Parser
- xsocs — Xray Strain Orientation Calculation Software
- XTablesClient — A high-performance Python client for real-time management of XTablesServer network tables, designed for robotics and complex data-driven systems.
- xtg-auth — Authentication backend for Telegram Mini Apps on starlette/fastapi API
- xtremcache — Handle generic file and directories caching
- xwhy — Explain Why (XWhy) with Statistical Model-agnostic Interpretability with Local Explanations (SMILE)
- xxxsssssasdasdasdasd — no summary
- xync-bot — Telegram bot with web app for xync net
- xync-client — no summary
- xync-schema — XyncNet project database model schema
- xync-script — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- xync-scripts — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- xyz2graph — Package for reading of .xyz files and constructing of molecular graphs from atomic coordinates.
- xyzspaces — Manage your XYZ Hub server or HERE Data Hub from Python
- yabs — Yet Another Build Script
- yaconfiglib — Another Config lib for python, basically load config/yaml/toml/... files and add some features like relative import and templating.
- yad80 — Yet Another Disassembler for Z80
- yalab-procedures — The yalab-procedures repository is dedicated to managing and executing data processing procedures for MRI data in the Assaf Neuro Lab.
- YAMDOG — Yet Another Markdown Only Generator
- yaml-models — Generate torch models from yaml config files.
- yandex-quasar-cli — Command line interface for Yandex Smart Home API
- yapconf — Yet Another Python Configuration
- yapic.json — Fastest JSON encode / decode library.
- yaping — ping library
- yaplon — Python 3-based commandline converter CSV → YAML ↔ JSON ↔ PLIST ↔ XML
- yardang — Easily generate sphinx documentation
- yasik — Yasik language compiler
- yasspy — Yet another sudoku solver
- yatotem2scdl — no summary
- yawsso — Yet Another AWS SSO - sync up AWS CLI v2 SSO login session to legacy CLI v1 credentials
- yby — yanbingyang personal packages
- yc-central — My package description
- ydata-fabric-sdk — YData SDK allows to use the *Data-Centric* tools from the YData ecosystem to accelerate AI development
- yellowdog-sdk — SDK for the YellowDog Platform
- ygg-keyfile — A library for handling the encrypted keyfiles used to store yggdrash private keys.
- yieldlang — no summary
- yin2009 — C3 and C4 photosynthesis models
- ynput — Ynput namespace
- yoggopoth — YogGoPoTh: learning Transformers with the Cthulhu Mythos!
- yolo-vision — realtimecv Python package
- yolocv — realtimecv Python package
- yolohub — realtimecv Python package
- yolololobagv4 — TensorFlow 2.x implementation of YOLOv4
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- yolov5-utils — Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
- YOLOv8-Explainer — Python packages that enable XAI methods for YOLOv8
- yoloworld — no summary
- Yoteelijo — Una Biblioteca que contiene la clase Random_pokemon para mostranos poquemones locos
- youtool — Easy-to-use library to access YouTube Data API v3 in bulk operations
- youtube-selenium-py — A Python package to create youtube channels, sub channels, upload videos, create community posts, edit channel, delete channel, and so much more.
- youtube-summary — no summary
- youwol — YouWol as a desktop application
- yrouter — A URL routing library.
- yt-transcript-dl — YouTube Transcript Downloader
- ytcomment — ytcomment scrap all comments and title given a youtube url.
- ytdl-sub — Automate downloading metadata generation with YoutubeDL
- ytree — An extension of yt for working with merger tree data.
- yum-hal — yummy hardware access layer
- YWP — This is a library to simplify the Python language for beginners while adding some features that are not found in other libraries
- zaim-pay-importer — zaimに対応していないANA Payや楽天Payの明細をGmailから取得してzaimにインポートするPythonライブラリ
- zaim-sdk — Zaim APIのためのPython SDK
- zaku — Zaku Task Queue is for distributed ML-workloads.
- zapp — Build zipapp single file Python applications easily
- zaps — Low-code Python wrapper for Exploratory Data Analysis
- zarinpal-py-sdk — A Python SDK for Zarinpal Payment Gateway
- zato-apitest — API Testing for Humans. Write API tests in pure English, without any programming needed.
- zavod — Data factory for followthemoney data.