Reverse Dependencies of twine
The following projects have a declared dependency on twine:
- aioddd — Async Python DDD utilities library.
- aiodi — Container for the Dependency Injection in Python.
- aioemonitor — Asyncio Python lib for SiteSage Emonitor
- aiognmi — Async, efficient and lightweight gNMI client written in Python.
- aiohttp-pydantic — Aiohttp View using pydantic to validate request body and query sting regarding method annotations.
- aioice-no-netifaces — Jeremy Lainé's aioice library wihtout netifaces dependency
- aiokilogram — Convenience tools and wrappers for aiogram
- aiomsg — Socket-based abstraction for messaging patterns
- aiootp — a high-level async cryptographic anonymity library to scale, simplify, & automate privacy best practices for secure data & identity processing, communication, & storage.
- aioproc — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- aioredlock — Asyncio implemetation of Redis distributed locks
- aiorequest — Package provides asynchronous user-friendly HTTP client with clean objects.
- aioretry — Asyncio retry utility for Python 3.7+
- aiorobot — asyncio interface for iRobot Root
- aiortc-datachannel-only — Jeremy Lainé's aiortc library with only datachannel support and no extra dependencies
- aioshutdown — Context manager that provides simple graceful shutdown interface for your asyncio tasks.
- aiosql — Simple SQL in Python
- aiostd — A simple library for asynchronous communication with standard I/O.
- aiotempfile — Provides asynchronous temporary files.
- aiotools — Idiomatic asyncio utilities
- aiotusclient — upload client library for Python asyncio
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-balancer — Utilities for load balancing DAGs
- airflow-cdk — Custom cdk constructs for apache airflow
- airflow-common-operators — Common operators and tasks for airflow
- airflow-config — Airflow utilities for configuration of many DAGs and DAG environments
- airflow-ha — High Availability (HA) DAG Utility
- airflow-laminar — Meta-repository for airflow-laminar tools
- airflow-package — Packaging Airflow
- airflow-priority — Priority Tags for Airflow Dags
- airflow-prometheus-exporter — Prometheus Exporter for Airflow Metrics
- airflow-sops-secrets-backend — A airflow_sops secrets backend with sops
- airflow-supervisor — Supervisor operators and configuration for long-running tasks
- airoot — Suite of generation models for text, image, audio and video.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- airports — A comprehensive Python library for airport data management and querying heavily influenced by Tim Rogers' Airports gem. This library provides fast, efficient lookups for airport information using IATA codes, ICAO codes, cities, regions, and countries.
- AIrToolClassifier — Automate digital tool categorization and uncover potential use-cases with AIrToolClassifier.
- ais-cli — Ais (ai shell) is interactive command line ai tool powered by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)
- aisqlite — AI enhanced SQLite
- aisuiteplus — Uniform access layer for LLMs
- Aitomatic-Contrib — Aitomatic Contrib
- aitoolz — Python toolz, by Alex Ioannides (AI).
- aixd-ara — Grasshopper plugin for the AIXD toolkit
- aj-abydos-mod — Fork of the Abydos NLP/IR library
- ak-sw-benchmarker — AK_SW_BENCHMARKER that makes it possible to apply different sizing algorithms and allometric yield prediction models to manually labeled color and depth tree images.
- akkits — AKK-ITS SDK for AkiraKan Light Trails Fusion Box.
- akriml — ML methods for exploration and curation of large, high-dimensional datasets.
- — PlatON alaya network SDK
- aldict — Multi-key dictionary, supports adding and manipulating key-aliases pointing to shared values
- aleph-pytezos — Add a short description here!
- aleph-vrf — Verifiable Random Function
- alessandro-c-mod1-atsiskaitymas — Web crawler
- alexa-browser-client — Alexa client in your browser. Django app.
- alexa-client — Python Client for Alexa Voice Service (AVS)
- alfreds — Alfreds CLI
- algebraical — Subclass of the built-in function type for representing algebraic operators (that are typically associated with algebraic structures and algebraic circuits) as immutable, hashable, sortable, and callable objects.
- algo-profiler — A module for profiling algorithms.
- algol-bayer — bayer-masked spectroscopic image reduction package
- algopack — Implementation of various common CS algortihms in Cython
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- AlgoSolver — A library to help developers use complex algorithms without having to code it themselves
- algotradepy — Python Auto-Trading Framework
- algovera-ocean-lib — 🐳 Ocean protocol library.
- alhazen-py — Python version of the debugging tool Alhazen
- alidock — Run your ALICE environment from a container easily
- alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert — alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert helps apply traditional phyloinformatics software to alife standardized data
- allen1989 — Formalisms from Allen at al. 1989 paper
- allencell-segmenter-ml — A plugin to leverage ML segmentation in napari
- allennlp — An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- allennlp-light — no summary
- allowedflare — Authenticate to Django with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed by Cloudflare Access
- AlphaClops1 — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- alphaDIA — A novel proteomics search engine for DIA data based on end-to-end transfer learning.
- alpharaw — An open-source Python package to unify raw MS data access and storage.
- alphatools-jv — Wrapper over angel broking smartapi to read cached options market data
- alphaviz — A interactive Dashboard to explore mass spectrometry data.
- Alphaworkz — This package allows to make the ERP easily customizable
- AlpineHtmxWebViewTest — Test repo for a solution that uses Alpine.js, HTMX, and pywebview.
- alsina2011 — Data and formalisms from Alsina et al. (2011)
- altb-utils — Utilities for creating tasks for the cloud server asynchronous long task backend (ALTB)
- alto-dev — Run any code on the cloud, instantly.
- alto-xml — A Python parser for alto XML files, for handling OCR outputs
- altscore — Python SDK for AltScore. It provides a simple interface to the AltScore API.
- altwistendpy — Extras for working with Twisted.
- amauri — Um simples leitor de artigos do blog da TreinaWeb
- amazon-codeguru-jupyterlab-extension — Security, code quality, and ML recommendations
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- amazon-sagemaker-jupyter-ai-q-developer — A JupyterLab extension.
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-editor — Jupyter extension for SQL editing capabilities within Amazon SageMaker notebooks
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-execution — SageMaker SQL Execution library
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-magic — SageMaker SQL Magic library
- amino.fix.fix — Unofficial library to work with Aminoapps
- amoragon-test — Un ejemplo sencillo
- ampari — no summary
- amplitude-data-wrapper — python wrapper for using the amplitude analytics and taxonomy APIs
- amsterdam-airflow-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam airflow instances.
- amsterdam-schema-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam Schema.
- anaconda-catalogs — Client library for Anaconda Catalogs
- anaconda-cli-base — A base CLI entrypoint supporting Anaconda CLI plugins
- anaconda-cloud-auth — A client auth library for APIs