Reverse Dependencies of trimesh
The following projects have a declared dependency on trimesh:
- 3DJCG-3Dvisual-question-answering — 3DJCG Models
- abm-shape-collection — Collection of tasks for analyzing cell shapes.
- AeroSandbox — A Python 3 package for playing around with aerodynamics ideas related to vortex lattice methods, coupled viscous/inviscid methods, automatic differentiation for gradient computation, aircraft design optimization, and the like. Work in progress!
- aind-mri-targeting — Tools to plan and execute MRI-guided targeting experiments
- aind-mri-utils — MRI utilities library for aind teams.
- AITViewer — Viewing and rendering of sequences of 3D data.
- alphashape — Toolbox for generating alpha shapes.
- altprint — Alternative 3d printing
- amon.wayfinder — no summary
- anemoi-graphs — A package to build graphs for data-driven forecasts.
- arctic-ai — Python package for Arctic Workflow. Mirrors jupyter developments.
- AstroVascPy — Simulating blood flow in vasculature
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- avalon-rl — Avalon: A Benchmark for RL Generalization Using Procedurally Generated Worlds
- balanna — Visualization Tools for Humans and Stuff
- banc — Tools for the GridTape-TEM dataset of an adult female fly's Brain And Nerve Cord
- basic-robotics — Basic Robotics Toolbox Developed in FASER Lab
- bevis3d — A web-based 3D visualization tool for 3D computer vision.
- bfieldtools — Open-source Python software for magnetic field modeling
- bikinibottom — Take pixels from a cloudvolume and push it somewhere else
- bio-pyvol — a PyMOL plugin and python package for visualization, comparison, and volume calculation of protein drug-binding sites
- blender-tissue-cartography — Pipeline for tissue extraction and analysis of surfaces from volumetric mircroscopy data using blender
- blenderless — Blenderless is the python package for easy headless rendering using blender.
- blendify — Python rendering framework for Blender
- body-measurements — It allows us to measure the human body generated by SMPL model.
- brain-slam — Surface anaLysis And Modeling
- brainextractor — brain extraction in python
- brainstat — A toolbox for statistical analysis of neuroimaging data
- brax — A differentiable physics engine written in JAX.
- brep-to-h5m — Converts Brep CAD geometry files to h5m geometry files compatible with DAGMC simulations
- brom_drake — A set of convenient logging and testing tools for the Drake robotics toolbox.
- cad-to-dagmc — Converts CAD files to a DAGMC h5m file
- CAD-to-OpenMC — Package to automagically convert step-geometries to h5m descriptions for neutronics by OpenMC
- cajal — A library for multi-modal cell morphology analyses using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance.
- cellpack — algorithm to pack molecular recipes
- cellshape-helper — 3D shape analysis using deep learning
- cerc-geometry — CERC Geometry Library with different modules to manipulate geometric objects
- Cerebro-Viewer — Cerebro Viewer - A pythonic 3D viewer to visualize and plot brains
- cgal-pybind — Python bindings for some CGAL classes
- checkifc — A package to work with IFC meshes
- chemscad — GUI application for the creation of Reactionware.
- chmpy — Molecules, crystals, promolecule and Hirshfeld surfaces using python.
- cloudrender — An OpenGL framework for pointcloud and mesh rendering
- clump-python — This Python library provides tools for creating and examining clumps using techniques: the Euclidean Distance Transform, Favier, and Ferellec-McDowell. It allows for the efficient generation of clumps and the extraction of their surfaces.
- cmlibs.importer — CMLibs Import functions.
- cnceye — CMM python library
- co2tools — Easily automate generating 3D models from DXF files and merge DXF files for CO2 laser cutting
- colour-science — Colour Science for Python
- combinatorial-peptide-pooling — TCR deorphanization using combinatorial pooling strategy
- compas-cem — The Combinatorial Equilibrium Modeling framework for COMPAS
- composed-trackers — Trackres adapters and interfaces
- compositionspace — APT analysis tools
- copepodTCR — COmbinatorial PEptide POoling for TCR specificity
- copick — Definitions for a collaborative cryoET annotation tool.
- cpas-toolbox — Toolbox to evaluate categorical pose and shape estimation
- CraftSlicer — A portal from reality to Minecraft
- dagmc-bounding-box — Find the bounding box and other related properties of a DAGMC h5m file
- dagmc-geometry-slice-plotter — A minimal Python package for creating plots of slices through DAGMC geometry
- datasci-stdlib-tools — Utility functions for commonly used data science packages (numpy, pandas, etc) and generic python utility functions
- delaunay-watershed-3d — Geometrical reconstruction of cell assemblies from instance segmentations
- demosys-py — Modern OpenGL 3.3+ Framework inspired by Django
- dex_retargeting — Hand pose retargeting for dexterous robot hand.
- differentiable-voronoi — differentiable Voronoi tessellation
- diffrp — Differentiable Render Pipelines with PyTorch.
- docarray — The data structure for multimodal data
- dpdprops — Mapping between DPD parameters and fluid properties.
- dphox — no summary
- dpm-tools — A collection of tools and workflows to streamline the processing and visualization of porous media images.
- dreifus — dreifus lifts your 3D camera experience and facilitates computer vision applications
- dtcc-viewer — DTCC Viewer
- dvidtools — Fetch data from DVID server
- dvis — The best web-based visualizer
- echosms — Acoustic backscattering models used in aquatic ecosystem research
- engscript — EngScript is an experimental library aiming to provide fast OpenSCAD-like, python tool, with integrated rendering and assembly capabilities
- f3ast — FEBID 3D Algorithm for Stream File Generation (F3AST)
- fafbseg — Tools to work with auto-segmented FAFB data
- famudy-data — <<<ENTER_DESCRIPTION>>>
- fanc-fly — Tools for the Female Adult Nerve Cord Drosophila EM dataset
- fastai-sparse — Fastai extention for sparse 2D-3D like pointclouds and triangle meshes
- fastdev — Type less, code more
- fbxloader — utility to read fbx file
- fdtdx — A JAX framework for the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for solving Maxwell's equations with a focus on inverse design of photonic devices.
- FE-3DGQA — FE-3DGQA Model
- FLAME-PyTorch — PyTorch implementation of the 3D FLAME model.
- flitter-lang — Flitter is a functional programming language and declarative system for describing 2D and 3D visuals
- foambryo — Tension inference for 3D cell assemblies
- framesh — Local reference frame algorithms for meshes
- fslpy — FSL Python library
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- gdsfactoryplus — GDSFactory+: adds powerful features such as foundry PDKs, simulations, and verification tools like DRC and LVS.
- genepy3d — Python Library for 3D Quantitative Geometry in Computation Microscopy
- geogeometry — A Python geometrical library made for geotechnical engineering.
- geomapi — A standard library to manage geomatic data
- geotaichi — A Taichi-powered high-performance numerical simulator for multiscale geophysical problems
- GGTS — This library allows to compress, visualize, generate and process sequences of geographic locations.
- glover — An Open**GL** Lay**over** library built on top of vispy for plotting BSB entities.
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- gr-urchin — URDF parser and manipulator for Python
- graph-weather — Weather Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks
- graspnetAPI — graspnet API