Reverse Dependencies of trimesh
The following projects have a declared dependency on trimesh:
- procthor — None
- projectaria-atek — Aria training and evaluation kits
- provis — Protein Visualization Library in Python
- pybullet-suite — Pybullet wrapper for easy use
- pycoilgen — Magnetic Field Coil Generator for Python.
- pydelling — Package providing a variety of utility methods for mathematical modelling
- pyg-nightly — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- pygarment — A modular programming framework for designing parametric sewing patterns
- pygfx — Powerful and versatile visualization for Python
- pyhfp — Hierarchical Fitting Primitives.
- pykin — Robotics Kinematics Library
- pymesh3d — mesh extract and render by python
- pynibs — A python toolbox to conduct non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) experiments.
- pypifuhd — pypifuhd: Python tools for processing 3D face
- pyprocar — A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.
- pyrender — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pyribbit — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pyrigi — Python package concerning the rigidity and flexibility of bar-and-joint frameworks.
- pyrobosim — ROS 2 enabled 2D mobile robot simulator for behavior prototyping.
- pyscenekit — PySceneKit is an open-source Python library designed for common 2D and 3D scene processing and visualization tasks.
- pysdfgen — SDFGen for Python
- PySimultanRadiation — Package for SIMULTAN shading analyses
- PySimultanUI — no summary
- pysmtb — python toolbox of (mostly) image-related helper / visualization functions
- pyssam — A Python library for statistical modelling of biomedical shape and appearance
- pytamp — Robotics Task and Motion Planning Library
- PythonSLM — Python Package for Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Development
- pyvlib — Python vlib
- qlayers — Quantitative layer analysis for renal MRI
- QtQmlViewport — Python QtQml 3D viewer toolkit
- quosc — Simulating quantum oscillations
- radifox — Conversion tools using the RADIFOX framework.
- randoor — Generate randomized indoor scene.
- raymics — Raymics Tools
- realnet — Realnet command line interface
- region-grower — Synthesize cells in a given spatial context.
- regular-mesh-plotter — A Python package for creating publication quality plots of regular mesh tallies with the underlying geometry
- render-me-harder — Stupidly simple API for rendering 3D models to images
- renumics-spotlight — Visualize and maintain datasets to develop and understand data-driven algorithms.
- rerun-animation — A rerun-sdk plugin and tools for 3D animation.
- rerun-robotics — Robotics visualization using Rerun
- rfviser — 3D visualization + Python
- rlschool — RLSchool: Excellent environments for reinforcement Learning benchmarking
- robomeshcat — RoboMeshCat - Set of utilities for visualizing robots in web-based visualizer MeshCat.
- rod — The ultimate Python tool for RObot Descriptions processing.
- roomor — A Python framework for generating and deploying random room for Gazebo
- rr-infinigen — Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
- scene-graph-predictor-pc — 3D Scene Graph Models
- scene-synthesizer — Quickly generate a random articulated scene for robotics research and applications
- scenic — The Scenic scenario description language.
- scikit-robot — A Flexible Framework for Robot Control in Python
- sdfest — 6-DoF pose, scale, and shape estimation architecture
- shoulder — patient specific anatomic coordinate system generation for shoulder bones
- sim-web-visualizer — Web based visualizer for simulators
- simplicits — unofficial implementation of simplicits in nerfstudio.
- SIMULTAN-MeshTools — Create meshes and map values on meshes for SIMULTAN geometry
- Skeletor — Python 3 library to extract skeletons from 3D meshes
- slam-dataset-sdk — Simple 3D LiDAR-Odometry dataset loading pipeline
- smarts — no summary
- smplx — PyTorch module for loading the SMPLX body model
- solarhouse — package for calculate solar power what you can get on surfaces of building by solar heat collectors
- sparse-cubes — Marching cubes on sparse matrices
- starst3r — Ultra fast 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis.
- stray — Stray SDK
- subsurface — Subsurface data types and utilities
- supervisely — Supervisely Python SDK.
- supr-convertor — A simple tool to convert SMPL-X model parameters to SUPR model parameters.
- surforama — a tool for using surfaces to explore volumetric data in napari
- tensorflow-graphics — A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly written graphics related ops and utility functions for TensorFlow.
- tfg-nightly — A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly written graphics related ops and utility functions for TensorFlow.
- ThreeDTool — This module is needed to work in geometric primitives.
- threedvg — Visual Ground
- threefiner — Threefiner: a text-guided mesh refiner
- tidy3d — A fast FDTD solver
- tidy3d-beta — A fast FDTD solver
- tls-occlusion — Performs the matching of simulated point clouds to tree tree models in order to assess scanning occlusion.
- toponetx — Computing on Topological Domains
- torch-geometric — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- torchhull — A fast Visual Hull implementation
- torchphysics — PyTorch implementation of Deep Learning methods to solve differential equations
- trimesh — Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes.
- TurtleMol — Design, create, and generate unique, complex molecular structures of any shape and size!
- unitcellengine — Lattice unitcell geometry and analysis framework
- urchin — URDF parser and manipulator for Python
- urdf-to-usd — Add your description here
- urdfenvs — Simple simulation environment for robots, based on the urdf files.
- urdfpy — URDF parser and manipulator for Python
- vathos — Vathos Python API.
- vertices-to-h5m — Converts mesh vertices and connectivity to h5m geometry files compatible with DAGMC simulations
- virtual-ipm — Virtual-IPM is a software for simulating transverse profile monitors under the influence of beam space-charge and external fields.
- viser — 3D visualization + Python
- vision6D — 3D-to-2D visualization and annotation desktop app for 6D pose estimation related tasks. This python-based application is designed to work on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu-tested).
- visualization — Visualization toolkit for the Berkeley AutoLab.
- volmdlr — A volume modeler computation-oriented. Include rendering bindings.
- vrprot — This package is used to generate your own protein structure images to represent 3D protein structures on the VRNetzer platform.
- vuer — no summary
- wbsurfer2 — CLI tool for making CIFTI-related movies
- wis3d — A web-based 3D visualization tool for 3D computer vision.
- xatlas — Python bindings for xatlas
- xlb — XLB: Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann (XLB) for Physics-based ML