Reverse Dependencies of tenacity
The following projects have a declared dependency on tenacity:
- PyDingDing — This is a msg-robot for DingTalk.
- PyDingTalk — This is a msg-robot for DingTalk.
- pydirectus-sdk — Python SDK for Directus
- PyDynamoDB — Python DB API 2.0 (PEP 249) client for Amazon DynamoDB
- pyenphase — Library to control enphase envoy
- pyeqx — no summary
- pyeqx-core — no summary
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- PyFeishu — This is a msg-robot for FeiShu.
- pygqlc — Python client for graphql APIs
- pygssearch — Python GSS search and download product library
- pyhkc — A Python client for HKC SecureComm API
- pyiceberg — Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets
- PYield — A Python library for analysis of fixed income instruments in Brazil
- pyllmsearch — LLM Powered Advanced RAG Application
- pyloniex — Python bindings for the Poloniex API
- pymanga-dl — Search and download comic.
- pymeepo — A lightweight Python SDK for building AI agents, enabling collaborative and supervisor-worker models for complex workflows
- pynoonlight — Create and update alarms for Noonlight
- pynws — Python library to retrieve observations and forecasts from NWS/NOAA
- pyonwater — EyeOnWater client library.
- pypgstac — Schema, functions and a python library for storing and accessing STAC collections and items in PostgreSQL
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- pyprocessors-openai_completion — OpenAICompletion processor
- pyprocessors-search_segments — Similar segments processor
- pyprtg-api — Client API to communicate with PRTG instance.
- pyreach — Python wrapper for Reach API
- pyrfx — A comprehensive Python SDK for interacting with RFX contracts and data.
- pyrit — The Python Risk Identification Tool for LLMs (PyRIT) is a library used to assess the robustness of LLMs
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pysemanticscholar — A python library aiming to get data via Semantic Scholar API
- pysimio — no summary
- pyslk — Python library for interaction with the DKRZ tape archive based on non-public CLIs slk and slk_helpers
- pyspur — PySpur is a Graph UI for building AI Agents in Python
- pysunspec-to-pvoutput — convert read from solar inverters that implement the SunSpec interface, to pvoutput-publisher input
- pytcherplants — pitcher geometry & color analysis for top-down images of Sarracenia
- pytest-aws-fixtures — A series of fixtures to use in integration tests involving actual AWS services.
- pytest-celery — Pytest plugin for Celery
- pytest-clerk — A set of pytest fixtures to help with integration testing with Clerk.
- pytest-docker-service — pytest plugin to start docker container
- pytest-f3ts — Pytest Plugin for communicating test results and information to a FixturFab Test Runner GUI
- pytest-fauna — A collection of helpful test fixtures for Fauna DB.
- pytest-selenium — pytest plugin for Selenium
- pytest-target — Pytest plugin for remote target orchestration.
- pytest-yls — Pytest plugin to test the YLS as a whole.
- python-coiote — Interact with Coiote DM API
- python-dataservice — Lightweight async data gathering for Python
- python_notion_to_md — Convert Notion pages to Markdown - Python port of notion-to-md
- python-presenter — Presenter pattern to help manage the complexity of bloated controllers/views and logic-laden templates
- python-rucaptcha — Python 3.9+ RuCaptcha library with AIO module.
- python-tempestconf — python-tempestconf will automatically generates the tempest configuration based on your cloud.
- python-uc-tools — no summary
- python-vcon — vCon conversational data container manipulation package
- python3-anticaptcha — Python 3.9+ RuCaptcha library with AIO module.
- python3-capsolver — Python 3.8+ Capsolver library with AIO module.
- pytrends-httpx — Pseudo API for Google Trends - Async version with httpx
- pytrydan — Library to interface with V2C EVSE Trydan
- pytse-client — tehran stock exchange(TSE) client in python
- pyugt — Universal Game Translator from on-screen text in Python
- pyvespa — Python API for
- pyz3r — A python module for interacting with the web API of various randomizers, such as or
- pyzayo — Zayo API python client
- q-alchemy-sdk-py — no summary
- qabot — Query local or remote data files with natural language queries powered by OpenAI and DuckDB.
- qai-storage — Qai Storage API
- QbitLeech — Telegram MirLeech Bot
- qcanvas-api-clients — no summary
- qcs-api-client — A client library for accessing the Rigetti QCS API
- qctrl — Q-CTRL Python
- qctrl-client — Q-CTRL Client
- qctrl-workflow-client — Q-CTRL Workflow Client
- qg_toolkit — qg_toolkit for Python!
- qianfan — 文心千帆大模型平台 Python SDK
- qinling — Function as a Service
- qiskit-alice-bob-provider — Provider for running Qiskit circuits on Alice & Bob QPUs and simulators
- QMDown — QQ音乐解析/下载工具
- qset-python-client — Python client for Qset API
- qtweepy — Twitter (selfbot) for Python!
- quack2tex — Add your description here
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quantalogic — QuantaLogic ReAct Agents
- quart-sqlalchemy — SQLAlchemy for humans, with framework adapter for Quart.
- querai — A middle layer between the applications and the LLMs.
- quetz-server — The mamba-org server for conda packages
- queue-messaging — Python queue messaging library.
- quilt3 — Quilt: where data comes together
- quizwiz — A quiz system for developers
- quotientai — CLI for evaluating large language models with Quotient
- qusi — no summary
- qywechat — This is a msg-robot for qywechat.
- raclients — Clients for OS2mo/LoRa
- radio-mlbee-client — radio_mlbee_client
- ragaai-catalyst — RAGA AI CATALYST
- ragasas — A package that can be used to create RAGs with a single line of code.
- ragbuilder — RagBuilder SDK - Create optimal Production-ready RAG pipelines
- ragelo — RAGElo: A Tool for Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation Models
- raggen — RAG dataset generator
- raggy — scraping stuff
- ragmatic — A package for creating retrieval-augmented generation apps
- rampante — A microservices nanoframework.