Reverse Dependencies of tenacity
The following projects have a declared dependency on tenacity:
- pokepy-sdk — Python library for interacting with the `pokeapi` API
- polaris-lib — Client for the Polaris Hub.
- policy-validator — A policy validation tool using OpenAI Models
- portainerlang — no summary
- porunga_cli — A CLI tool to suggest commit messages
- powerbot-backtesting — All PowerBot backtesting functions in one package
- pqapi — API for interacting with
- pr-action — KhulnaSoft PR-Assistant aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- pr-agent — CodiumAI PR-Agent aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- pr-assist — KhulnaSoft PR-Assistant aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- pr-insight — KhulnaSoftAI PR-Insight aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- prediction-prophet — no summary
- prefab-cloud-python — Python client for Prefab Feature Flags, Dynamic log levels, and Config as a Service:
- prefect-aws — Prefect integrations for interacting with Amazon Web Services.
- prefect-gcp — Prefect integrations for interacting with Google Cloud Platform.
- prefect-gitlab — A Prefect collection for working with GitLab repositories.
- prefect-kubernetes — Prefect integrations for interacting with Kubernetes.
- priceloop — python interface to interact with priceloop platform
- priority-manager — A CLI tool for managing tasks with priorities and statuses.
- PrivacySherlock — A Python package for PII detection and classification
- processcube-sdk — Some tools and defaults to program for the ProcessCube.
- prompeteer — Prompt Development and Evaluation tool
- PromptManager — no summary
- prompttools — Tools for LLM prompt testing and experimentation
- promptwizard — Prompt Wizard is a package for evaluating custom prompts using various evaluation methods. It allows you to provide your own prompts or generate them automatically and then obtain the results in a JSON file.
- pronom-tools — Tools for working with PRONOM releases
- proofreading-cli — no summary
- prophecy-build-tool — Prophecy-build-tool (PBT) provides utilities to build and distribute projects created from the Prophecy IDE.
- propzen-common — Common package for PropZen
- prot-view — Visualization tool to compare distributions of biochemical features for protein datasets.
- protokol — NATS-oriented RPC and Event protocol
- prunerr — Perma-seed Servarr media libraries
- ps2-census — Daybreak Games Census API client for Planetside 2 (UNOFFICIAL)
- pstock-python — Async yahoo-finance python api with pydantic models.
- psychoevals — no summary
- pure-ocean-breeze — stock factor test
- pvmlib — Python library for PVM
- pxk — Automate the process of distributed testing on a Kubernetes cluster by extending the functionality of pytest-xdist, allowing users to efficiently run tests in parallel across multiple pods.
- py-ai-workflows — A toolkit for AI workflows.
- py-alpaca-daily-losers — Daily Losers strategy, uses py-alpaca-api for Alpaca Markets integration.
- py-aosmith — A Python client library for A. O. Smith water heaters
- py-bugs-open-ai — A utility to help use OpenAI to find bugs in large projects or git diffs in python code. Makes heavy use of caching to save time/money
- py-replay-bg — ReplayBG is a digital twin-based methodology to assess new strategies for type 1 diabetes management.
- py-rtf-framework — no summary
- py-volley — Pluggable message queueing for Python
- py2graphql — Pythonic GraphQL Client
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pyarrow-bigquery — An extension library to write to and read from BigQuery tables as PyArrow tables.
- PyAthena — Python DB API 2.0 (PEP 249) client for Amazon Athena
- pyatlan — Atlan Python Client
- pychassislib — A lightweight Python distributed microservice library
- pycloudmessenger — Package for interacting with messaging based cloud services from IBM Research Ireland
- pycodedoc — Improve your codebase with LLMs using the right context for the right prompts.
- pyconverters-openai_vision — OpenAIVision converter
- pycoral — Simple CLI for Allen Coral Atlas
- pycraigslist — pycraigslist API library
- pycxsim — PyCxsim is a framework to simulate computational agents in a confined environment.
- pycyapi — Python client for the CyVerse Science APIs
- pydaikin — Python Daikin HVAC appliances interface
- PyDingDing — This is a msg-robot for DingTalk.
- PyDingTalk — This is a msg-robot for DingTalk.
- pydirectus-sdk — Python SDK for Directus
- PyDynamoDB — Python DB API 2.0 (PEP 249) client for Amazon DynamoDB
- pyenphase — Library to control enphase envoy
- pyeqx — no summary
- pyeqx-core — no summary
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- PyFeishu — This is a msg-robot for FeiShu.
- pygqlc — Python client for graphql APIs
- pygssearch — Python GSS search and download product library
- pyhkc — A Python client for HKC SecureComm API
- pyiceberg — Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets
- pyllmsearch — LLM Powered Advanced RAG Application
- pyloniex — Python bindings for the Poloniex API
- pymanga-dl — Search and download comic.
- pynoonlight — Create and update alarms for Noonlight
- pynws — Python library to retrieve observations and forecasts from NWS/NOAA
- pyonwater — EyeOnWater client library.
- pypgstac — Schema, functions and a python library for storing and accessing STAC collections and items in PostgreSQL
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- pyprocessors-openai_completion — OpenAICompletion processor
- pyprocessors-search_segments — Similar segments processor
- pyprtg-api — Client API to communicate with PRTG instance.
- pyreach — Python wrapper for Reach API
- pyrfx — A comprehensive Python SDK for interacting with RFX contracts and data.
- pyrit — The Python Risk Identification Tool for LLMs (PyRIT) is a library used to assess the robustness of LLMs
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pysemanticscholar — A python library aiming to get data via Semantic Scholar API
- pysunspec-to-pvoutput — convert read from solar inverters that implement the SunSpec interface, to pvoutput-publisher input
- pytcherplants — pitcher geometry & color analysis for top-down images of Sarracenia
- pytest-aws-fixtures — A series of fixtures to use in integration tests involving actual AWS services.
- pytest-celery — Pytest plugin for Celery
- pytest-clerk — A set of pytest fixtures to help with integration testing with Clerk.
- pytest-docker-service — pytest plugin to start docker container
- pytest-f3ts — Pytest Plugin for communicating test results and information to a FixturFab Test Runner GUI
- pytest-fauna — A collection of helpful test fixtures for Fauna DB.
- pytest-selenium — pytest plugin for Selenium
- pytest-target — Pytest plugin for remote target orchestration.
- pytest-yls — Pytest plugin to test the YLS as a whole.
- python-coiote — Interact with Coiote DM API