Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- cimcb-lite — A lite version of the cimcb package containing the necessary tools for the statistical analysis of untargeted and targeted metabolomics data.
- cinemaot — Causal INdependent Effect Module Attribution + Optimal Transport
- circmimi — A package for constructing CLIP-seq data-supported "circRNA - miRNA - mRNA" interactions
- circtools — circtools - a circular RNA toolbox
- cla — An integrated Python toolkit for classifiability analysis.
- clarite — CLeaning to Analysis: Reproducibility-based Interface for Traits and Exposures
- claspy — no summary
- classifier-toolkit — no summary
- classreg — data analysis
- cleanup-pypi — implementation of cleanup data
- cleanup-pypi-sushantsur23 — implementation of cleanup data
- clep — A Hybrid Data and Knowledge Driven Framework for Generating Patient Representations
- climada — CLIMADA in Python
- climalysis — A comprehensive toolkit for climate impact analysis.
- climaticai — climaticai is a library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines
- clria — Package to decipher LRI-mediated brain network communication
- clumps-ptm — CLUMPS-PTM driver gene discovery using 3D protein structure (Getz Lab).
- clust-learn — A Python package for explainable cluster analysis
- cluster-experiments — no summary
- Clusters-Features — The Clusters-Features package allows data science users to compute high-level linear algebra operations on any type of data set.
- cmoat — A toolkit for analysising cancer genomics & proteomics.
- cnba — no summary
- cnmfsns — cNMF Solution Network Space
- CNTools — A package for identifying cellular neighborhoods
- co2mpas — The Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP
- COAsT — This is the Coast Ocean Assessment Tool
- codeboxapi — CodeBox gives you an easy scalable and isolated python interpreter for your LLM Agents.
- codiac — CoDIAC: Comprehensive Domain Interface Anlysis of Contacts
- codpy — An RKHS based module for numerics, statistic and machine learning
- colibripy — The package contains statsitical tests such as one-sample, two-sample and paired t-test. Residual analysis and plotting are also supported.
- CollabAgents — CollabAgents is a Python framework developed by Vishnu D. for developing AI agents equipped with specialized roles and tools to handle complex user requests efficiently. Users have 100 percent control over their prompts.
- collinearity-tool — Identify multicollinearity issues by correlation, VIF, and visualizations.
- combinatorial-gwas — A package for the final project of MIT's 6.874 class Deep Learning in Life Science
- combinedpackmsnk — A comprehensive package for data analysis, visualization, preprocessing, and machine learning to minimize code and maximize insights.
- comdaan — This is a suite of tools for conducting analysis from data produced by FOSS
- comet-toolbox — Dynamic functional connectivity toolbox for multiverse analysis
- common-regression-issues — A repo to store information about and simulations of common regression issues
- compactletterdisplay — A compact letter display implementation in Python, which summarizes results of posthoc comparisons.
- comparative-r-squared — Package for calculating Comparative R Squared
- ComponentVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- comps — Similarity analysis and matching to support causal analysis and performance comparison
- concha — Concha finds the optimal amount of perishable goods to produce.
- conditional-inference — A statistics package for comparing multiple parameters.
- confidence-planner — A Python library for estimating confidence intervals around accuracy and sample sizes for classification experiments.
- conformal-region-designer — Creates intelligently shaped conformal prediction regions that respect multimodality and convexity.
- connsearch — Analysis of connectivity data by dividing the connectome and fitting independent models
- convml-tt — Neural Network based study of convective organisation
- coolbox — Jupyter notebook based genomic data visulization toolkit.
- coolpandas — A Python package for Exploratory Data Analysis.
- CoopIHC-ModelChecks — User modeling checks for computational HCI using CoopIHC.
- copairs — Find pairs and compute metrics between them
- copper-bem — Performance curve generator for building energy simulation
- copul — Mathematical computation and visualization of bivariate copulas.
- copula-wrapper — Top-level package for statsmodels copula wrapper.
- copulabayesnet — Test different copulas and use multivariate Gaussian copulas
- copulae — Python copulae library for dependency modelling
- CorALS — CorALS is an open-source software package for the construction and analysis of large-scale correlation networks for high-dimensional data.
- corgidrp — (Roman Space Telescope) CORonaGraph Instrument Data Reduction Pipeline
- corncob — beta-binomial based testing of count data
- corr-shap — This package is an extension of the KernelExplainer of shap package that explains the output of any machine learning model, taking into account dependencies between features.
- correlationinspector — Un package Python pour analyser la corrélation, incluant des tests de normalité, de linéarité, et des visualisations pour évaluer les relations entre variables.
- cosmoabc — Python ABC sampler
- cosmoDA — Compositional Score Matching Optimization for Differential Abundance Testing
- cospar — A toolkit for dynamic inference of cell fate by integrating state and lineage information.
- coss — Python tools for spatial interpolation
- cost_model_queries — Functions for sampling cost models and performing sensitivity analyses and regressions on cost model data.
- counhto — Python package for generating and demultiplexing hash tag oligo count matrices from cellranger output
- covasim — COVID-19 Agent-based Simulator
- CoVEMDA — CoronaVirus - Electricity Market Data Analyzer (CoVEMDA)
- cowbase — A Python package for data processing of Automatic Milking System data
- cppquant — Simple tool to compare cpp quant results
- cpsplines — Constrained P-splines
- cptac — Python packaging for CPTAC data
- CRADLE — Correct Read Counts and Analysis of Differently Expressed Regions
- crashs — CRASHS: Cortical Reconstruction for Automated Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields (ASHS)
- creditPortfolioAnalytics — A Python powered library for calculating semi-analytic credit portfolio loss metrics
- creditpy — A package for credit scoring analysis
- credoai-lens — Lens: comprehensive assessment framework for AI systems
- crim-intervals — CRIM intervals package
- crispector2 — CRISPECTOR2 - Genome Editing Analysis Tool, with allele extension
- crispr-bean — Base Editor screen analysis [Bayesian Estimation of variant effect] with guide Activity Normalization
- crispr-chronos — Time series modeling of CRISPR perturbation readcounts in biological data
- crowdnalysis — Library to help analyze crowdsourcing results
- crusty — A convinience python package for HPC computation, large dataset handling and plotting.
- CrypticPhenoImpute — Imputes cryptic phenotypes analyzed in Blair et al. into arbitrary clinical datasets.
- crypto-strategy — Repo to create crypto strategies
- cryptodatapy — Cryptoasset data library
- cs1 — Compressed Sensing library for 1D Spectroscopic Profiling Data
- cs107-team31-2023 — An API for interfacing with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- CTDFjorder — A package for processing and analyzing CTD data.
- cubat — CUBAT -- CUB Analysis Toolkit
- CureQ — Library for analyzing MEA files.
- curvanato — Anatomical curvature processing for medical images.
- curve-curator — CurveCurator is an open-source analysis platform for any dose-dependent data. It fits a classical 4-parameter equation to estimate effect potency, effect size, and the statistical significance of the observed response. 2D-thresholding efficiently reduces false positives in high-throughput experiments and separates relevant from irrelevant or insignificant hits in an automated and unbiased manner. An interactive dashboard allows users to quickly explore data locally.
- CurvyCUSIPs — UST Research Tools
- custom-bench — This is a simple benchmarking library for Python3 designed to be easy to understand and use.
- custom-bench-fsr — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- cvasl-gui — A GUI for the cvasl package
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- cwas — Category-wide association study (CWAS). This is a data analytic tool to perform stringent association tests to find non-coding loci associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).