Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- 3D-registration — Some scripts to register images in space and time
- ab-lab — no summary
- AB-library — A comprehensive Python library for A/B testing analysis
- ab-test-toolkit — Toolkit to simulate and analyze AB tests
- ab-testing-analysis — AB test analysis toolbox for analyzing and reporting the results of an ab test experiment. It provides the functions to analyze the ab test result of an experiment.
- ABalytics — Advanced A/B Testing Statistical Analytics
- abby — Seamless A/B testing with Abby.
- abexp — Python A/B testing experiment library
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- ABtests — Automated AB tests
- abtestsizer — A Python package for AB test sample size calculation and analysis.
- abtoolkit — Package with tools for AB testing
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- accord-nlp — ACCORD-NLP: Transformer/language model-based information extraction from regulatory text
- acequia — Python package for reading, writing and analyzinggroundwater head time series.
- acgc — A collection of data analysis programs used by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change (ACGC) research group
- acmetric — acmetric package and sample project.
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- acro — ACRO: Tools for the Automatic Checking of Research Outputs
- Actflow — The Brain Activity Flow (Actflow) Toolbox. Tools to quantify the relationship between connectivity and task activity through network simulations and machine learning prediction. Helps determine how connections contribute to specific brain functions.
- actipy — Python package to process wearable accelerometer data
- ada-core — ada_core is an anomaly detection library for timeseries data
- adopt_net0 — A python package for multi energy system modelling
- adtk — A package for unsupervised time series anomaly detection
- AdvancedAnalytics — Python support for 'The Art and Science of Data Analytics'
- adversarial-robustness-toolbox — Toolbox for adversarial machine learning.
- aepsych — Adaptive experimetation for psychophysics
- aeqtl — eQTL analysis using region-based aggregation of rare variants.
- aerialist — UAV Test Bench
- AFR — Statistical toolkit aimed to help statisticians, data analysts, data scientists, bankers and other professionals to analyze financial data
- ageml — AgeML is a Python package for Age Modelling with Machine Learning made easy.
- agentp — Associating Gene Expression to Neuroimaging Traits Pipeline (AGENT-P)
- agrivoltaics-supply-side-management — Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics by Artificial Intelligence
- AguaAlert — Sistema de predicción de niveles de aguas subterráneas utilizando datos de precipitación.
- ai-db — Analyze your unstructured data
- aicns-univariate-analyzer — Univariate time series analyzer library package in AICNS project
- aikit — An automated machine learning framework
- ailever — Clever Artificial Intelligence
- aitana — Access volcano monitoring data.
- AIWM — no summary
- al360-trustworthyai — SDK API to explain models, generate counterfactual examples, analyze causal effects and analyze errors in Machine Learning models.
- ale-uy — Tool to perform data cleaning, modeling and visualization in a simple way.
- aleatory — Stochastic Processes Simulation and Visualisation
- aletheia-dnn — Unwrapping ReLU Networks
- algotrading-api — A package to test trading algorithms.
- Aliyun-apply — Aliyun_apply
- all-in-1-sathishbilli — this is a basic function for machine learning
- allcools — Toolkit for single-cell DNA methylome and multiomic data analysis.
- allensdk — core libraries for the allensdk.
- alltime — A time-series predictive modeling package.
- alpaca-farm — no summary
- Alpha-Mind — no summary
- Alpha-Planet — Alpha_Planet Renew
- Alpha-Rabbit-Rb — Alpha_Rabbit Reborn
- alphainspect — factor performance visualization
- alphalens-cn — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-eqi — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors, EQI customized version
- alphalens-qa — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-reloaded — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-tej — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphascope — gen purpose quant fin library
- alphastats — An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- AltAnalyze3 — AltAnalyze3: Advanced RNA-Seq Analysis Workflow
- altena — Feature extraction for categorical variables
- AlzPy — A library for data processing and analysis.
- am2eda — no summary
- AMANDA047 — Packaging rerp_package
- ambrosia — A Python library for working with A/B tests.
- ames-model — Trained regression model for the ames dataset
- amlr — amlr - Auto Machine Learning Report
- AMON-bio — Annotation of Metabolite Origin via Networks: A tool for predicting putative metabolite origins formicrobes or between microbes and host with or without metabolomics data
- ampycloud — Determining the sky coverage fraction and base height of cloud layers usingceilometer data
- amtrak-analysis — A library for analyzing Amtrak ridership data
- analyzerportfolio — A Python package for stock portfolio analysis and optimization.
- ananke-causal — Ananke, named for the Greek primordial goddess of necessity and causality, is a python package for causal inference using the language of graphical models.
- ancer-python — Anisotropic sample-wise randomized smoothing package
- anchors — Python package for calculating scores from ancnchor or modifier screens
- ANCOVA — Package for ANCOVA analysis and visualization.
- anemoi — EDF wind data analysis package
- angorapy — Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- annin_dofu — annin_dofu description
- annotation-analysis — Annotation Analysis
- anoapycore — Anoa Python Core Package
- anoexpress — A package to access insecticide resistance gene expression meta analyse in Anopheles mosquitoes
- anomalearn — A modular and extensible end-to-end library for time series anomaly detection
- anovos — An Open Source tool for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning
- anrg.saga — Collection of schedulers for distributed computing
- ansys-dynamicreporting-core — Python interface to Ansys Dynamic Reporting
- antspynet — A collection of deep learning architectures ported to the python language and tools for basic medical image processing.
- aolab-aopy — python code repository for aoLab @UW
- aolab-bmi3d — electrophysiology experimental rig library
- apacepy — Analytical Platform for Adaptive Control of Epidemics (APACE)
- apc — Age-Period-Cohort and extended Chain-Ladder Analysis
- apdtflow — APDTFlow: A modular forecasting framework for time series data
- aplusml — Conduct usefulness simulations of ML models embedded in workflows
- apollinaire — Module for helio- and asteroseismic data analysis
- appelpy — Applied Econometrics Library for Python
- appmar2 — Python program for marine climate analysis.