Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-bibtex
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-bibtex:
- spint — SPatial INTeraction models
- splot — Visual analytics for spatial analysis with PySAL.
- spopt — Spatial Optimization in PySAL
- sporco — Sparse Optimisation Research Code: A Python package for sparse coding and dictionary learning
- spreg — PySAL Spatial Econometric Regression in Python
- spVIPES — Shared-private Variational Inference with Product of Experts and Supervision
- sqlxw — Note Demo
- squidpy — Spatial Single Cell Analysis in Python
- statmechcrack — Statistical mechanical models for crack growth.
- step-kit — STEP, an acronym for Spatial Transcriptomics Embedding Procedure, is a deep learning-based tool for the analysis of single-cell RNA (scRNA-seq) and spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT) data. STEP introduces a unified approach to process and analyze multiple samples of scRNA-seq data as well as align several sections of SRT data, disregarding location relationships. Furthermore, STEP conducts integrative analysis across different modalities like scRNA-seq and SRT.
- StereoUtils — scanpy extra function for STOmics
- stimuli — Precise auditory stimuli.
- structure-factor — Approximate the structure factor of a stationary point process, test its hyperuniformity, and identify its class of hyperuniformity.
- superexacttestpy — Python implementation of the SuperExactTest algorithm
- surmise — A modular interface for surrogate models and tools
- swyft — Universal scalable simulation-based inference with TMNRE (Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation) and pytorch-lightning.
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- tdgl — pyTDGL: Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau in Python.
- tedana — TE-Dependent Analysis (tedana) of multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.
- tensorly-viz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- TESPy — Thermal Engineering Systems in Python (TESPy)
- test-history-server — Unit test history server
- text-dedup — no summary
- timml — Steady multi-layer AEM Model
- timst — Image style transfer using Torch
- TLVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- TLViz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- tn4ml — Tensor Networks for Machine Learning
- tobler — Tobler is a Python library for areal interpolation.
- torch-book — Dive into Torch
- torch-ecg — A Deep Learning Framework for ECG Processing Tasks Based on PyTorch
- torchgmm — Run Gaussian Mixture Models on single or multiple CPUs/GPUs
- traffic-weaver — Semi-synthetic time-varrying traffic generator based on averaged time series
- treedata — anndata with trees
- treeple — Modern decision trees in Python
- tri-py — A package for efficient loglikelihood evaluation with structured covariance matrices
- trisicell — Trisicell - Scalable tumor phylogeny reconstruction and validation from single-cell data
- tshield-xai — T-SHIELD Regularization for Artificial Intelligence
- tsipy — Python package for processing TSI signals.
- tskit-book-theme — A book theme for tskit projects
- ttim — Transient multi-layer AEM Model
- tunnelvision — Experimental tensor viewer for IPython built on top of Voxel
- tvm-book — no summary
- ufjc — The Python package for the uFJC single-chain model.
- unequalpy — unequal-time power spectrum functions
- unitth — Python interface for UnitTH unit test history report generator
- UQpy — UQpy is a general purpose toolbox for Uncertainty Quantification
- UQToolbox — Tools for Uncertainty Quantification
- utilipy — Python grab-bag.
- vegasflow — Monte Carlo integration with Tensorflow
- velovi — Estimation of RNA velocity with variational inference.
- verona — The predictive process monitoring library for Python
- vhh-cmc — Camera Movements Classification Package
- vhh-sbd — Shot Boundary Detection Package
- vhh-stc — Shot Type Classification Package
- virelay — Web-app to view source-data, attributions, clusterings, and (t-SNE-)embeddings.
- visionpy-sc — Signature Analysis and Visualization for Single-Cell RNA-seq
- VolFe — VolFe
- VSPEC — Simulate Observations of Exoplanets in Variable Star Systems
- vspec-vsm — The VSPEC Variable Star Model as a standalone package.
- WallGo — A package for computing the bubble wall speed in cosmological phase transitions.
- WallGoCollision — Python bindings for WallGo Collision module
- wc-onto — Ontology for whole-cell modeling
- wc-sandbox — Jupyter playground for whole-cell modeling
- wc-utils — Utilities for whole-cell modeling
- wecopttool — WEC Design Optimization Toolbox
- whereabouts — Open source geocoding in Python
- wisdem — Wind-Plant Integrated System Design & Engineering Model
- wombat — Windfarm operations and maintenance cost-benefit analysis tool
- xbook — Note Demo
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xibs — Prototype Intra-Beam Scattering implementation for Xsuite.
- xinetzone — Sphinx demo.
- xyzstyle — xyzstyle 主题
- yadocgen — Yet Another Documentation Generator
- zennit — Attribution of Neural Networks using PyTorch
- zfit — scalable pythonic model fitting for high energy physics
- zfit-interface — zfit model fitting interface for HEP