Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-bibtex
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-bibtex:
- nichecompass — End-to-end analysis of spatial multi-omics data
- nichejepa — Spatial omics foundation model
- nigsp — A python library (and toolbox!) to run Graph Signal Processing on multimodal MRI data.
- nose2unitth — Convert nose-style test reports to UnitTH-style test reports
- nrsur-catalog — GW event posteriors obtained using numerical relativity surrogate models
- nurikit — *The* fundamental software platform for chem- and bio-informatics
- nvidia-eff — NVIDIA Exchange File Format
- nvidia-eff-tao-encryption — NVIDIA Exchange File Format - Encryption for TAO
- OApackage — Package to generate and analyse orthogonal arrays, conference designs and optimal designs
- obj-tables — Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
- ogtk — General tools for genomics and lineage tracing
- ooipy — toolbox for downloading and analyzing OOI hydrophone data
- open-darts — Delft Advanced Research Terra Simulator
- open-darts-flash — Multiphase equilibrium and thermodynamic models for subsurface energy transition applications
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openfisca-uk-data — A Python package to manage OpenFisca-UK-compatible microdata
- OpenOA — A package for collecting and assigning wind turbine metrics
- opticalmapping — A toolbox for analyzing optical mapping and fluorescence imaging data.
- optika — A Python library for simulating optical systems, similar to Zemax
- optree — Optimized PyTree Utilities.
- opusfilter — Toolbox for filtering parallel corpora
- oqs-licensing — Licensing module of Orange Quantum Systems
- orix — orix is an open-source Python library for handling crystal orientation mapping data
- ormir-pyvoxel — I/O routines for medical imaging data
- osrl-lib — Elegant Implementations of Offline Safe Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
- ott-jax — Optimal Transport Tools in JAX
- overload-numpy — Overload NumPy Functions
- pancax — no summary
- pandapipes — A pipeflow calculation tool that complements pandapower in the simulation of multi energy grids
- partis-utils — Collection of text and functional utilities
- partons — Partons library
- pasmopy — Patient-Specific Modeling in Python
- pastas — Pastas is an open-source Python framework for the analysis of groundwater time series.
- pathcensus — Structural similarity and complementarity coefficients for undirected networks based on efficient counting
- pdfflow — PDF interpolation with Tensorflow
- pelican-myst-reader — Pelican plugin for converting MyST's Markdown variant to HTML.
- pelicun — Probabilistic Estimation of Losses, Injuries, and Community resilience Under Natural hazard events
- pertpy — Perturbation Analysis in the scverse ecosystem.
- physics-tenpy — Simulation of quantum many-body systems with tensor networks in Python
- pinder — PINDER: The Protein INteraction Dataset and Evaluation Resource
- pineappl — Python bindings to PineAPPL
- pkg-utils — Utilities for linking setuptools with version metadata, README files, requirements files, and restoring overridden entry points
- plangym — Plangym is an interface to use gymnasium for planning problems. It extends the standard interface to allow setting and recovering the environment states.
- plasmapy-sphinx — Sphinx extensions for the PlasmaPy Project
- pointpats — Methods and Functions for planar point pattern analysis
- polarimetry-lc2pkpi — Symbolic expressions that describe an aligned polarimeter vector field
- polartoolkit — Helpful tools for polar researchers
- popclass — A python package that allows flexable, probabilistic classification of a microlensing event
- popv — Consensus prediction of cell type labels with popV
- pqdata — Parquet-based serialization for scverse
- probeye — A general framework for setting up parameter estimation problems.
- projectx — Note Demo
- prototorch-models — Pre-packaged prototype-based machine learning models using ProtoTorch and PyTorch-Lightning.
- psiresp — psiresp
- psiz — Toolbox for inferring psychological embeddings.
- psiz-datasets — Tools for managing and using PsiZ Datasets.
- PSyclone — PSyclone - a compiler for Finite Element/Volume/Difference DSLs in Fortran
- pvOps — pvops is a python library for the analysis of field collected operational data for photovoltaic systems.
- pyadjoint-ad — High-level automatic differentiation library.
- pyagree — A simple Python package to compute some inter-rater agreement measures.
- pybamm — Python Battery Mathematical Modelling
- pybamm-cookie — A template for creating battery modeling projects based on PyBaMM
- pycbp — A Library for Constrained Belief Propagation
- pyclustree — Visualize cluster assignments at different resolutions
- pycontrails — Python library for modeling aviation climate impacts
- pycrostates — A simple open source Python package for EEG microstate segmentation.
- pydseamslib — Python bindings for seams-core
- pyet — pyet - Estimation of Potential Evaporation
- pyfurc — "AUTO-07p made accessible through python."
- pyfvm — Finite volume discretizations for Python
- pygoss — Python interface to goss - General ODE System Solver
- PyGSP — Graph Signal Processing in Python
- pyhdtoolkit — An all-in-one toolkit package to ease my Python work in my PhD.
- pyhf — pure-Python HistFactory implementation with tensors and autodiff
- pyiets — A tool for calculating inelastic tunneling spectra
- pylems — A Python library for working with the Low Entropy Model Specification language (LEMS)
- pyLemur — A Python implementation of the LEMUR algorithm for analyzing multi-condition single-cell RNA-seq data.
- pylena — Image processing library
- pymantra — Reaction-Centred Metabolic Network Analysis
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pymetamodels — The pymetamodels package combines machine learning (ML) metamodeling and analysis tools for the virtual development of modeling systems within a common abstract framework implemented in an accessible and distributable Python package. This package is oriented to support ML applications in material science, material informatics and the construction of materials, components and systems soft metamodels informed by hard physics-based modelling and experimental characterisations.
- pymodulon — Python package for analyzing and visualizing iModulons.
- pyMOR — Library for building model order reduction applications with Python
- pymovements — A python package for processing eye movement data
- pyparrm — A Python port of the PARRM algorithm
- pypesto — python-based Parameter EStimation TOolbox
- pypots — A Python Toolbox for Machine Learning on Partially-Observed Time Series
- pypsg — A Python package for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- pyqbench — Library for benchmarking gate computers
- pyraliddemo — Demo package made using the Pyralid Template
- pyrcmip — Tools for accessing RCMIP data
- pyroSAR — a framework for large-scale SAR satellite data processing
- pyrws — Python Package to Prepare Rigid Waist Shift Operations in the CCC.
- pysal — Meta Package for PySAL - A library of spatial analysis functions
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pystencils — Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
- python-deepdialog — DeepDialog is a lightweight library for deep generative dialogue models.
- pytometry — Flow & mass cytometry analytics in scverse
- pytorch-book — PyTorch Book.
- pyunlocbox — Convex Optimization in Python using Proximal Splitting