Reverse Dependencies of sentry-sdk
The following projects have a declared dependency on sentry-sdk:
- sentry-faust-integration — no summary
- sentry-infra-tools — Infrastructure tools used at Sentry
- sentry-offline-transport — Transport for Sentry that saves failed-to-send events on disk and resends them on the next launch.
- sentry-quart — Sentry middleware for quart
- sentry-sdk-scrapy — Scrapy extension for integration of Sentry SDK to Scrapy projects
- sentry-sqs-transport — SQS Transport for the sentry-sdk
- sentry-syslog — Send syslog messages to Sentry as events
- sentry-wrapper — Forward exceptions raised by a setuptools entrypoint to sentry
- SentryLogs — Send logs from Nginx and other applications to Sentry.
- sequoia — An awesome package that does something
- shadowsocks-async — shadowsocks built with asyncio.
- shared-dependencies — no summary
- sharedkernel — sharekernel is a shared package between all python projects
- shioaji — Sinopac All New Trading Api.
- shipper-shippy — Client-side tool to interface with shipper
- short-poetry — no summary
- shuttlis — Utilities
- shy-sentry — sentry-sdk but quite
- si-utils — an opinionated set of utilities designed to be easily included in any number of projects
- simple-api-framework — Simple async API framework
- simple-starlette — a micro server
- SimplyPrint — 3D print online anywhere from (probably) the most user friendly all-in-one platform there is, from your computer or phone.
- simplyprint-ws-client — SimplyPrint Websocket Client
- sir-lancebot — A Discord bot designed as a fun and beginner-friendly learning environment for writing bot features and learning open-source.
- sitzungsexport — no summary
- slackdoor — An opinionated and powerful chatbot framework for Slack
- slbs — Create cross-platform desktop applications with Python and Qt
- slingshot-ai — Slingshot Python SDK
- sniffer-positivedegree — The sniffer package is used on the Positive Degree sniffer and control boards. It gathers sensors data, can operate some board control and is used for remote updates.
- socli — Stack overflow command line interface. SoCLI allows you to search and browse stack overflow from the terminal.
- solarforecastarbiter — Core framework for Solar Forecast Arbiter
- sound-extraction — no summary
- source-query-proxy — Async proxy for Source Engine Query Protocol
- sovereign — Envoy Proxy control-plane written in Python
- spacetower-fds-sdk — SDK for spacetower Flight Dynamics System API
- sparecores-runner — Start cloud instances.
- speedpycom — The Django Framework for SaaS
- spell — Spell CLI
- spice-agent — spice agent
- spidermon — Spidermon is a framework to build monitors for Scrapy spiders.
- spotify-dl — Downloads songs from a Spotify Playlist/Track/Album that you provide
- sprockets.http — Tornado HTTP application runner
- stack-sparrow — no summary
- starlette-service-utils — Toolkit for starlette usage
- starlite-saqlalchemy — Starlite config plugin with SAQ and SQLAlchemy boilerplate
- Starry-Utils — Utils for Star-Cogs.
- stock-service — Service to centralise stock levels.
- strapp — no summary
- structlog-sentry — Sentry integration for structlog
- structlog-sentry-lambda — An AWS approved version of which is compatible with AWS Lambda as well as AWS Fargate
- structlog-sentry-logger — Log without the setup via a pre-configured structlog logger with optional Sentry integration
- studiolab-ml — STUDIOLAB ML inference Package
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- sumformer2 — Summarisation Transformer 2
- superai — super.AI API
- swarms — Swarms - TGSC
- swh.auth — Software Heritage authentication utilities
- swh.core — Software Heritage core utilities
- swh.deposit — Software Heritage deposit server
- swh.graphql — Software Heritage GraphQL APIs
- swh.indexer — Software Heritage indexer
- swh.scheduler — Software Heritage scheduler
- swh.vault — Software Heritage vault
- sym-cli — Sym's Official CLI for Users
- sym-flow-cli — Sym's Official CLI for Implementers
- sym-shared-cli — Sym's CLI shared library
- synthesized — Synthesized SDK
- systemlogger — Create and configure a logger using a global configuration file.
- t2d2-sdk — T2D2 SDK
- taguette — Free and open source qualitative research tool
- tailucas-pylib — Common Python utility modules
- tamarin-utils — Lamasoo utils for developing web application
- tardigrade-dwg — Data-warehouse generator on django framework
- target-miso — A Singer target for writing data to Miso API
- tc-analyzer-lib — A platform agnostic analyzer, computing the TogetherCrew dashboard metrics.
- tclambda — AWS Lambda Library
- tegem-tools — package for tegem project
- tello-sdk — Python SDK fro the Tello EDU and RMTT drones, with all commands and more.
- temp-api — no summary
- temporal-lib-py — A wrapper library for candid-based temporal authentication
- tempuscator — Script to run some sqls
- terality — The Data Processing Engine for Data Scientists
- ternyxmimosa — A minimal modern data stack with working data pipelines in a single Docker container.
- tesla-ce — TeSLA CE
- tesla-ce-client — TeSLA CE Client for Python
- tesla-ce-provider — TeSLA Python SDK for providers
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-tpt — TeSLA CE Plagiarism Provider
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-urkund — TeSLA CE Urkund Plagiarism Provider
- testzeus-hercules — Hercules: The World's First Open-Source AI Agent for End-to-End Testing
- tetkit — Batteries-included application framework built on Pyramid and tet
- teuthology — Ceph test framework
- tft-api — Testing Farm Core - public and internal API
- tft-artemis — Artemis is a machine provisioning service. Its goal is to provision a machine - using a set of preconfigured providers as backends - which would satisfy the given hardware and software requirements.
- tg-odesli-bot — Telegram Bot to share music with Odesli (former Songlink) service.
- tg-qso-bot — Simple HAM helper bot written on Python
- the-guide — no summary
- thealphavideo — no summary
- thenewboston-ml-dev — no summary
- thoth-common — Shared code logic in the project Thoth.
- tickerdax — A python client for with a built-in caching system.