Reverse Dependencies of sentry-sdk
The following projects have a declared dependency on sentry-sdk:
- medsenger-api — Python SDK for Medsenger.AI
- meilisync — Realtime sync data from MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB to meilisearch
- meine-stadt-transparent — A website to bring municipal politics to citizens
- melon-translate — Melon-translate is a micro service for easing localisation and translation.
- Memium — Memium
- mentat — AI coding assistant on your command line
- metaflow-sentry-logger — Sentry logging plugins for Metaflow (
- metrics-impetus — A package for setting up instrumentation in FastAPI applications.
- mexcalli — test-mexcalli
- microbootstrap — Package for bootstrapping new micro-services
- microcosm-flask — Opinionated persistence with FlaskQL
- microcosm-metrics — Opinionated metrics configuration
- microcosm_pubsub — PubSub with SNS/SQS
- mikkoo — Mikkoo is a PgQ to RabbitMQ Relay
- minapip1 — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- minapipe — this first test pipe
- minapipe1 — this first test pipe
- minique — Minimal Redis job runner
- missinglink — Command line tool and SDK for platform
- missinglinkai-resource-manager-docker — Resource Manager - Docker version
- mlchain — MLchain Python Library
- mobius3 — Continuously and asynchronously sync a local folder to an S3 bucket
- modelw-preset-django — Model W preset for Django
- modis-crawler-utils — Scrapy utils for Modis crawlers projects.
- mofdb-client — Simple client for fetching data from mofdb
- moflask — Re-usable flask utilities.
- money-to-prisoners-common — Django app with common code and assets for Money to Prisoners services
- mongodb-sentry-integration — A integration of MongoDB for the Sentry's Python SDK
- monitor-tool — Monitor is a library for monitoring the performance of your application.
- moodle-dl — Moodle-DL downloads course content fast from Moodle (eg. lecture pdfs)
- mork-ork — Mork, an HTTP API to notify and delete accounts of inactive users.
- MozPhab — Phabricator review submission/management tool.
- msaBase — General Package for Microservices based on FastAPI like Profiler, Scheduler, Sysinfo, Healtcheck, Error Handling etc.
- muffin-sentry — Sentry Integration for Muffin framework
- murasame — Python application development framework used by Suisei Entertainment.
- mykitchen — no summary
- naas — scheduler system for notebooks
- naff — Not another freaking fork
- nameko-chassis — nameko-chassis provides an opinionated base class for building resilient, observable microservices.
- nanolayer — no summary
- napalm-logs — Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support: syslog parser
- napari-error-reporter — Opt-in automated bug/error reporting for napari
- nawah — Nawah--Rapid, cloud-native app development framework
- nb2workflow — convert notebook to workflow
- nba-bbref-webscrape — Scraping w/ Pandas and BeautifulSoup4
- nekoyume — Decentralized MMORPG based on Dungeon World
- neo-python-sdk — Neo SDK for Python with some additional libraries to support the development of Neo Sentinels (NSX).
- neo-vendors — no summary
- neofbs — Create cross-platform desktop applications with Python and Qt with support for the most recent Python versions
- neon-utils — Utilities for NeonAI
- netbox-pip — netbox but on pypi
- neuro-logging — Logging client for platform services
- nginx-ldap-auth-service — A FastAPI app that authenticates users via LDAP and sets a cookie for nginx
- nick-derobertis-site — Nick DeRobertis' Personal Website
- nimbus-pws — weather software
- nomnom-hugoawards — The NomNom Hugo Awards voting package
- nonebot-plugin-sentry — Push your bot errors to
- notificator-yandprakt-middle-python — Notificator for inner ussage
- novelai_gen — Gen Image From Novelai
- nttai-faust-streaming — Python Stream processing.
- nubium-faust — Python Stream processing.
- nucliadb — NucliaDB
- oarepo-glitchtip — no summary
- oasis-api-client — OASIS is a Python wrapper of ONNC
- obfuscated-convo-new-version-abdo — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- ocean-cli — Ocean CLI
- octomachinery — Invisible engine driving octobot machines. Simple, yet powerful.
- OctoPrint — The snappy web interface for your 3D printer
- oda-api — API plugin for CDCI online data analysis
- odc-stats — Statistical Product Generation Framework
- odoo-addon-sentry — Report Odoo errors to Sentry
- odoo12-addon-sentry — Report Odoo errors to Sentry
- odoo14-addon-sentry — Report Odoo errors to Sentry
- ol-openedx-sentry — An Open edX plugin to enable error tracking with Sentry
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- onegov.server — Serves OneGov applications.
- onnc-bench — ONNC-bench is a Python wrapper of ONNC
- open-api-framework — A metapackage for registration components, that bundles the dependencies shared between these components and provides generic settings
- openadapt — Generative Process Automation
- opendapi — Python client for Open DAPI interfaces
- openmodule — Libraries for developing the arivo openmodule
- OpenSam — A GPT based slack bot trained to specific personalities and use cases.
- opensoundscape — Open source, scalable acoustic classification for ecology and conservation
- openttd-helpers — Small helpers common in most Python applications for OpenTTD
- opik — Comet tool for logging and evaluating LLM traces
- opik-uto — Comet tool for logging and evaluating LLM traces
- orchestrator-core — This is the orchestrator workflow engine.
- ORCID-Hub — New Zealand ORCID Hub (Federated ORCID Intergration Solution for New Zealand ORCID Consortium)
- otaku-info-bot — An anime episode reminder
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- panoptes-aggregation — Aggregation code for Zooniverse panoptes projects.
- parrottools — Collection of common utilities.
- parsec-cloud — Secure cloud framework
- PartSeg — PartSeg is python GUI and set of napari plugins for bio imaging analysis especially nucleus analysis,
- pasee — HTTP server managing users.
- pastor — ui and api autotest
- patched-cli — patched cli
- pawnpay — The official Python client library for the Pawn Payment Solutions API
- payla-utils — payla_utils python package
- perfwatch — Python code performace metrics calculation tool