Reverse Dependencies of ruff
The following projects have a declared dependency on ruff:
- yogo — The "you only glance once" object detection model
- yoki5 — Wrapper around h5py to give easier interface around complex files.
- youqu2-transfer-youqu3 — youqu2-transfer-youqu3
- youtube-auto-publish — no summary
- youtube2zim — Make ZIM file from a Youtube channel, user or playlist(s)
- yq — Command-line YAML/XML processor - jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents
- yroom — Yjs sync and awareness protocol handler for a non-editing client (e.g. server)
- yt-dlp — A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
- yt-dlp-better-download — A customized version of yt-dlp with improved download formatting
- z3-armor — Constraint-based obfuscation using z3.
- zampy — python package for getting Land Surface Model input data.
- zc.buildout.languageserver — A language server for zc.buildout
- zdt-stepper — ZDT stepper motor control library
- zeldarose — Train transformer-based models
- zenkit — Python wrapper for the ZenKit library
- zenml — ZenML: Write production-ready ML code.
- zenml-nightly — ZenML: Write production-ready ML code.
- zenplate — A pluggable CLI templating tool leveraging the powers of Jinja2 and YAML
- zeus-ml — A framework for deep learning energy measurement and optimization.
- zhi — Image-related library.
- zhplot — Show Chinese in Figures with one line code.
- zimran-http — A simple HTTP client for daily usage. Wrapper around httpx
- zimscraperlib — Collection of python tools to re-use common code across scrapers
- Zino — Robust network management system for large backbone networks
- zipline-reloaded — A Pythonic backtester for trading algorithms
- zmq-anyio — Asynchronous API for ZMQ using AnyIO
- zospy — A Python package used to communicate with Zemax OpticStudio through the API
- zstarfile — tarfile extension with additional compression algorithms and PEP 706 by default
- zuko — Normalizing flows in PyTorch