Reverse Dependencies of ruff
The following projects have a declared dependency on ruff:
- VWS-Python — Interact with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Python-Mock — A mock for the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Test-Fixtures — Test fixtures for testing code which works with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API
- VWS-Web-Tools — Tools for interacting with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) website.
- vym — WIP
- wags-tails — Data acquisition tools for Wagnerds
- wagtail-cblocks — Collection of StreamField blocks for Wagtail
- wagtail-cjk404 — 404 handler for Wagtail, with regexp support
- wagtail-factories — Factory boy classes for wagtail
- wagtail-footnotes — Add footnotes to rich text in your Wagtail pages
- wagtail-heroicons — Add Heroicons to the Wagtail admin.
- wagtail-indexnow — A Wagtail package to automatically submit published pages for search engine indexing
- wagtail-lite-youtube-embed — no summary
- wagtail-localize-smartling — An extension for wagtail-localize that integrates with the Smartling translation platform
- wagtailgridder — Dynamic, interactive grid layout for the Django CMS Wagtail.
- waist — API dispatch in Python
- wal-lang — Wal - Wavefile Analysis Language
- waldiez — waldiez
- waldiez_jupyter — A Waldiez JupyterLab extension.
- waldiez-studio — Make AI Agents Collaborate: Drag, Drop, and Orchestrate with Waldiez.
- warag — no summary
- warc2zim — Convert WARC to ZIM
- warcllm — LLM <3 WARC files
- warden-spex — Statistical Proof of Execution (SPEX) by Warden Protocol
- waretomo — Overengineered batch processing script for tomography data with Warp and aretomo.
- warp-fastapi — Create fastapi in a warp speed
- warren-api — The visualization platform for your learning analytics (API backend)
- watchtower — Python CloudWatch Logging
- watlow — Python driver for Watlow EZ-Zone temperature controllers.
- waveline — Library to easily interface with Vallen Systeme WaveLine™ devices
- wavelink-stubs — Type stubs for wavelink 2.
- Waves — Wind Asset Value Estimation System
- waylay-sdk-alarms — Waylay Alarms
- waylay-sdk-alarms-types — Waylay Alarms Types
- waylay-sdk-core — Waylay Python SDK.
- waylay-sdk-data — Waylay Broker
- waylay-sdk-data-types — Waylay Broker Types
- waylay-sdk-queries — Waylay Query: timeseries queries (v1 protocol)
- waylay-sdk-queries-types — Waylay Query: timeseries queries (v1 protocol) Types
- waylay-sdk-registry — Waylay Function Registry
- waylay-sdk-registry-types — Waylay Function Registry Types
- waylay-sdk-resources — Waylay Resources
- waylay-sdk-resources-types — Waylay Resources Types
- waylay-sdk-rules — Waylay rules engine
- waylay-sdk-rules-types — Waylay rules engine Types
- waylay-sdk-storage — Waylay Storage
- waylay-sdk-storage-types — Waylay Storage Types
- waylonwalker — Waylon Walker's business card
- WAZP — Wasp Animal-tracking Zoo project with Pose estimation
- wdlviz — WDL workflow visualization
- WeasyPrint — The Awesome Document Factory
- weatherlink-live-local — Read current weather data from Davis WeatherLink Live units + connected sensors
- webdomains — Manage your Web domains served by NGINX
- webpage-content-scraper — Scrape only the content from a webpage using Firefox's reader view.
- webscout — Search for anything using Google, DuckDuckGo,, Contains AI models, can transcribe yt videos, temporary email and phone number generation, has TTS support, webai (terminal gpt and open interpreter) and offline LLMs and more
- wgcna — WGCNA in Python. Fast.
- wgpu — WebGPU for Python
- wgpu-shadertoy — Shadertoy implementation based on wgpu-py
- what2read — Show nonfiction bestsellers of the week using command line
- whats-this-payload — Easily identify payload message type from popular webhooks
- whattoread — Show nonfiction bestsellers of the week using command line
- whereabouts — Fast, accurate open source geocoding in Python
- whippersnappy — A package to plot and capture FastSurfer and FreeSurfer-style surface overlays.
- WhipPyWeb — Add your description here
- whisper2subs — Transcribes audio using Whisper and translates it using DeepL.
- whitebit-httpx-client — An asynchronous library for interacting with whitebit
- whittle — Two-stage neural architecture search for large language models
- wi1_bot — Discord bot for Radarr/Sonarr integration
- WikibaseMigrator — no summary
- wikidata-bot-framework — A framework for making Wikidata bots.
- wily — A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in tests and applications.
- win32_pipes — A non-blocking C++ NamedPipe implementation for Windows.
- windowsservice — A Python package for building Windows services.
- winion — A producer/consumer async runtime for Python
- WIOpy — A Python wrapper for the Walmart IO API
- wipac-file-catalog — Store file metadata information in a file catalog
- wipac-file-catalog-indexer — Indexing package and scripts for the File Catalog
- witch-ver — git tag based versioning
- wks-com — Communicate with your inverter (WKS EKO Circle).
- wlgen — A recursive wordlist generator written in python
- wombat — Windfarm operations and maintenance cost-benefit analysis tool
- woningwaardering — Berekent de punten van een woning op basis van het woningwaarderingsstelsel.
- woodwork — a data typing library for machine learning
- word-search-generator — Make awesome Word Search puzzles
- wordcab — đź“– Transcribe and Summarize any business communication at scale with Wordcab's API
- words2nums — Lightweight words to number converter with several locales support
- wox-plugin — Python plugin SDK for Wox launcher
- woy — Wasted On Youtube
- wr-cloner — A tool to clone efficiently all the repos in an organization
- wradlib — wradlib - An Open Source Library for Weather Radar Data Processing
- wrighter — eb scraping/browser automation framework built on Playwright
- wring — A tool to compress multiple CSV data files into parquet
- wry-bokeh-helper — no summary
- ws2g — A webserver to use when you have no time for configuration
- wsgi-shim — WSGI shim for when you have limited web log access
- wsimod — WSIMOD is for simulating water quality and quantity
- wsinfer — Run patch-based classification on pathology whole slide images.
- wsinfer-mil — Run specimen-level inference on whole slide images.
- WTForms-Alchemy — Generates WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models.
- WTForms-Components — Additional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms.