Reverse Dependencies of robotframework
The following projects have a declared dependency on robotframework:
- ai-test-designer — Cognitive Quality Engineer - AI Test Automation Designer
- alttester-robotframework-library — Robot Framework Library for the AltTester® framework. AltTester® is an open-source UI driven test automation tool that helps you find objects in your game and interacts with them.
- ATPLibrary — Robotframework ATP Library
- automation-tracker — Robot Framework Library for Tracking Test Cases
- avocado-framework-plugin-robot — Avocado Plugin for Execution of Robot Framework tests
- carrot-executor — Camunda external task Robot Framework execution scheduler
- collective.embeddedpage — Add-on to embed remote HTML pages into the Plone CMS
- cqe-aitestbot — Cognitive Quality Engineer - AI Driven Test Automation Designer
- cqepyutils — Cognitive Quality Engineer - Python Reusable Function Library
- crl.devutils — Common Robot Libraries development and CI tools
- crl.rfcli — Robot Framework commands library
- cumulusci — Build and release tools for Salesforce developers
- cumulusci-extended — Unofficial Test tool for Salesforce Test Automation developers
- DateTimeFormatJKP — Library for robot framework
- dbbot-robotframework — A tool for inserting Robot Framework test run results into SQL database using SQLAlchemy.
- dbbot-sql — A tool for inserting Robot Framework test run results into SQL database using SQLAlchemy.
- dbbot-sqlalchemy-customized — A tool for inserting Robot Framework test run results into SQL database using SQLAlchemy.
- dbbot-sqlalchemy-karate — A tool for inserting Robot Framework test run results into SQL database using SQLAlchemy.
- dgspoc — The proof of concept for Describe-Get-System.
- doraemon-hub — Webserver for robot framework assets
- edk2-pytool-extensions — Python tools supporting UEFI EDK2 firmware development
- EduRPA — education librabry for RPA
- edurpa-cloud — Education Google RPA Librabry For Education
- edurpa-document — education librabry for RPA
- EduRPA.Google — Education Google RPA Librabry For Education
- eric-rf-snmplibrary — Ericsson SNMP Library for Robot Framework
- eyes-robotframework — Applitools Python SDK. Robot Framework package
- fa-profiler — Robot Framework System Profiler
- facile-new-business-lib — testing
- facile-toolkit — A robotframework keywords toolkit used by
- ftsa-tjpb-core — Framework de Teste de Sistemas Automatizado - CORE
- genie.libs.robot — Genie libs Robot: RobotFramework libraries to interact with Genie
- graphreport — Custom metrics based report for robot framework
- grpc-robot — Package for sending/recieving messages to/from a gRPC server.
- hrobot — Hybrid Robot
- iac-test — A CLI tool to render and execute Robot Framework tests using Jinja templating.
- ImageRobot — A library used to do image recognition.
- intellipandora — Generic automation framework for system testing and model evaluation
- iss-libs — no summary
- JoeLiu-RF-Refactoring — RF Refactoring package
- kafka-robot — Package for recieving messages from Kafka in Robot Framework.
- KafkaRobotLibrary — Uma biblioteca do Robot Framework para interação com o Kafka.
- kiwitcms-robotframework-plugin — robotframework integration with kiwi TCMS
- kuflow-robotframework — KuFlow library for Robot Framework
- kuflow-temporal-activity-robotframework — KuFlow SDK :: activities to execute Robot Frameworks tasks
- links-connect — a collection of utilities for working links extensions derivatives
- mlx.robot2rst — Python script for converting a Robot Framework file to a reStructuredText (.rst) file
- movoid-robotframework — no summary
- mykonos — Robot Framework Mobile Test Automation using UIAutomator
- nagato-network — NAGATO: Network Automation Gears and Test Orchestrator
- nb-robot — Robot Framework Integration Plugin
- NewBusinessProjectsLib — Keywords for facile newbusiness project!
- norfab — Network Automations Fabric (NorFab) - module for communication networks automations
- nornir-salt — Nornir plugins used with SaltStack Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion
- nuage-metroae-config-robot — Library for Nuage MetroAE Config in Robot Framework
- orangebeard-robotframework — A robotframework listener for Orangebeard
- palaestrai — A Training Ground for Autonomous Agents
- palaestrai-agents — Implementation of src-algorithms for ARL.
- parabot — Execute robotframework test files/tests in paralel, even without special preparation of them
- pepper-fusion — Pepper Fusion - A Comprehensive Testing Framework
- perfectolibrary-py3 — Robot Framework Mobile app testing library for using Perfecto Cloud
- perfectolibrary-py37 — Robot Framework Mobile app testing library for using Perfecto Cloud
- PexpectLibrary — An (almost) complete and convenience Pexpect wrapper for Robot Framework, with extra functionalities.
- playwbot — RobotFramework wrapper of Playwright-Python
- — Robot Framework testing resources for Plone
- protobuf-robotframework-requests — This library is a frok from Robot Framework keyword library wrapper around requests, support protobuf
- pyats.robot — pyATS Robot: Robot Module
- pyfetch-mimic — This is a module that mimics pyodide.http.pyfetch to enable simpler development by using one set of http calls for both local and pyodide executions.
- pykiso — Embedded integration testing framework.
- pyrobotf — A test framework based on robot.
- pytest-in-robotframework — The extension enables easy execution of pytest tests within the Robot Framework environment.
- pytest-robotframework — a pytest plugin that can run both python and robotframework tests while generating robot reports for them
- q-ops-tracker-safaricom — Safaricom Q-OPS Automation tracker
- QATLibrary — Data/Configuration Driven REST API Test Automation Library. Can be used as a Robot Framework Library or as standalone CLI tool.
- qweb — Keyword driven automation for the web
- rbf — Robot Framework test library for automation of Web, REST APIs, SOAP Services, zOS, FTP, DB, Desktop Applications
- RESTinstance — Robot Framework library for RESTful JSON APIs
- rf-aiohttplibrary — Test Library for AIO HTTP Calls.
- rf-captchalibrary — Test Library for decoding base64 captchas to string format.
- rf-decoderlibrary — Test Library for Decoding Encoded Data.
- rf-googlemaillibrary — Google Mail Library
- rf-googlesheetslibrary — Test Library for interfacing tests with Google Sheets API v4
- rf-httplibrary — HTTP Request Test Library.
- rf-kiticalibrary — Test Library for Devicepool Support.
- rf-s3library — Robot Framework Library for AWS S3 support.
- rf-service — Robot Framework service
- rf-userpoollibrary — Test Library for userpool support.
- rfApiTestLibrary — robot framework自动化开发基础库:重写json比较函数
- rfdocserver — Web server for hosting robot framework documentation
- rfdocsindexer — A simple and configurable generator for RobotFramework documentation
- rfhub2 — Webserver for robot framework and python assets documentation
- rflogs — A CLI tool for uploading Robot Framework test results to
- rfswarm-agent — rfswarm Agent
- rft — RFT is a collection of tools and libraries around RobotFramework
- rft-core — RobotFramework Toolkit
- rft-light — RobotFramework Toolkit Light
- RoboDepCheck — Robot Framework Library for OWASP DEPENDENCY CHECKER
- RoboDnsRecon — Robot Framework Library for DNS Recon
- robojslib — A simple RobotFramework keyword library written using Vanilla/Python
- robopom — Page Object Model for Robot Framework