Reverse Dependencies of robotframework
The following projects have a declared dependency on robotframework:
- roboswag — Test framework for auto-generating libraries from OpenAPI specification file.
- robot-axelibrary — Robot Framework Library wrapper axe-selenium-python
- robot-console-improved — no summary
- robot-executor — A GUI based Robot Test Executor
- robot-jsonschemalibrary — A Robot Framework library for JSON Schema validation.
- robot-lockable — Robot Framework plugin for lockable resources
- robot-opentmi — robot-framework plugin for publish results to opentmi
- robot-testrail-python2 — Integration Robot Framework with TestRail for python 2.7
- robotcode-analyze — RobotCode analyze plugin for Robot Framework
- robotcode-debugger — RobotCode Debugger for Robot Framework
- robotcode-language-server — RobotCode Language Server for Robot Framework
- robotcode-modifiers — Some Robot Framework Modifiers for RobotCode
- robotcode-robot — Support classes for RobotCode for handling Robot Framework projects.
- robotcode-runner — RobotCode runner for Robot Framework
- RobotDeck — A simple testing framework based on Robot & PyAutoGUI
- robotframework-aardvarklibrary — Aardvark Library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-adf-library — Library for Robot Framework in which to interface with Azure Data Factory
- robotframework-adls-library — Library for Robot Framework in which to interface with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS)
- robotframework-advancedlogging — Robot Framework Advanced Logging Library
- robotframework-aircvlibrary — aircv wrapper for RobotFramework
- robotframework-airtest — 网易Airtest/pocoui的Robotframework测试库
- robotframework-angularjs — An AngularJS/Angular extension to Robotframework's SeleniumLibrary
- robotframework-apachetomcat — A Robot Framework Apache Tomcat Manager Library
- robotframework-appiumflutterlibrary — Robot Framework Mobile flutter app testing library for Appium Client Android & iOS & Web
- robotframework-appiumlibrary — Robot Framework Mobile app testing library for Appium Client Android & iOS & Web
- robotframework-applicationlibrary — Robot Framework framework for mobile and desktop testing.
- robotframework-apprise — Robot Framework keywords for the 'Apprise' push messaging library
- robotframework-aprslib — Robot Framework keywords for the 'aprslib' Python Library
- robotframework-archive — Custom report to display robotframework historical execution records
- robotframework-archivelibrary — Robot Framework keyword library for handling ZIP files
- robotframework-assertion-engine — Generic way to create meaningful and easy to use assertions for the Robot Framework libraries.
- robotframework-async — Generic Robot Framework library for asynchronous keyword execution
- robotframework-async-keyword — Generic Robot Framework library for asynchronous keyword execution
- robotframework-asyncio-utils — no summary
- robotframework-autobotlibrary — Robot Framework library wrapper for PyAutoGUI.
- robotframework-autoitlibrary — AutoItLibrary for Robot Framework
- robotframework-avrolibrary — Avro library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-aws — A python package to test AWS services in Robot Framework
- robotframework-axelibrary — Robot Framework keyword library wrapper around axe-selenium-python library
- robotframework-beholderlibrary — A Robot Framework package to integrate with Beholder, the Zero Defect's Visual Regression Testing platform.
- robotframework-browser — Robot Framework Browser library powered by Playwright. Aiming for speed, reliability and visibility.
- robotframework-browser-migration — Some small helpers for migration of SeleniumLibrary to Browser
- robotframework-browserpom — robotframework-browser library extension to create Page Objects
- robotframework-browserstack — BrowserstackLibrary is a keyword library for integration with Browserstack for mobile testing
- robotframework-bsnlibrary — Robot Framework library for generating BSNs (Dutch citizen service number)
- robotframework-cache — Robot Framework libary for caching values across tests and test runs
- robotframework-calculator — Extension for Robotframework converting data packet, time str and percent into numeric objects
- robotframework-camunda — Keywords for camunda rest api, leading open source workflow engine.
- robotframework-captchalibrary — Test Library for decoding base64 captchas to string format.
- robotframework-cassandracqllibrary — A Robot Framework Cassandra Database Library
- robotframework-chromefortesting — The only extension for seamless setup of Chrome for Testing (CfT) in and within Robot Framework.
- robotframework-cinc — Robot Framework Library for integrating cinc auditor tests.
- robotframework-circlecilibrary — A robotframework extension to run circleci pipelines
- robotframework-clean — Utility scripts for formatting Robot Framework code
- robotframework-commonKeywrds — robotframework_commonKeywrds
- robotframework-confluentkafkalibrary — Confluent Kafka library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-consoledialogs — A pure console replacement for the Robot Framework Dialogs library.
- robotframework-construct — Infrastructure to use construct Structs in robotframework
- robotframework-couchbaselibrary — A Robot Framework library to work with Couchbase
- robotframework-couchbasemanager — Robot Framework Library For Managing Couchbase Server.
- robotframework-creartramas — Creacion de tramas en hexadecimal
- robotframework-crypto — A library for secure password handling.
- robotframework-csvlibrary — CSV library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-dashboard — Output processor and dashboard generator for Robot Framework output files
- robotframework-databaselib — Database Library for Robot Framework based on sqlalchemy
- robotframework-databaselibrary — Database Library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-datadriver — A library for Data-Driven Testing.
- robotframework-dateextension — Extension of robotframework's DateTime library. This library allows for assertions related to dates and times.
- robotframework-datetime-tz — Robot Framework library for date/time with locales and time zones
- robotframework-debug — RobotFramework debug shell
- robotframework-debug-dk — RobotFramework debug shell originally implemented by René Rohner and modified by Maciej Banakiewicz
- robotframework-debugger — A Robot Framework Listener to try keywords and pause execution on failure
- robotframework-debuglibrary — RobotFramework debug library and an interactive shell
- robotframework-dependencylibrary — Declare dependencies between Robot Framework tests
- robotframework-difflibext — Robotframework library to show file/text differences via Python builtin difflib
- robotframework-distbot — Distributed test executor for Robot Framework
- robotframework-djangolaunch — A Robot Framework library for starting and stopping Django.
- robotframework-djangolibrary — A Robot Framework library for Django.
- robotframework-doc-only — Create test documentation without technical details
- robotframework-docgen — Robot Framework documentation finder and generator
- robotframework-docker — A Robot Framework Docker Library
- robotframework-dockerlibrary — A Robot Framework Docker Library
- robotframework-doctestlibrary — A library for Visual Document Testing
- robotframework-DotNetLibraryBase — no summary
- robotframework-dynamodbsqllibrary — An Amazon AWS DynamoDB big data testing library for Robot Framework with SQL-like DSL
- robotframework-eggplantlibrary — Robot Framework eggPlant Library
- robotframework-elasticsearchlibrary — Robot Framework Elasticsearch Library.
- RobotFramework-Examples — Examples in Robot Framework. Expands example data to individual test cases
- robotframework-excel — Robot Framework
- robotframework-excel10library — Robot Framework Excel10 library
- robotframework-excellib — Robot Framework library for working with Excel documents
- robotframework-excellib-xlsm — Robot Framework library for working with Excel documents
- robotframework-excelsage — A package for integrating Robot Framework with Excel using openpyxl and pandas
- robotframework-executor — A GUI based Robot Test Executor
- robotframework-extensions-collection — Additional Robot Framework keywords
- robotframework-eyes — Visual regression library and report generator for robot framework
- robotframework-eyeslibrary — Visual verification testing library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-eyeslibraryextended — Visual verification testing library for Robot Framework using Applitool python SDK eye-selenium
- robotframework-faker — Robot Framework wrapper for faker, a fake test data generator
- robotframework-flaui — Windows GUI testing library for Robot Framework