Reverse Dependencies of rich-click
The following projects have a declared dependency on rich-click:
- aceye — Business ready documents from Cisco ACI
- advanced-alchemy — Ready-to-go SQLAlchemy concoctions.
- AFragmenter — no summary
- aio-microservice — A library to create microservices.
- airflux — A simple Airflow installer and tmux sesssion manager
- aliyun-cert — no summary
- allure-reporter — Allure reporter CLI tool
- alto-dev — Run any code on the cloud, instantly.
- anycorn — A fork of Hypercorn that uses AnyIO
- ao3-sync — A CLI tool to download your bookmarked works from Archive of Our Own.
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ape-utils — Utility plugin to expose some of the Ape's awesome features to CLI
- appw — An alternative CLI wrapper on top of Appwrite API with support for creating & restoring snapshots to easily reproduce dev. environments.
- arkitekt — client for the arkitekt platform
- arkitekt-next — client for the arkitekt_next platform
- armadilloml — no summary
- armonik-cli — Command-line tool to monitor and manage ArmoniK clusters.
- artix — A generic artifact management utility.
- asc2mb — Manage your timetable by pasing the XML export from asc and format into two files suitable for upload into ManageBac
- ascender-framework — The Ascender Framework is a sophisticated and structured FastAPI-based framework, inspired by the principles of NestJS. It stands out for its modular and organized architecture, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications
- astronomer-orbiter — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- async-s3 — S3 Bucket helper utils. Async list objects by folders.
- audiosnatch — An Audiobook downloader for goldenaudiobooks and sharedaudiobooks.
- autonomy-dev — A collection of tooling to enable open source development of autonomy tools
- autorequests — Generate Python code to recreate a request from your browser.
- aws-pcluster-helpers — Helpers to generate different configurations for PCluster
- aws-s3 — S3 Bucket helper utils. Async list objects by folders.
- aws-tag-tools — The unified tag manager for AWS resources
- babelone — CLI for scaffolding and translating Python build spec files.
- bactopia — A Python package for working with Bactopia
- BAET — A tool to bulk extract audio tracks from video using FFmpeg
- bagcheck — A concourse pipeline validation tool
- bept — BEPT is a Beginner friendly Electrostatics for Protein analysis Tool, a cross-platform interactive and user-friendly tool for protein electrostatics using APBS and PDB2PQR.
- bitwarden-import-msecure — Migration from mSecure to Bitwarden
- blackjack-cli — This is a cli-based blackjack game! Woo!
- blacksheep-cli — 🛠️ CLI to bootstrap BlackSheep projects
- bonfo — Multiwii flight controller configuration management
- bookshelf-cli — 📚 A CLI tool for tracking your stories in the SDLC.
- bowtie-json-schema — A meta-validator for the JSON Schema specification.
- box-packager — Automatic packaging and installers of your GUI with PyApp
- brbug — a tool/library to debug android BeeWare apps on Android with ease.
- broker — The infrastructure middleman.
- browsr — TUI File Browser App
- bump-my-version — Version bump your Python project
- cagged — no summary
- camlhmp — Classification through yAML Heuristic Mapping Protocol
- camply — camply, the campsite finder 🏕
- canvas-course-tools — Canvas course tools
- canvasrobot — Library which uses Canvasapi (see to provide a CanvasRobot class.
- cardiac-geometries — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometries-core — Gmsh files for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometriesx — A python library for cardiac geometries
- casanovo — De novo mass spectrometry peptide sequencing with a transformer model
- cataloguer — Organize your media files
- cephalon-interface — API client and GUI app for interacting with Cephalon Intelligence research tools.
- cfresolve — Pings domains that use cloudflare to retrieve edge ips
- cg — Clinical Genomics command center
- chatgpt-dnac-analyzer — A chatGPT powered Cisco DNAC analyzer
- chatgpt-meraki-analyzer — A chatGPT powered Meraki analyzer
- chaturbate-poller — Poller for the Chaturbate events API.
- chem-mat-data — Interface with database of chemistry and material science datasets for machine learning
- chess-cli-python-stockfish — A tool to play against stockfish
- circuitpython-tool — Command-line tool for interfacing with CircuitPython devices.
- ciscotmg — Private Python SDK for Cisco TMG Matrix APIs
- cliffy — $ cli load from.yaml
- clir — A clear and fast way to store and recover your commands
- clongen — clonmapper reference genome generator
- codegen — CLI tool for code refactoring
- codegen-sh — Add your description here
- coltrane — A minimal app framework for content sites 🎵
- coltrane-web — A simple content site framework that harnesses the power of Django without the hassle.
- cookie-composer — Create new projects from a composition of several templates
- coralsnake — Transcriptome mapping utils
- corecomb — no summary
- CosmoTech-Acceleration-Library — Acceleration libraries for CosmoTech cloud based solution development
- cosmotech-run-orchestrator — Orchestration suite for Cosmotech Run Templates
- crosswork-companion — Business ready documents from Cisco Crosswork
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cvetrends — cvet is a Python utility for pulling actionable vulnerabilities from
- cyclonedds — Eclipse Cyclone DDS Python binding
- cyclonedds-nightly — Eclipse Cyclone DDS Python binding
- d2x — Composable Salesforce DevOps on GitHub
- d2x-cli — A command line interface to MuseLab's D2X Cloud for running automation against Salesforce orgs
- damona — A manager of singularity containers and their singularity recipes (NGS applications)
- damply — A Quick Tool For Sorting Dicom Files
- datadog-agent-dev — Tool for developing on the Datadog Agent platform
- date62 — Compact string-based date(time) format for logging, data engineering, and visualizations.
- dbdit — Version control for Databases
- dds-cli — A command line tool to manage data and projects in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System.
- deepseqcoverageqc — Compute coverage QC metrics for deep targeted sequencing data
- delfies — delfies is a tool for the detection of DNA Elimination breakpoints
- depythel — CLT for Interdependency Visualiser and Dependency Hell scrutiniser
- despot — A fast and simple client to free your music from that green streaming service
- devchat — DevChat is an open-source tool that helps developers write prompts to generate code and documentation.
- dexie-rewards — dexie-rewards is a Python CLI helper tool designed automatically to claim dexie liquidity rewards for offers created using the official Chia Wallet.
- diqu — Data Quality CLI for the Auto-Alerts
- django-codemod — A command line tool to automatically fix Django deprecations.
- django-unicorn-playground — Prototype and debug `Unicorn` components without creating a complete Django application.
- django-yunohost-integration — Glue code to package django projects as yunohost apps.
- dnsctl — no summary