Reverse Dependencies of rich-click
The following projects have a declared dependency on rich-click:
- matomo-cli — CLI and Prometheus exporter for Matomo
- mbodied — Embodied AI
- mbpy — no summary
- MC6809 — MC6809 CPU emulator written in Python
- md410-common — Common libraries for applications related to Lions MD410
- medicure — A cosmetic treatment for your media files: movies, TV shows and also their subtitles.
- menderbot — The AI-powered command line tool for working with legacy code
- mephisto — Crowdsourcing made simpler.
- micropython-stubber — Tooling to create and maintain stubs for MicroPython
- MicroView — Generate reports from metagenomics data
- mockaroo-python — A Python wrapper for the Mockaroo API
- model2sas — Small angle scattering simulation from 3D models
- monas — Python monorepo made easy
- Montreal-Forced-Aligner — Montreal Forced Aligner is a package for aligning speech corpora using Kaldi functionality.
- monz — Simple CLI for your Monzo account.
- mozilla-bigquery-etl — Tooling for building derived datasets in BigQuery
- mp4-to-jpg — A tool to extract frames from MP4 videos and remove duplicates
- mp4-to-jpg-click — A CLI tool to extract frames from MP4/MOV videos with intelligent frame skipping and duplicate detection
- mpflash — Flash and download tool for MicroPython firmwares
- mrender — no summary
- msearch — Search web, hf, pypi, stackovf
- multiqc — Create aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across many samples and tools
- multiqc-sgr — Create aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across many samples and tools
- music_snapshot — Save a snapshot of your day as a Spotify playlist.
- mysoc-dataset — Tool to download mySociety datasets
- nbreqs — Generate notebook_requirements.txt files for Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files).
- ncdump-rich — Rich NcDump
- nerdd-link — Run a NERDD module as a service
- nerdd-module — Base package to create NERDD modules
- nestipy-cli — Nestipy is a Python framework built on top of FastAPI that follows the modular architecture of NestJS
- netbox-giftwrap — Transform NetBox APIs into Business Ready Documents
- nf-core — Helper tools for use with nf-core Nextflow pipelines.
- nomad-dev — Run any code on the cloud, instantly.
- novara — no summary
- ntfyme — Simple notification tool to notify yourself when a long running process ends with local ping, gmail, telegram, etc.
- open-dev — A collection of tooling to enable open source development..
- orko — Project to generate recipes for conda packages
- osint-comp — A place to keep osint files. Mainly a personal project.
- ovos-config — ovos-core configuration module
- ovos-launcher — single app ovos launcher
- ovos-utils — collection of simple utilities for use across the openvoiceos ecosystem
- oxpecker — Oxpecker CLI.
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- parq-inspector — Parquet viewer for your terminal.
- parquet-peek — just a simple way to check parquet file contents
- partcad-skyline — The City of One
- pcvs — no summary
- percheron — no summary
- perke — A keyphrase extractor for Persian
- pfff — Prompt File Format Formatter takes care of outputing your file's content so that they can easily be prompted to a LLM
- phl-budget-data — PHL Budget Data
- pimplife — Provider of Insights and Meaning into Programs.
- pipctl — Control pip's resolution process
- podcast-archiver — Archive all episodes from your favorite podcasts
- polaritonic-index — Polaritonic Index (PI) is a computational tool designed to analyze and classify excitations in hybrid systems composed of a metal nanoparticle and one or more molecules. By examining transition density file, PI can differentiate between metal, molecular and 'hybrid' excitations (these could be polaritonic or charge transfer excitations).
- prism-ds — The easiest way to create data pipelines in Python.
- pros-cli — Command Line Interface for managing PROS projects
- py-midicsv — A library for converting MIDI files from and to CSV format
- pyadcirc — Python library with utilties to handle ADCIRC files and runs.
- pycnpj-cpf — CNPJ and CPF validator
- pycomex — Python Computational Experiments
- pydicomsorter — A Quick Tool For Sorting Dicom Files
- pygoss — Python interface to goss - General ODE System Solver
- pykaraoke — A bot that uses the musixmatch API to transform songs into Google Text-to-Speech
- pymusiclooper — Repeat music endlessly and create seamless music loops, with play/export/tagging support.
- pypi-command-line — A beautiful command line interface for the Python Package Index
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pyrws — Python Package to Prepare Rigid Waist Shift Operations in the CCC.
- pysmartmeter — Collect data from Hichi Smartmeter and expose it via MQTT
- python-exemplary — Embed your documentation inside runnable examples
- python-simple-secrets-manager — A simple python based secrets manager.
- pyupgw — Python client for Unisenza Plus
- pywebexmessage — WebEx Bot that generates adaptive cards to a WebEx Room
- pyworkon — Software Development Project Management Tool
- pywui-cli — Pywui CLI for starting pywui project.
- pyyahts — An implementation of Cisco pyATS
- qbindiff — QBindiff binary diffing tool based on a Network Alignment problem
- quantaq-cli — The QuantAQ CLI
- quiz-correcter — no summary
- redlines — Compare text, and produce human-readable differences or deltas which look like track changes in Microsoft Word.
- renpyfmt — A Ren'Py formatter.
- repo-review — Framework that can run checks on repos
- repository-service-tuf — Repository Service for TUF Command Line Interface
- rich-codex — Generate rich images for the GitHub Action 'rich-codex'
- roboswag — Test framework for auto-generating libraries from OpenAPI specification file.
- robotframework-openapitools — A set of Robot Framework libraries to test APIs for which the OAS is available.
- robotframework-tidy — Code autoformatter for Robot Framework
- roc-validator — A Python package to validate RO-Crates
- rysk-client — no summary
- scikit-tree — Modern decision trees in Python
- secator — The pentester's swiss knife.
- sensord — This distribution package consists of two main components:
- seq2squiggle — End-to-end simulation of nanopore sequencing signals with feed-forward transformers
- sequana — A set of standalone application and pipelines dedicated to NGS analysis
- sequana-pipetools — A set of tools to help building or using Sequana pipelines
- sequana-revcomp — reverse complement a set of FastQ files
- servicefoundry — Deploy applications and interact with the Truefoundry platform using CLI
- SimbioReader — Python Reader for the data from SIMBIO-SYS instrument suite on-board the ESA mission BepiColombo
- sizemeup — A simple tool to determine the genome size of an organism
- smartdoor — Smartdoor system including NFC card detecting, key locking/unlocking, turning LED on/off, etc.