Reverse Dependencies of rapidfuzz
The following projects have a declared dependency on rapidfuzz:
- py-speech-service — no summary
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pyAFQ — pyAFQ: Automated Fiber Quantification ... in Python
- pyaqua — Simple CLI for API
- pycountrycodes — Python package that replicates the ISO-3166, ISO-3166-2 and ISO-4217 (Currencies) standards.
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pyctlib — This is A foundamental package containing some basic self-designed functions and types for Project PyCTLib.
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pydwca — Python library to read, parse and write Darwin Core Archive files
- pyElli — An ellipsometry analysis tool for reproducible and comprehensible building of optical models.
- PyLookup — PyLookup - Fuzzy-matching table autofill tool
- pynidm — PYNIDM: a Python NIDM library and tools
- pypi-command-line — A beautiful command line interface for the Python Package Index
- pypmed — python wrapper for pubmed apis -->
- pyrepseq — Python library for immune repertoire analyses
- pythesint — A Python interface to various metadata vocabularies
- python-doctr — Document Text Recognition (docTR): deep Learning for high-performance OCR on documents.
- pyx-core — All core functionalities for using PyXMake as a build system
- qai-hub-models — Models optimized for export to run on device.
- qary — A chatbot that assists rather than manipulates.
- qubicon — Python SDK for interacting with the Qubicon platform through the library or CLI
- qubicon-client — CLI for interacting with the Qubicon platform
- querysource — QuerySource is a Library for Querying Databases. QuerySource Query parser and generator.Supports SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, etc.
- querytograph — Using ChatGPT to convert your plain English queries into graphs
- Quid — Quid is a tool for quotation detection in texts and can deal with common properties of quotations, for example, ellipses or inaccurate quotations.
- quivr-core — Quivr core RAG package
- ra-aid — RA.Aid - ReAct Aid
- rafuzzpandas — Merges hard-to-merge data using rapidfuzz, cython, pandas and numpy
- raga-llm-eval — Package for LLM Evaluation
- raga-llm-hub — Package for LLM Evaluation
- ragas — no summary
- rapidfuzz-collections — Some collections types for working with rapidfuzz library
- read-genbank — A script for parsing GenBank files
- Red-Web-Dashboard — An easy-to-use interactive web Dashboard to control your Red bot!
- redel — A toolkit for recursive delegation of LLMs
- refpapers — refpapers - Manage and search bibliography from the command line
- regi0 — A Python toolkit to complement and verify biological records.
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- retail-data-sources — Data Sources for Retail Demand Forecast
- rigour — Financial crime domain data validation and normalization library.
- rsstt — A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- rtrie — no summary
- s2py — no summary
- sarthakai — no summary
- sayswho — Quote identification, attribution and resolution.
- scibib — no summary
- scidock — CLI interface for finding, downloading and managing scientific articles
- scope3ai — Track the environmental impact of your use of AI
- screen-ocr — Library for processing screen contents using OCR
- sec-certs — A tool for data scraping and analysis of security certificates from Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2/3 frameworks
- segy — The Ultimate Python SEG-Y I/O with Cloud Support and Schemas
- serpent-lang — Helpful tools for querying and managing data in a natural language format.
- sesg — SeSG is a tool developed to help Systematic Literature Review researchers, specifically at the step of building a search string.
- simple-note-taker — A simple CLI Notetaker with magic commands and options for centralization and summaries for teams
- simpleiso3166 — Simple, strongly typed access to ISO 3166-1 and 3116-2
- sir-lancebot — A Discord bot designed as a fun and beginner-friendly learning environment for writing bot features and learning open-source.
- SisC — SisC is a tool to automatically separate annotations from the underlying text. SisC uses a fingerprint, that is, a masked version of the text to merge stand-off annotations with another version of the original text, for example, extracted from a PDF file. The fingerprint cannot be used on its own to recreate (meaningful parts of) the original text and can therefore be shared.
- sloyka — Library for city identity analysis from social media posts and comments
- sociallinkfinder — input: company's website url , output: company's facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram links in a dictionary
- soli-python — Python library for SOLI, the Standard for Open Legal Information
- songs-dl — Download songs on YouTube and add metadata.
- sovai — python for asset management
- space-rocks — Python client for SsODNet data access.
- spaczz — Adds fuzzy matching and additional regex matching support to spaCy.
- spotdl — Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata
- spotdl-rockbox — Fox for rockbox. Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata
- spotdl-romanized-lyrics — Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata
- spotifind — Spotify and Tunefind Bridge Simple CLI
- spotipylist — A playlist generator for creating local playlists using Spotify curated playlists
- srt-fuzzy-sync — no summary
- steamstore-etl — CLI for Steam Store Data Ingestion ETL Pipeline
- stix2 — Produce and consume STIX 2 JSON content
- streamlit-octostar-utils — no summary
- stringmatch — A library to match and compare strings.
- structured-qa — no summary
- super-gradients — SuperGradients
- syncedlyrics — Get an LRC format (synchronized) lyrics for your music
- syncedlyrics-aio — Get an LRC format (synchronized) lyrics for your music with aiohttp support
- taxontabletools2 — taxontabletools - A comprehensive, platform-independent graphical user interface software to explore and visualise DNA metabarcoding data
- taxopy — A Python package for obtaining complete lineages and the lowest common ancestor (LCA) from a set of taxonomic identifiers.
- term-matcher — A library for fuzzy matching terms in text with corresponding codes.
- termy — A lightweight terminal assistant to give a natural language interface to your terminal commands
- tesci — A toolkit to aid in scientific mapping
- tesseractrapidfuzz — Performs OCR on a list of images using Tesseract and performs fuzzy string matching with a given list of strings.
- text2term — a tool for mapping free-text descriptions of entities to ontology terms
- textcompari — A function to get the difference between two files and return a pandas DataFrame
- textdistance — Compute distance between the two texts.
- textsum — utility for using transformers summarization models on text docs
- tfdocs-cli — Terraform provider documentation viewer for the CLI
- thabit — Thabit: evaluate multiple LLMs on your data
- thapbi-pict — THAPBI Phytophthora ITS1 Classifier Tool (PICT).
- the-fuzz-with-custom-object — Fuzzy String Matching with custom objects in Python
- thefuzz — Fuzzy string matching in python
- toddleocr — Awesome OCR toolkits based on Torch (8.6M ultra-lightweight pre-trained model, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices
- trust-plutus-namematch — Name match for fund names from ICRA and MILES
- twyn — no summary
- UEVaultManager — Free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher application, mainly to manage the assets for Unreal Engine
- unimernet — UniMERNet: A Universal Network for Real-World Mathematical Expression Recognition
- unstructured — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- unstructured-cpu — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.