Reverse Dependencies of rapidfuzz
The following projects have a declared dependency on rapidfuzz:
- lib2fas — Unofficial implementation of 2fas for Python (as a library)
- libmogra — "A Python Toolbox for Indian (Classical) Music"
- libretrofuzz — Fuzzy Retroarch thumbnail downloader
- lol-id-tools — no summary
- Lotte — Lotte is a tool for quotation detection in texts and can deal with common properties of quotations, for example, ellipses or inaccurate quotations.
- lyrics-client — A generic client to fetch lyrics from a song's data
- marker-pdf — Convert documents to markdown with high speed and accuracy.
- menustat-pkg — no summary
- metaapi-cloud-sdk — SDK for MetaApi, a professional cloud forex API which includes MetaTrader REST API and MetaTrader websocket API. Supports both MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and MetaTrader 4 (MT4). CopyFactory copy trading API included. (
- metamenth — Metamodel for Energy Things (MetamEnTh) is an object-oriented metamodel designed to model the operational aspects of buildings. It focuses on the relationships and interactions between mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) entities and their connections to sensors and spatial entities such as rooms and open spaces within buildings.
- metricflow — Translates a simple metric definition into reusable SQL and executes it against the SQL engine of your choice.
- mets-mods2tei — Convert digital documents in METS/MODS format to TEI
- mimir-ai — no summary
- mindocr — A toolbox of OCR models and algorithms based on MindSpore.
- misp-lib-stix2 — Produce and consume STIX 2 JSON content
- misp-stix2 — Produce and consume STIX 2 JSON content
- mkv-episode-matcher — The MKV Episode Matcher is a tool for identifying TV series episodes from MKV files and renaming the files accordingly.
- mmocr — OpenMMLab Text Detection, OCR, and NLP Toolbox
- moatless — no summary
- moatless-tree-search — no summary
- mobile-env-rl — A Universal Platform for Training and Evaluation of Mobile Interaction
- modelscope — ModelScope: bring the notion of Model-as-a-Service to life.
- Mopidy-Tubeify — Mopidy extension for playing streaming service playlists using mopidy-youtube
- motherbot — Final project for Python course => MotherBot
- ms-opencompass — A lightweight toolkit for evaluating LLMs based on OpenCompass.
- mumee — MUsic MEtadata Explorer
- muslimdeen — MuslimDeen: Package pour gérer les sourates et le coran
- namer — A namer of video files based on metadata from the porndb.
- names-matcher — Fuzzily biject people's names between two lists.
- nebulento — dead simple fuzzy matching intent parser
- neer-match — NEural-symbolic Entity Reasoning and Matching
- nemo-toolkit — NeMo - a toolkit for Conversational AI
- ner-tool — no summary
- Nezuki — Un pacchetto per la gestione della domotica e servizi server
- NGPIris — no summary
- ngshare-exchange — nbgrader exchange to use with ngshare
- nlpia2 — Natural language processing utilities and examples for the book Natural Language Processing in Action (nlpia) 2nd Edition by Hobson Lane and Maria Dyshel.
- nltk-tree-extensions — An extension module for nltk.tree
- nmalign — forced alignment of lists of string by fuzzy string matching
- nonebot-bison — Subscribe message from social medias
- nonebot-bison-migang — Subscribe message from social medias
- nonebot_plugin_ACMD — 一个专注于解决输入问题的命令实现。
- nonebot-plugin-memes — Nonebot2 plugin for making memes
- nonebot-plugin-memes-api — Nonebot2 plugin for making memes
- not1mm — NOT1MM Logger
- NovelAILLMWrapper — no summary
- ocr-v — Modification on top of OpenMMLab Text Detection, OCR, and NLP Toolbox
- ocrd-segment — Page segmentation and segmentation evaluation
- onnxtr — Onnx Text Recognition (OnnxTR): docTR Onnx-Wrapper for high-performance OCR on documents.
- OntoAligner — OntoAligner: A Comprehensive Modular and Robust Python Toolkit for Ontology Alignment.
- Open-AutoTools — A suite of automated tools accessible via CLI with a simple `autotools` command
- opencompass — A comprehensive toolkit for large model evaluation
- openghg — OpenGHG - a cloud platform for greenhouse gas data analysis
- openlane — An infrastructure for implementing chip design flows
- OpenNMT-py — A python implementation of OpenNMT
- openocr-python — a python package for openocr, which is used to help developers quickly deploy OCR algorithms implemented in the openocr framework.
- openpolicedata — The OpenPoliceData (OPD) Python library is the most comprehensive centralized public access point for incident-level police data
- openpy-fxts — Various functions and classes for time series forecasting with Machine and Deep Learning
- OpenRecall — no summary
- opensourcedot-mindocr — A toolbox of OCR models and algorithms based on MindSpore.
- oplangchain — langchain for OpenPlugin
- opusfilter — Toolbox for filtering parallel corpora
- osagent — osagent
- osc-transformer-presteps — OS-Climate Data Extraction Tool
- ovos-lingua-franca — OpenVoiceOS's multilingual text parsing and formatting library
- ovos-skill-pyradios — ovos pyradios skill plugin
- ovos-solver-bm25-plugin — A question solver plugin for OVOS
- ovos-utils — collection of simple utilities for use across the openvoiceos ecosystem
- ovos-workshop — frameworks, templates and patches for the OpenVoiceOS universe
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- pad-final-project — Final project for the 'Python for data analysis' subject in the UNAV Master's degree in Big Data Science.
- paddleocr — Awesome OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle(8.6M ultra-lightweight pre-trained model, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices)
- paddleocrWordLevelDetection — Awesome OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (8.6M ultra-lightweight pre-trained model, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embeded and IoT devices
- pandas-fuzz — Extension for `pandas` to use `rapidfuzz` for fuzzy matching.
- papers-cli — utilities to keep your PDF library organized
- papflix — A small example package
- patcherctl — Fetch patch management data from Jamf Pro to generate comprehensive reports in both Excel and PDF formats
- PDFScraper — PDF text and table search
- pepotron — CLI to open PEPs in your browser
- person-match-module — person match module
- pewanalytics — Utilities for text processing and statistical analysis from Pew Research Center
- phdi — Public health data infrastructure Building Blocks is a library to help public health departments work with their data
- PhenoQC — Phenotypic Data Quality Control Toolkit for Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)
- phonetree — A phone-tree like menu system for text-based interfaces
- phruzz-matcher — Combination of the RapidFuzz library with Spacy PhraseMatcher
- piper-whistle — CLI tool to manage piper voices.
- pirate-ledger — A pirate-themed ledger for crew members and sea notes.
- plantpy — Plant Village Survey Export: Simple CLI
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- pokpok-sdk — Python SDK for PokPok API
- polly-validator — Data Validation Library
- polyfuzz — PolyFuzz performs fuzzy string matching, grouping, and evaluation.
- post-processing-library-llm — A brief description of package
- ppi-toolkit — A Python library for retrieving, storing, and analyzing PPI data.
- pptx2md — This package converts pptx to markdown
- pptx2typ — A tool to convert PPTX files to Typst Touying scripts.
- promptinject — PromptInject is a framework that assembles prompts in a modular fashion to provide a quantitative analysis of the robustness of LLMs to adversarial prompt attacks.
- PS3838 — A package to interact with the PS3838 API, especially to retrieve odds and bet automatically.
- puddletag — Powerful, simple, audio tag editor
- Py-Lav — A Lavalink WebSocket & API wrapper for