Reverse Dependencies of questionary
The following projects have a declared dependency on questionary:
- 2fas — Unofficial implementation of 2fas for Python (as a CLI tool)
- aa_ui — Build Conversational AI.
- aamp-app — AAMP App
- abdelrahman-obfuscate — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- abdo — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- abdo-obfuscate — Obfuscate Convo Test
- abdoconvo — dynamic forms updated
- aerostat-launcher — A simple CLI tool to deploy your Machine Learning models to cloud, with public API and connection templates ready to go.
- agentpress — Building blocks for AI Agents
- agentscape — A modern CLI tool for installing components from a repository
- ai-commit-cli — Add your description here
- ai-rich — An AI-powered hedge fund that uses multiple agents to make trading decisions
- aihcx — AI训练平台命令行工具
- ais-cli — Ais (ai shell) is interactive command line ai tool powered by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)
- algokit — Algorand development kit command-line interface
- algorun — Algorand development kit command-line interface
- allusgov — This project attempts to map the organization of the US Federal Government by gathering and consolidating information from various directories.
- amthyst-generator — no summary
- android-cli — no summary
- anymlops — A data science platform that works.
- ApiRack — no summary
- apollo-o1 — An AI-powered Command-Line Interface designed to streamline the SDLC by automating project workflows, including source control, CI/CD, ticket and documentation generation, and other processes.
- appdex — A highly opinionated CLI tool for installing and setting up apps on debian-based systems.
- appfire-connect-sdk — SDK for creating and deploying appfire connect apps
- appfire-data-genie — Generates random data for Appfire P2 apps
- appimage-builder — Recipe based AppImage creation meta-tool
- appollo — CLI to interact with Appollo, the easy way to setup, build & deploy flutter apps for iOS on Linux, Windows and MacOS
- apptrackr — no summary
- aprendo — Quieres aprender español? "Aprendo" es la solución! Add, edit, conjugate, learn and test your Spanish verbs and vocab.
- argonauts — Easily convert function to interactive command line applications
- Assistant — Your very own Assistant. Because you deserve it.
- astronomer-orbiter — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- AtCoderStudyBooster — A tool to download and manage AtCoder problems.
- atopile — A toolchain bringing the best of software development to the real-world!
- atri — The best tools to build better and fast apps
- audible-cli — Command line interface (cli) for the audible package.
- aurras — A high-end command line music player
- automsr — Automate Rewards points collection
- autumn8 — Utilities to export models to the service
- awemecommit — no summary
- aws-pcluster-bootstrap-helpers — Helpers to bootstrap a AWS PCluster + SLURM + Custom AMIs
- ayods — Python CLI tool for initializing data science projects
- based-cli — A powerful CLI tool for interacting with various AI models
- BasePage-QHMS — Base_page for selenium automation
- bedrockz — no summary
- belay — no summary
- bells — Bells is a program for keeping track of sound recordings.
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- bf-nlu — no summary
- bf-nlu-banki — no summary
- bidsapps — CLI tool for running BIDS apps
- bife — no summary
- bitbucket-hg-exporter — A tool for exporting all project data from a BitBucket mercurial repository
- bkmks — Extendable browser bookmark exporter CLI tool
- blacksheep-cli — 🛠️ CLI to bootstrap BlackSheep projects
- Blankly — Rapidly build, backtest & deploy trading bots
- blankly-slate — View, manage and share your model from any codebase with slate
- blitzkrieg — A tool for rapid project setup and management
- bln-tools — Big Local News Tools
- blu-cli — Automate the entire Software Development Lifecycle.
- bmtool — BMTool
- bnb — no summary
- brewup — Ease common Homebrew commands
- brushit — no summary
- bump-my-version — Version bump your Python project
- c6t — Unofficial Administrative Command Line Interface for Contrast Security
- cakemix-python — Cakemix is a tool for creating code template generators like create-react-app and npm-init. Avoiding you to waste time organizing a project.
- calamity_calendar — no summary
- canary-cli — command line interface for canary-cd
- canvas-grab — Downloads all Canvas files to a local directory. Provides GUI for managing the download.[
- capella-console-client — Python SDK for (task, search, order, download)
- cased-cli — A CLI tool for managing cloud infrastructure
- catface — CLI tool to setup Python projects
- causy — Causal discovery made easy.
- cell-feature-data — A Python package for creating a dataset for the Cell Feature Explorer.
- cfgcaddy — A cli for managing user's config files
- cflr — A Cloudflare Admin CLI.
- chainlo — Build Conversational AI.
- chat-flock — Driving Dynamic Multi-Participant Chat Interactions for AI and Human Discourse
- chatsnack — chatsnack is the easiest Python library for rapid development with OpenAI's ChatGPT API. It provides an intuitive interface for creating and managing chat-based prompts and responses, making it convenient to build complex, interactive conversations with AI.
- chenv — modern local environment management
- chimera-stack-cli — A template-based development environment manager
- ciare-world-creator — no summary
- cicada-agent — A Python package for the Cicada project
- cirro — CLI tool and SDK for interacting with the Cirro platform
- citoplasm — CITOplasm is a Python library for writing LLM code in a declarative way.
- civitai-models-manager — CLI tool for managing AI models from the CivitAI platform.
- clabel — A utility for labeling clusters of text data.
- cliai — Command-line interface for OpenAI ChatGPT
- clibf — CLI tool to execute Brainfuck code from files and strings
- click-prompt — click-prompt provides more beautiful interactive options for the Python click library
- clinv — DevSecOps command line asset inventory
- cloudreactor-aws-setup-wizard — A command-line wizard to setup customer environments for running tasks managed by CloudReactor
- cmdbox — cmdbox: It is a command line application with a plugin mechanism.
- codecarbon — no summary
- cometa-git-tools — Git tools for Commitizen and PR Summary Generation using AI
- comfy-cli — A CLI tool for installing and using ComfyUI.
- commitizen — Python commitizen client tool
- commitzilla — Make your commit messages helpful, for once
- container-cli — ✨A non-antihuman way to modify docker's container port mapping✨