Reverse Dependencies of questionary
The following projects have a declared dependency on questionary:
- iauditor-exporter — no summary
- init-fastapi — Managing FastAPI projects made easy.
- interactive-click — no summary
- interpres — Translate from one language to another.
- ipychat — The AI IPython
- ishutils — My Shell Utils
- ism — Interactive SSH menu
- jalopy-cli — Jalopy! Log vehicle maintenance via the commandline!
- jdfile — File Manager for the Johnny Decimal System
- jetsetter — A CLI for working with PyCharm intepreters.
- jiratag-commitizen — Python commitizen client tool
- jst-aicommit — no summary
- jst-django — no summary
- jtech — Jtech Project CLI
- jupyter-kernels — 🪐 ⚪ Jupyter Kernels.
- kaara — no summary
- kac — Python and CLI tool for CHANGELOG files that follow the Keep a Changelog standard.
- karpentermig — A tool for Karpenter migration
- kcman — Aeropost manager for DEV, STAGE and PROD environments
- kidx-core — Machine learning based dialogue engine for conversational software.
- koko-cli — no summary
- kpischanskyi — Gitlab Rapid Development Platform CLI client
- kubeseal-auto — An interactive wrapper for kubeseal binary
- kubesealer — An interactive wrapper for kubeseal binary edit the SealedSecret with your editor like a Kubernetes Secret.
- kwola — Kwola makes an AI powered tool for finding bugs in software
- languageassistant — An LLM-powered language learning assistant
- latin-paradigm-finder — Find latin verbs and their paradigms present in text.
- leona — CLI for DevOps Integration
- letta — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- letta-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- leverage — Binbash Leverage Command-Line tool.
- lfp — Battery pack for your Django project
- libgencli — A command-line interface for searching and downloading books from Library Genesis.
- libretrofuzz — Fuzzy Retroarch thumbnail downloader
- license-sh — License checker - verify software licenses of your open source software
- lightnovel-crawler — An app to download novels from online sources and generate e-books.
- line-sticker-dl — line sticker downloader
- lingcorp — CSV-based linguistic corpus annotation and search.
- link2mp4 — Download videos as MP4 files
- litenv — quickly make pytorch environments with mamba
- lk21 — unduh anime dan film subtitle Indonesia
- llmwrite — CLI for Automated article writing (Powered by GPT-3)
- logbookgenerator — Generates a logbook. Designed for the University of Lincoln's Scientific Computing module.
- lumeny — A cli and tui based personal management app for Lumen Young
- lve-tools — Tools for documenting and recording language model vulnerabilities and exposures.
- macnotesapp — Work with Apple MacOS from the command line. Also includes python interface for scripting from your own python code.
- MakeMe — Easing the usage of Makefiles
- manage-fastapi — Managing FastAPI projects made easy.
- manen — A package around Selenium with an implementation of the page object model, an enhanced WebDriver and a CLI.
- maubot — A plugin-based Matrix bot system.
- memorymarker — memorymarker
- memoryscope — MemoryScope is a powerful and flexible long term memory system for LLM chatbots. It consists of a memory database and three customizable system operations, which can be flexibly combined to provide robust long term memory services for your LLM chatbot.
- mereja — no summary
- metapensiero.tool.tinject — Automate creation of sources
- metrics-as-scores — Interactive web application, tool- and analysis suite for approximating, exploring, understanding, and sampling from conditional distributions.
- metron-tagger — A program to write metadata from to a comic archive
- micropy-cli — Micropython Project Management Tool with VSCode support, Linting, Intellisense, Dependency Management, and more!
- milatools — Tools to work with the Mila cluster
- minapip1 — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- minapipe — this first test pipe
- minapipe1 — this first test pipe
- mkdocs-juvix-plugin — MkDocs documentation with support for Juvix Markdown files
- mle-agent — MLE-agent: An agent to automate your MLE processes
- mlf-core — Reproducible machine learning pipelines using mlflow.
- mm-poe — Multiple Choice Reasoning via. Process of Elimination using Multi-Modal Models
- mmdl — MMDL [Mega Music Downloader] - A tool to easily download music.
- modal-generate — no summary
- moe — The ultimate tool for managing your music library.
- molgenis-commander — A command line interface for Molgenis
- monas — Python monorepo made easy
- montecarlodata — Monte Carlo's CLI
- Mopidy-Advanced-Scrobbler — Mopidy extension for comprehensive management of scrobbles
- mosaicml-cli — Interact with Databricks Mosaic AI training from python or a command line interface
- mp42uni — Use this to show a video in the terminal (Unicode art)
- mpyl — Modular Pipeline Library
- ms-partner-tools — SDK for interacting with the Microsoft Partner Center
- mudey-django — CLI Django
- music-album-creation — A CLI application intending to automate offline music library building
- music_snapshot — Save a snapshot of your day as a Spotify playlist.
- mypy-boto3-builder — Type annotations generator for types-boto3, boto3-stubs, types-aiobotocore, and types-aioboto3.
- nbimports — A CLI tool for managing local module imports in jupyter notebooks
- nebari — A Jupyter and Dask-powered open source data science platform.
- nefino-geosync — Python package to access geographical data from Nefino.LI Geo
- neocortex — no summary
- nester-struct — Automated creation of project structure
- nestipy-cli — Nestipy is a Python framework built on top of FastAPI that follows the modular architecture of NestJS
- newcord — no summary
- nextcloud-tasks-api — A package to pilot the nextcloud Tasks API
- nf-core — Helper tools for use with nf-core Nextflow pipelines.
- nima — Numerical IMage Analyses.
- novara — no summary
- npiai — no summary
- nyaacli — A CLI for downloading Anime from
- obfuscated-convo-new-version-abdo — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- obsidian-metadata — Make batch updates to Obsidian metadata
- ocp-tessellate — Tessellate OCP ( objects to use with threejs
- ocp-vscode — OCP CAD Viewer for VSCode
- odevio — CLI to interact with Odevio, the easy way to setup, build & deploy flutter apps for iOS on Linux, Windows and MacOS
- ohmyoled — 64x32 Oled Matrix Display
- okdata-cli — CLI for services provided by Oslo Origo