Reverse Dependencies of python-gitlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-gitlab:
- aedev-git-repo-manager — aedev namespace package portion git_repo_manager: create and maintain local/remote git repositories of Python projects
- aio-gitlab — A module that allows for faster fetching of resources from Gitlab API using asyncio
- alita-tools — Default set of tools and toolkits available within ELITEA Agents.
- apache-dolphinscheduler — pydolphinscheduler is Apache DolphinScheduler Python API.
- apitaxdrivers — A set of example and micro drivers which can be used as the basis of more robust API drivers or combined together to form a robust application.
- arch-release-promotion — Promote official Arch Linux releases and synchronize them
- argus-ticket-gitlab — Allow argus-server to create tickets in Gitlab
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- asimov — A Python package for managing and interacting with data analysis jobs.
- assignbot — Automatically assign review on gitlab/heptapod
- assisted-ticket-search — A temporary package for testing
- astar-devopstool — Python devopstool
- badges-gitlab — Generate badges for Gitlab Projects in Public and Private Repositories
- badgie — Add all the badges with Badgie!
- baosight — baosight tools
- beauris — BEAURIS: an automated system for the creation of genome portals
- bugtodo — Simple task list sync tools to use with todo.txt file format
- CADET-RDM — A Python toolbox for research data management.
- cbcflow — A package for enabling CBC analyses
- ccl-git-gud — Gitlab workflow command line automation.
- certbot-gitlab — GitLab Pages plugin for Certbot
- cgitize — Self-host your repositories using cgit
- chinstrap — A swiss-army-knife for Tezos Smart Contract developers
- ci-plumber — Plumb together different CI/CD services
- cincan-registry — CinCan Registry: a tool for listing available CinCan tools, their versions and possible updates.
- citerm — A tool to watch CI logs in the terminal
- cli-changelog-md — A package for automatization work with
- codedog — Codedog reviews your pull request using llm.
- coderider-codereview — AI Code Review from CodeRider
- — A zero-config Python project build backend
- comdaan — This is a suite of tools for conducting analysis from data produced by FOSS
- concierge-cli — Concierge repository projects management CLI.
- coursebox — A course management system currently used at DTU
- create-gitlab-project — Gitlab Project Creation CLI
- criticality-score — Gives criticality score for an open source project - DEPRECATED
- crowdlaw — Create and edit law collaboratively
- csptools — no summary
- cyvl-python-semantic-release — Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- dalec-gitlab — Dalec plugin to retrieve gitlab issues, events or milestone
- datakit-gitlab — Commands to manage project integration with Gitlab.
- datalad — data distribution geared toward scientific datasets
- dbnomics-fetcher-ops — Manage DBnomics fetchers
- dcomputationaltool — no summary
- de-git-repo-manager — de namespace module portion git_repo_manager: create and maintain local and remote git repositories of Python projects
- deadsimplevenv — Dead simle wrapper for venv
- defijn-integrations — Defijn's package providing integrations for various third-party APIs such as Everhour, GitLab and Clickup.
- devcli — no summary
- devo — no summary
- dfx-project-creator — Gitlab Project Creation CLI
- dgenome — no summary
- dipr — A revision control independent dependency and sub-repository management package.
- dokos-cli — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Dodock apps
- dox-cli — Make all DevOps experience better
- dumpmyrepos — This python script will backup all your git repos
- DustCli — dust cli
- dvc-cc — This connector is used to combine the work of CC ( and DVC (Open-source Version Control System for Machine Learning Projects).
- elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- elyra-server — The elyra-server package provides common core libraries and functions that are required by Elyra's individual extensions. Note: Installing this package alone will not enable the use of Elyra. Please install the 'elyra' package instead. e.g. pip install elyra[all]
- emonet-py — A PyTorch port of the MatLab EmoNet network by Kragel et al., 2019.
- ep2-tutor-scripts — no summary
- epam-ai-run-codemie-tools — Package with EPAM AI/Run CodeMie tools for AI Agents
- etna-cli — Command line tool for my school's intranet
- facile-gitlab-trigger-easy — testing
- fan-tools — Various python stuff: testing, aio helpers, etc
- footing — Keep templated projects in sync with their template
- foremast — Tools for creating infrastructure and Spinnaker Pipelines.
- fork2gitlab — A script to help forking a project to gitlab and keeping it updated downstream
- foxysafe — GitLab backup tool.
- freshdeps — Keep your Python dependencies fresh
- fs-code — PyFilesystems for GitLab, GitHub, and Git
- fumedev — AI pair programmer
- g3tables — G3 SW Definition, HW and PLC components, and Visualisation tables parser
- g3visu — System G3 Visualization files' parsers and generators
- gardener-cicd-libs — Gardener CI/CD Libraries
- gcip — The Gitlab CI Python Library
- geolia — Geometry and mesh tools
- get-gitlab-issues — A Python package for extracting issues from GitLab repositories.
- gibihm — GitLab Issue Bot for Isochronal Heads-up Monitoring
- gip — Gip is a language agnostic dependency manager which uses API calls to pull repositories.
- giphon — Copy locally a Gitlab group or instance
- git-backups — Backup git repositories to a Gitlab instance
- git-bob — git-bob uses AI to solve Github-issues. It runs inside the Github CI, no need to install anything on your computer.
- git-mirror — Make your local git repos look like github or gitlab. See readme for how this differs from the many other multi-repo tools.
- git-repo — Tool for managing repository services from your git CLI tool
- git-river — Tools for working with upstream repositories
- git-secret-scanner — Find secrets in git repositories with TruffleHog & Gitleaks
- git-spindle — Git subcommands for integrating with central services like github, gitlab and bitbucket
- git-tide — CLI for automated gitflow-style branching
- git-utils-py — Library to download files from gitlab
- git4net — My short description for my project.
- gitcli — Git Command Line Interface
- gitcoll — Git collection utilities
- gitflow-api — Gitflow-API library using a API as backend
- githarbor — Unified client for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket
- gitjirabot — Git Jira integrations bot for automating complex tasks
- gitlab-art — Gitlab artifact manager
- gitlab-backup — backup a gitlab user or organization
- gitlab-branch — Manage branch for gitlab project
- gitlab-changelog-gen — A command line utility to generate with Gitlab merge requests
- gitlab-changelog-tool — Automatically generate changelogs from merge requests on GitLab.