Reverse Dependencies of python-gitlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-gitlab:
- gitlab-ci-cd-variables-tree — Show Gitlab CI/CD variables as Tree structure
- gitlab-ci-mr-tested — Utility for use in gitlab ci to check merge requests have been marked tested
- gitlab-ci-tools — Tools for working inside Gitlab CI
- gitlab-command — no summary
- gitlab-configuration-as-code — Manage GitLab configuration as code
- gitlab-data-export — Export GitLab data to external data stores
- gitlab-deployer — GitLab Deployer
- gitlab-deployment-changelog — Gitlab Deployment Changelog Creator
- gitlab-dumper — CLI tool for dump Gitlab projects
- gitlab-emulator — Run/Inspect a .gitlab-ci.yml jobs and pipelines locally
- gitlab-env — Tool to get/set variables for given Gitlab project
- gitlab-events — Gitlab events to CSV table
- gitlab-exporter — Export various data sets from GitLab issues, projects and groups
- gitlab-helper — some useful actions for interacting with gitlab
- gitlab-issue-delete — Delete GitLab issue in bulk
- gitlab-issues-sync — Synchronize issues from a GitLab project to another
- gitlab-jobs — history of GitLab CI job running times
- gitlab-languages — Utility to generate a Prometheus data source from programming languages inside GitLab repositores
- gitlab-linters — Tools to validate gitlab CI configuration.
- gitlab-management — GitLab group configuration as code
- gitlab-manager — no summary
- gitlab-mr — Console utility to create gitlab merge requests.
- gitlab-mr-note — no summary
- gitlab-multi-group-runner — A helper to assign a GitLab runner to multiple groups and projects
- gitlab-precommit — Pre-commit hooks to validate gitlab CI configuration.
- gitlab-project-configurator — Manage, deploy and update your gitlab projects configuration as source.
- gitlab-projects-issues — Generate GitLab project issues and milestones statistics automatically
- gitlab-projects-migrate — Migrate GitLab projects from a GitLab group to another GitLab's group
- gitlab-projects-settings — Configure GitLab groups and projects settings automatically
- gitlab-recurring-issues — Gitlab Bot to automatically (re)create recurring issues in project
- gitlab-release-notes — Generate release notes for a gitlab project
- gitlab-requirements-extractor — Extract requirements from gitlab issues and created new issued for each requirement
- gitlab-search — Command line tool for searching across GitLab projects
- gitlab-settings-manager — Manage gitlab project settings
- gitlab-time-report — GitLab time reporting made easy.
- gitlab-trace — look at GitLab CI pipeline results from the command line
- gitlab-versioned-pages — Include documentation for multiple project versions in a single GitLab page
- gitlab-watchman — Finding exposed secrets and personal data in GitLab
- gitlab2mr — A gitlab-to-myrepo config helper
- gitlab2nextclouddeck — no summary
- gitlab2pandas — gitlab2pandas supports the aggregation of project activities in a GitLab repository and makes them available in pandas dataframes.
- gitlab2prov — Extract provenance information (W3C PROV) from GitLab projects.
- gitlabber — A Gitlab clone/pull utility for backing up or cloning Gitlab groups
- GitlabBot — no summary
- GitLabChangelog — Produces GitLab changelog release notes for projects that follow SemVer
- gitlabcis — An automated tool that assesses the GitLab CIS benchmarks against a project.
- gitlabenv2csv — gitlabenv2csv allows you to download GitLab ENV variables to a csv file. Manually edit and upload back to the project / group.
- gitlabform — 🏗 Specialized configuration as a code tool for GitLab projects, groups and more using hierarchical configuration written in YAML
- gitlabfs — Mount projects in GitLab as a file system
- gitlabracadabra — Adds some magic to GitLab
- gitlabsolute — Helper and convenience scripts to help with common GitLab actions.
- gitlabx — Uma Lib para buscar dados do Gitlab
- gl-snippet — "Fetch snippet to local file"
- glab-preset — Gitlab preset tool.
- glap — GitLab Artifact Puller / Downloader
- glbuild — A lightweight library and CLI tool for historical GitLab build data and logs collection.
- glcs — A utility for integrating GitLab into CS courses
- glenv — Easily manage your Gitlab CI variables using .env files
- glvars — CLI utility for managing variables in Gitlab
- gpt-readme-reader — A utility to extract setup commands from a GitHub repository
- gpush — no summary
- grlc — grlc, the git repository linked data API constructor
- gros-gatherer — Software development process data gathering
- h5rdmtoolbox — Supporting a FAIR Research Data lifecycle using Python and HDF5.
- hanging-merge-requests — Emojiful daily summaries of open merge requests directly in your Slack
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- hugg — My short description for my project.
- huhk — 接口自动化
- hukudo — no summary
- hypermodel — Hyper Model provides functionality to support MLOps
- i-saas-utils — no summary
- idem-codegen — no summary
- idiap-devtools — A *pot-pourri* of various tools required to develop python packages at Idiap's GitLab infrastructure
- importmod — A CLI tool to import mods into the Portmod repository format
- inter-cli — no summary
- iseqresources — Package for adding new tools to json file, checking their versions and creating tasks in JIRA
- iss-libs — no summary
- issx — Tool for synchronizing issues between different services
- jf-ingest — library used for ingesting jira data
- jira2branch — Takes a JIRA issue and creates a git branch
- jiri-gitlab — A tool to create a Jiri manifest file from Gitlab projects
- Kaera — Project initiator
- kashmir — Snow's DevOps CLI Toolkit
- kira-setup — Kira's CLI to setup new projects
- kiwitcms — Test Case Management System
- labhub — Seamlessly work with with Github, Gitlab and self-hosted Gitlab repositories using one interface
- lancet — Command line utility used by Divio.
- lb-nightly-functions — Core functions for LHCb Nightly and Continuous Integration Build System
- lbdevtools — LHCb development tools
- lbnightlytools — LHCb Nightly tools
- ldapKIT — Collection of useful scripts for ldap based user management.
- lektor-gitlab — Query the Gitlab API right from your Lektor templates
- lemniscat.plugin.gitlab — A plugin automates interactions with GitLab
- lfsdata — no summary
- LHCbDIRAC — LHCbDIRAC is the LHCb extension of DIRAC
- lightweight-versioned-gitlab-pages — Enable GitLab pages to provide documentation for multiple versions
- ligo-asimov — A Python package for managing and interacting with data analysis jobs.