Reverse Dependencies of python-dotenv
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-dotenv:
- xumm-sdk-py — Xumm SDK for Python
- xx0 — 包的简短描述
- xync-bot — Telegram bot with web app for xync net
- xync-client — no summary
- xync-script — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- y-llm — LLM related tools
- y42 — Client for programmatic usage of Y42
- YAFPA — A script to share your obsidian vault (in partial way)
- yahoo-export — Export Yahoo Fantasy Football data from historical records and live data.
- yahoo-parser — Parse json response from Yahoo Fantasy API
- yaml-pyconf — Turn YAML files into python objects
- yamllm-core — YAML-based LLM configuration and execution
- yamlsub — A sample project that uses a YAML config file
- yandex-gpt-api — Библиотека для работы с Yandex GPT API с поддержкой синхронного и асинхронного режимов
- yany — 星火人设定制工具
- yapat — PAM annotation tool using machine learning to retrieve high-priority samples.
- yapenv — Yet another python environment
- yaralyzer — Visualize and force decode YARA and regex matches found in a file or byte stream. With colors. Lots of colors.
- yardi-sdk — Yardi SDK for Python
- yasgi — Yasgi is a Tiny Web Framework for Python, aiming to be as simple as possible.
- yawgbot — yawgbot - yet another wg bot
- yawn-api — A Python package for interacting with the SNAPI API, YawnLabs, and various other health device APIs.
- yeagerai-agent — The @yeagerai Agent is used to create your custom LangChain Agents on-the-fly.
- yeedu-cli — Universal Command Line Interface for Yeedu.
- Yeep — Простая и мощная библиотека для работы с PostgreSQL
- yellowcard-business — Python SDK for the YellowCard B2B API
- yepcode-run — YepCode Run - A powerful serverless runtime and SDK for executing code in secure sandboxes
- yEscher — Run gene knockouts and analyize S. Cerevisae, built on top of yeastGEM
- yfpy — Python API wrapper for the Yahoo Fantasy Sports public API.
- ying — My personal python library for some common usage.
- ylz_bilibili — no summary
- ylz-langchain — no summary
- ylz-utils — ylz 工具类
- ynab-import — Automate transaction import troubles to ynab.
- yodu — Generic Purpose Open Source Recommender System
- YoloDatasetDBManager — A Python library for managing YOLO datasets, allowing seamless conversion between filesystem-based datasets and PostgreSQL storage. Features include inserting datasets into a database, retrieving and rebuilding datasets, and preserving YOLO-compliant folder structures.
- yorgassistant — assistant package for yorg
- york-yt-concate — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from YouTube channel
- yoti — The Yoti Python SDK, providing API support for Login, Verify (2FA) and Age Verification.
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- your-code-reviewer — no summary
- yourbench — Dynamic Evaluation Set Generation with Large Language Models
- yout-concate — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from a youtube channel.
- youtube-selenium-py — A Python package to create youtube channels, sub channels, upload videos, create community posts, edit channel, delete channel, and so much more.
- youtube-transcript-generator — A Python package to generate AI-powered transcripts from YouTube videos
- youtube-wrapper-py — This is a package that wraps around the YouTube API, providing an easier user interface and experience
- YouTubeToGo — A script to download and convert YouTube videos to either video or audio format.
- yt-concate — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from a Youtube channel.
- yt-concate-AliceHHH — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from youtube channel
- yt-concate-beta — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from a YOUTUBE channel
- yt-concate-felixyu — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from a Youtube channel.
- yt-concate-Hao — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from Youtube channel.
- yt-concate-jason — Produce a concatenated video from clips that mentioned a word from a YouTube channel.
- yt-concate-py — Produce a consolidated video by concatenating YouTube video clips that mention a specific word.
- yt-concate-test01 — TEST: produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from YouTube channel
- yt-concate-willie300300 — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from a Youtube channel.
- yt-concate-yao8762 — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentioned a word from YouTube channel
- yt-transcribe — Youtube Transcript Extract and Transcribe
- ytad — A tool for adding YouTube video like/dislike counts to video descriptions.
- ytclips-merge — Produce a concatenated video of clips that mentions a word from a youtube channel
- ytcompdl — Script to download and segment youtube videos automatically.
- ytdebunk — A CLI tool to automatically download audio .mp3 from a YouTube video link, transcribe it, refine and find logical errors in the transcription using AI.
- ytgrid — YTGrid is a powerful, scalable, and flexible YT automation tool that enables looped playback, remote control, and real-time tracking using a hybrid CLI + API architecture. It integrates FastAPI for REST API control, Selenium for browser automation, and Python multiprocessing/Celery for concurrent tasks.
- ytml-toolkit — no summary
- yucca — The modern framework for sandbox experimentation and out-of-the box machine learning on medical data.
- yunopyutils — Utils for python
- yurumikuji — kamidana(jinja2 cli) slack additonal.
- yutipy — A simple package for retrieving music information from various music platforms APIs.
- yuuz12-sdk — Python 3 SDK for Yuuz12-Api. Check
- z-backup — Simple backup service
- zabbix-sender-async — A Zabbix sender module with async features
- ZaloTTS — Zalo Text To Speech
- zamp-public-workflow-sdk — Workflow Manager
- zarinpal-py-sdk — A Python SDK for Zarinpal Payment Gateway
- zbase — foundation library of python project
- zchat — A personal chat agent CLI using Together AI via AirTrain
- zcp-alert-backend — This is the backend service for the alert management of the Cloud Z MP solution
- zeconfig — Configuration Manager Package
- zeitkapsel-api — no summary
- zemfrog — Zemfrog is a simple framework based on flask for building a REST API quickly.
- zen-completions — A CLI tool for interacting with LLMs through a model router
- zen-temple — The visualization plattform for ZEN-garden
- zenaton — Zenaton client library
- zensvi — This package handles downloading, cleaning, analyzing street view imagery in a one-stop and zen manner.
- zeptomail-python-api — Python client for the ZeptoMail API
- — A package to read 0archive's data from google drive to csv
- zerpy — 🔗 Package Guide On
- zeus — A framework for deep learning energy measurement and optimization.
- zeus-ml — A framework for deep learning energy measurement and optimization.
- zev — Lookup CLI commands easily
- zhandegao-test-2 — a test project
- zigent — AI Agent for
- zipline-cli — Python 3 CLI for Zipline
- zira — Async logging system with local caching and syncing system
- ziya — no summary
- zkappsumstadcli — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zkappumstad — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zkb — A Zettelkasten-inspired knowledge base
- zkumstad — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zmp-manual-backend — Backend service for ZMP manual management