Reverse Dependencies of python-dotenv
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-dotenv:
- whoogle-search — Self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- whoogle-search-kdev — Self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- whyerror — no summary
- whylabs-llm-toolkit — Utilities for harm dataset generation
- whyqd — data wrangling simplicity, complete audit transparency, and at speed
- wicspy — A comprehensive Python utilities library for various tasks
- wids-datathon-2020 — The challenge is to create a model that uses data from the first 24 hours of intensive care to predict patient survival. (Kaggle Proj)
- WigglyRivers — Exploring the multiscale meandering characteristics of river transects
- wigli — Powerful ChatGPT wrapper adds extensible botswarms for web search, coding, and more.
- wikidata-bot-framework — A framework for making Wikidata bots.
- wikimedia-enterprise-mcp — implementation of the model context protocol for the wikimedia enterprise api and wikibase REST API
- wikly — A tool to export and analyze Wiki.js content with AI capabilities
- willtools — A short description of your package
- wims-api-utils — WIMS api related libraries.
- windflow — Windflow helps to write web apps (asyncio, tornado, sqlalchemy). Experimental, use at own risks.
- windrak — no summary
- wintappy — Python utilities for working with Wintap data
- winwin — Add your description here
- wisedata — AI Assistant for Python Data Analytics
- wit-core — Response processor for
- wj-google — no summary
- wj-social-net-queries — this library is responsible for comunicating with social network API's for data interaction with Whale and Jaguar products
- wkey — Integrate OpenAI speech-to-text Whisper with your keyboard
- wmu-greek-utils — A collection of utilities for working with Greek text
- wnm — Manager for Autonomi nodes
- wnox — QE nexus client.
- wobblywalrus — Add your description here
- wonderbits-ampy — ampy (Adafruit MicroPython tool) is a command line tool to interact with a CircuitPython or MicroPython board over a serial connection.
- woodwork-engine — An AI Agent IaC tool that aims to make developing and deploying AI Agents easier.
- woopyMysql — Simple class to manage multiple Mysql Db with mysql-connector-python
- word-embedder — Word Embedder
- workcell — Turn python function into microservice.
- workcraft — A simple, lightweight, database-only, worker library in Python
- worker-automate-hub — Worker Automate HUB é uma aplicação para automatizar rotinas de RPA nos ambientes Argenta.
- workerflow — Graph-based Visual Programming core module for workers
- Workerpy — Libreria para crear Workers que responden a eventos desde kafka/Nats
- workflows_emulator — Google Workflows Emulator and testing utilities
- workon-poetry — Natural Language Understanding (text processing) for math symbols, digits, and words with a Gradio user interface and REST API.
- workraft — A simple, lightweight, database-only, worker library in Python
- WorkSpaceAutomation — A project to help all fellow devs to not waste time in doing the boring and repetitive stuff
- wowicache — OPENWOWI Wowiport SQLAlchemy overlay
- wp-engine-api-python — WP Engine API SDK for Python
- wplay — command line software to play with your WhatsApp
- wpp-bavapi — Python consumer for the WPPBAV Fount API.
- wraipperz — Simple wrappers for various AI APIs including LLMs, ASR, and TTS
- wrapchain — no summary
- wrapperz — Simple wrappers for various AI APIs including LLMs, ASR, and TTS
- wrapworks — Decorators for Developers
- WrenchCL — WrenchCL is a comprehensive library designed to facilitate seamless interactions with AWS services, OpenAI models, and various utility tools. This package aims to streamline the development process by providing robust components for database interactions, cloud storage, and AI-powered functionalities.
- writeup-cv-cli — A command-line CV Analyzer tool that processes PDF resumes and performs analysis.
- ws2811-mqtt — This package makes it possible to control the ws2811 type lights with a homeassistant mqtt instance
- ws2webhook — Websocket data to webhook
- wsds — A simple framework for building complex web applications.
- wtfis — Passive hostname, domain and IP lookup tool for non-robots
- wtfix — The Pythonic Financial Information eXchange (FIX) client that you have been looking for.
- wx-robot-client — Robot Client for QiYe Wechat
- wxai-langchain — wxai-langchain enables the use of IBM in LangChain projects. This is not supported by IBM.
- wxtwitterbot — Wx Twitter Bot
- wyngman — wyngman is a Python package that provides needed functionalities of AWS Toolkit that are otherwise difficult to achieve with the standard cli or not possible currently.
- wyvern-ai — no summary
- wyzely-detect — Recognize faces/objects in a video stream (from a webcam or a security camera) and send notifications to your devices
- wzlight — Light asynchronous wrapper for COD Warzone API
- x-browser-client — A Python package for interacting with using Playwright-powered automation. Meant for use with AI agents. Requires a windowed environment, optimally Ubuntu or Windows.
- x-mcp — A server to create drafts of X(twitter) posts, threads using LLMs and post directly from the chat.
- x8-client — Client library for the x8 video processing API
- xaiev — Add your description here
- xanadu-cloud-client — XCC is a Python API and CLI for the Xanadu Cloud.
- xata — Python SDK for
- xbrlapi — A Python client for XBRLAPI
- xbt — X Build Tool
- xchange-mail — Solução de gerenciamento e envio de e-mails via MS Exchange
- xclientai — no summary
- xcloud — no summary
- XcomLAN — Python library to access Studer-Innotec Xcom-LAN/Xcom-232i node through (SCOM) Xtender Serial Protocol over a TCP/IP Network connection.
- xd_py_auth — no summary
- xdeen — AI trading network for cryptocurrencies
- xero-mcp — Xero MCP Server
- xhdata — XhData is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python
- xiaogpt — Play ChatGPT or other LLM with xiaomi AI speaker
- xllm — Simple & Cutting Edge LLM Finetuning
- xmlAnomalyDetection — A tool for detecting anomalies in XML data
- xn-api — Simplest fastest minimal REST API CRUD generator for Tortoise ORM models
- xn-auth — Auth adapter for XN-Api framework
- xn-client — no summary
- xn-model — Base model for xn-api
- xnode — This is a CLI management tool for MicroPython-based embedded systems.
- xoadmin — bindings and wrappers to manage an XOA instance
- xontrib-commands — Useful xonsh-shell commands/alias functions
- XoxoDay — XoxoDay Api Client For Python
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration
- xrennerjsonnlp — The Python Xrenner JSON-NLP package
- xrpld-publisher — Xrpld validator lists publisher library
- xrtc — SDK for XRTC API - the next generation TCP streaming protocol
- xrx-mysql-utils — A mysql utility package
- XSS-Checker — XSS-Checker is a tool used to Check / Validate for XSS vulnerabilities
- xtg-auth — Authentication backend for Telegram Mini Apps on starlette/fastapi API
- xtl-read-assistant — X as a third language reading assistant
- xts-api-client — A Package designed for connecting to a Stock Broker that uses Symphony Fintech Solutions Pvt. Ltd for there API.
- xtts-api-server — A simple FastAPI server to host XTTSv2
- xueba-biliup-mysql — stream download and upload