Reverse Dependencies of PySide2
The following projects have a declared dependency on PySide2:
- aleph — ALEPH is a bioinformatics tool for structure interpretation and generation of fragment-based library for Molecular Replacement.
- algo-battle — Educational Project to let different algorithms compete against each other. Currently only available in German.
- algotides — GUI for Algorand algod and kmd deamon
- alguiloop — A python package which allows to use while and for loops without obstructing the GUI. This is currently for tkinter, PyQt5, PyQt6, wxPython, PyForms-GUI and PySide2.
- alignmeet — A Comprehensive Tool for Meeting Alignment, Annotation and Evaluation
- AlignR — Simple Tool to track the alignments of your players
- all-nodes — PySide2-based visual programming for Python 3
- allzpark — A cross-platform launcher for film and games projects, built on Rez
- arabaci01 — A small example package
- arabaci02 — A small example package
- argparseqt — An easy way to make Qt GUIs using the argparse standard module
- artella-plugins-core — Core Artella plugin package to create DCC plugins for Artella.
- asyncslot — Use asyncio-based library from Python for Qt.
- atlas-framework — Class-based famework for quickly creating robust Python apps.
- baconify — Fill your screen with bacon!
- bergen — A python client for the Arnheim Framework
- betsee — BETSEE, the BioElectric Tissue Simulation Engine Environment.
- BFEE2 — Binding Free Energy Estimator 2
- biseau-gui — A graphical interface for biseau
- blastsight — A 3D visualization library oriented to mining applications
- bloghead — no summary
- bluesky-cmds — Custom interface to bluesky-queueserver used by the Wright Group
- bluesky-widgets — Toolbox of widgets for visualizing streaming data
- bookery — no summary
- buttonizer — run py commands from buttons generated from a config
- BWFM — Simple Qt front-end for botwfstools management.
- BZMicroStitcher — A package to stitch microscope images.
- caeroc — Compressible aerodynamics calculator in Python
- cellfinder-visualize — Cellfinder output visualization
- CharlaGUI — GUI for Charlatano and RatPoison CS:GO Cheat
- cheqlist — A simple Qt checklist.
- chess4fun — A Python App for Chess
- CIDAN — cidan-Calcium Imaging Data ANalysis
- clarisse — A light-weighted GUI framework for Python programs.
- clipster-desktop — Multi Platform Cloud Clipboard - Desktop Client
- cluseek — A GUI application for finding and categorizing gene clusters found in the NCBI GenBank genomic database.
- codelink — Node-based visual programming environment
- conddbbrowser — LHCb Conditions Database Browser
- cqu-timetable-new — Generate CQU timetable iCalendar (ics) file
- CrawlSpider — Python Common Spider for Humans.
- create-artisan-alarms-phidget — Create artisan profiles using the alarms and the modified version of the freshroastsr700 library for phidget
- csv-remapper — A GUI/CLI tool for manipulating CSV file data
- cyto-studio — napari viewer which can read multiplex images as zarr files
- deaduction — Graphical proof assistant for learning proofs
- deepethogram — Temporal action detection for biology
- depthai-sdk — This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library.
- describealign — Combines videos with matching audio files (e.g. audio descriptions)
- dial — GUI for the Dial Framework
- dial-gui — A node-based GUI for Deep Learning tasks
- diffview — no summary
- diffx — compare xml or json files with svg/html report
- dlc-generic-analysis — A framework for creating analysis applications for DeepLabCut with a gui build in Qt.
- dlc-gui — Labeling GUI for DeepLabCut
- DMT-core — Device Modeling Toolkit Core
- dmt-extraction — Device Modeling Toolkit extraction submodule
- drt-gui — GUI for photo restoration app
- drt-mask-generator — Tool for mask creating
- DTPySide — A PySide framework for constructing customizable GUI software.
- dvg-devices — Collection of I/O interfaces to communicate with microcontroller boards and laboratory devices, with optional PyQt/PySide multithread support and graphical user-interfaces.
- dynsys — no summary
- EasyImageUpload — 基于Python 实现的upload utils
- EasyMenusBar — 基于Pyside2 实现的menusbar
- EasyModels — Command Line User Interface for finding pre-trained AI models
- EasyMonitor — 基于Pyside2 实现的monitor
- enaml — Declarative DSL for building rich user interfaces in Python
- eqt — A number of templates and tools to develop Qt GUIs with Python effectively
- exapp — A Python Example Launcher Application
- exhibiter — a tool to organize evidence for litigation
- femtoapi — Python API for MESc
- femtoapiwrap — FemtoAPI Python wrapper
- few-colors — Color Image with Few Colors from an image with Labeled Objects
- fidget — Fidget is an adapter of Qt into a functional-style interface. Fidget can be used seamlessly with PySide6, PySide2, PyQt5. Fidget is designed to create an effortless and rich UI for data science and analysis.
- fime — Simple time tracking app written with Python and Qt
- FlashGBX — Reads and writes Game Boy and Game Boy Advance cartridge data
- flowws-analysis — Stage-based scientific workflows for system analysis
- fpga-device-manager — A GUI for managing FPGA Device configurations.
- fpga-device-monitor — A GUI for remotely controlling FPGA devices, serving as an example on how to use the FPGA Bridge API.
- freecadparametricfea — A flexible parametric FEA library based on FreeCAD
- freesia — Takes Qt for Python and adds extra functionality including automatic scaling
- FreeSimpleGUIQt — The free-forever Python GUI framework.
- fseutil — Fire Safety Engineering Utility Tools
- fstk — Fast Switch Time Keeper
- ftrack-framework-qt — ftrack framework qt library
- ftrack-qt — ftrack qt library
- galleries-qt — Qt implementation to manage galleries.
- gamma-desk — A Python work environment image viewers & plots
- GenExpA — Comprehensive tool based on the new workflow for qPCR data analysis
- geoapps-utils — Geoapps Utils
- gias3.mapclientpluginutilities — Common modules for GIAS3
- git-annex-gui — A small systray app for git annex assistant.
- git-cola — Git Cola is a powerful Git GUI with a slick and intuitive user interface.
- glue-plotly — Experimental exporters for glue
- guietta — Simple GUI for Python
- GUISpices — A wrapper module for various GUI usages
- hai-gui-framework — HaiGF is the Hakutaku Artificial Intelligence (HAI) GUI Framework, which provides a set of APIs for building GUI applications in HAI Platform.
- handytat — HandyTAT - The Handy Text Alignment Toolkit
- happyfeat — Package for HappyFeat
- hat-qt — Hat Qt utility library
- hdlg — Modern GUI for hdl-dump.
- hotline — Sublime text like Qt Command Palette