Reverse Dependencies of PySide2
The following projects have a declared dependency on PySide2:
- hwi — A library for working with Bitcoin hardware wallets
- hypnotoad — Grid generator for BOUT++
- ImageStack-SVG — Create Images by Stacking them
- img-dice — Dice tif images into smaller sections using a shapefile of polygons
- iminspect — Qt-based GUI to visualize image-like data
- imseqvis — A Qt-based image sequence visualizer widget
- investment — A Python App for Investment
- ipso-phen — IPSO Phen an image processing toolbox for mass phenotyping
- ipywebview — Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- ismrmrdviewer — Simple tool for viewing ISMRMRD data.
- isr-meta — python meta package of the intelligent soft robotics laboratory
- iTint — A theme color extraction widget based on octree with multiple inputs (file, screen).
- Jade-Application-Kit — Create native web wrappers or write hybrid Desktop applications on Linux, with Python, JavaScript, HTML, and Blink
- jal — Just Another Ledger - project to track personal financial records
- jnp3 — 一个 Python 语言的辅助工具集
- keygen-yocto — A simple tool to generate and verify license keys for your app.
- koapy — Kiwoom Open Api Plus Python
- leosatpy — LEOSatpy is a highly-automated end-to-end pipeline for the reduction, calibration, and analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellite observations from various telescopes.
- librepythonista-python-editor — A Python editor for LibreOffice that has the LibrePythonista extension installed.
- lifeblood-viewer — view the LIFEBLOOD !!
- lindu — a library and GUI for earthquake data processing
- line-profiler-gui — A Qt GUI to run and display line by line profiling data using line_profiler
- LiquidIssuer — Issue token on Blockstream Liquid sidechain, compatible with Blockstream asset registry.
- lk-qtquick-scaffold — A flexible toolset to improve QML coding experience for PyQt/PySide development.
- llnl-pydv — PyDV: Python Data Visualizer
- llspy — Lattice Light Sheet Processing Tools.
- locan — Analysis software for single-molecule localization microscopy
- loggui — GUI handler for python logging
- m_pyside — myself pyside libs
- m3tior-pyside2-style-test — A Qt-5 interactive stylesheet preview script
- mad-gui — Python GUI for annotating and processing time series data.
- magic-class — Generate multifunctional GUIs from classes
- MagicDrCOM — 3rd DrCOM client
- magicgui — build GUIs from python types
- mansel — Tool for manual file selection
- markipy — MrkPy LIB
- matplotlib-backend-pyside2 — Backend to use matplotlib in qml
- matplotlib-qml-bindings — Bindings to use matplotlib components in a QML-like syntax inside of QML-components
- mayagpt — An AI-powered scripting assistant for Autodesk Maya users!
- mdpertool — A Software Tool for Investigation of Allosteric Communication within Protein Structures via Energy Dissipation in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- mescapi — Python API for MESc
- mgv — An open-source nodal pipeline manager
- mincepy-gui — GUI for navigating your mincepy database visually!
- mininux-replay-manager — A simple replay manager made with Python and Qt for the game Project+
- MkEdit — 基于Pyside2 实现的markdwon edit
- mlxtk — Toolkit to design, run and analyze ML-MCTDH(X) simulations
- mnd-qtutils — Utility functions for Qt (PySide2)
- ModbusGuiApp — ModbusGuiApplication.
- moderngl-window — A cross platform helper library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple
- modulename — this is a description
- mondo — Application for analyzing recorded Asphodel sensor data
- mp3monitoring — Monitors a folder and copies mp3s to another folder.
- mpackview — GUI to stream MessagePack log files.
- mr-hub-gui — A GUI to add packages to MR-Hub
- MTGProxyPrinter — MTGProxyPrinter allows efficient printing of Magic: The Gathering cards for playtesting purposes.
- multiflash — study aid
- multigit-gx — Multigit is a graphical tool designed to simplify working with projects composed of multiple git repositories.
- MusicRaft — GUI for abcplus music notation.
- napari — n-dimensional array viewer in Python
- napari-cellseg3d — Plugin for cell segmentation in 3D
- napari-console — A plugin that adds a console to napari
- napari-micromanager — Micro-Manager GUI interface in napari.
- napari-plot — Plugin providing support for 1d plotting in napari.
- napari-stpt — napari viewer which can read stpt, axio and imc images as zarr files
- nextcrop — Crop and dewkew scanned images
- nlScript — A framework for creating scripting interfaces based on natural syntax.
- NodeGraphQt — Node graph framework for PySide2/PyQt5 that can be
- ocio-lut-prescription — GUI wrapper of ociobakelut command.
- OdooQtUi — The project intend to get a fully qt ui version for odoo, providing form a search view to be used in non web environment, like Allocation extension.
- oleeditor — An OLE structed storage file editor
- oneFace — oneFace is a library for automatically generating multiple interfaces(CLI, GUI) from a callable Python object
- open-sync-board-gui — no summary
- opencmiss.zincwidgets — no summary
- opencv-pg — Qt5 GUI Application for realtime exploration of OpenCV functions
- openide — Python implementation of openide/Netbeans Platform concepts
- OpenTimelineIO — Editorial interchange format and API
- openvr — Unofficial python bindings for Valve OpenVR SDK
- Osmapy — no summary
- osrsmath — Mathematical Functions & Optimization Calculations for OSRS
- oursfirstchatapp2 — Our First Intelligent Chatting UI
- papflix — A small example package
- Paranestamol — A QtQuick-based nested sampling visualisation tool.
- partis-view — Graphical interface for viewing and editing workflow files
- PartSeg — PartSeg is python GUI and set of napari plugins for bio imaging analysis especially nucleus analysis,
- Patchview — Patchview perform data analysis and visualization on whole-cell recording data, including firing pattern analysis, event analysis, synatpic connection detection, morphorlocial analysis and more.
- patray — no summary
- pcm — tiny programing contest manager
- peak-finder-app — Peak Finder App
- peewee-erd — Draw the ER diagram based on peewee models.
- pengtest — Test suite tools for instructors
- pequenawebview — Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
- petabvis — Interactive visualization of PEtab problems
- peyecoder — Software for coding eye movements
- PFAS-SAT — Perfluoroalkyl Substances Systems Analysis Tool (PFAS_SAT)
- phoenix-wright-reverse — phoenix_wright come feom <Phoenix Wright>
- Photini — Simple photo metadata editor
- photoblend — Photoblend is a custom PyQt5 & C++ image editor app with blending mode features, filters and othermanipulation options to render unique and creative images.
- pieoffice-gui — A GUI script converter for ancient (Proto-)Indo-European languages based on pieoffice.
- pimpygui — Graphical user interface for pimpy
- plato-draw — Geometry and visualization tools for collections of particles