Reverse Dependencies of pyodbc
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyodbc:
- edfi-lms-ds-loader — Ed-Fi LMS Toolkit Data Store Loader
- edfi-lms-harmonizer — Ed-Fi LMS Toolkit Harmonizer
- edfi-sql-adapter — Lightweight wrapper to facilitate connections to SQL databases
- edp-amundsen-databuilder — EDP Amundsen Data builder
- eltsnap — Third version test
- EMPLOID — A simple to use automation tool for automating web, android and windows proccesses.
- eneel — A package for fast loading av relational data
- enigmx — enigmx package
- EnORM — EnORM—EnDATA Object Relational Mapper.
- eovsapy — Python code and files for Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array
- ephemerals-mssql — Ephemeral Microsoft SQL Server Database Context Helper.
- eptools — EasyPost Tools
- etl-db-tools — no summary
- etl-toolkit — ETL CLI Toolkit. Performs common ETL tasks for standard industry and custom files in various formats.
- etlhelper — etlhelper is Python ETL library to simplify data transfer into and out of databases.
- exasol-python-test-framework — Python Test framework for Exasol database tests
- ExasolDatabaseConnector — Exasol database connector class written in python
- excel2mssql — A package to insert data from Excel or CSV to MSSQL
- experimentum — Data-Management Framework for Running and Analyzing Computational Experiments
- fabric-user-data-functions — This package contains bindings and middle ware required for fabric functions built on python.
- fast-to-sql — An improved way to upload pandas dataframes to Microsoft SQL Server.
- fastapi-batteries-included — Batteries-included library for services that use FastAPI
- fastapi-simple-security-sql-server — API key based security package for FastAPI, focused on simplicity of use
- Feast — Python SDK for Feast
- feast-azure-provider — A Feast Azure Provider
- feast-doris — Python SDK for Feast
- feastmo — Python SDK for Feast
- fico21softlibs — This is a fico21soft's common libraries
- fico21softlibswin — This is a fico21soft's common libraries
- fidesctl — CLI for Fides
- firebend-tap-mssql — tap for extracting data from SQL Server - PipelineWise compatible
- Flask-Shopify-Integration — no summary
- flowbyte — ETL tool for data processing
- fosforio — FOSFOR-IO: To read and write dataframe from different connectors.
- fpptools — An FPPro debug CLI written in python3
- FucLib — A simple, for its own method library.
- fxq-pdbc — no summary
- gamsapi — GAMS Python API
- gecosistema-database — A small example package
- geniusrise-databases — listeners bolts for geniusrise
- globalframework — no summary
- globus-etl-utils — ETL tools for Globus Staffing
- goe-framework — no summary
- google-datacatalog-sqlserver-connector — Library for ingesting SQLServer metadata into Google Cloud Data Catalog
- grai-source-mssql — no summary
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- gredos2x — gredos2x is a format converter for Gredos power system model built by EIMV in 1991. This tool is a set of Python tools, for export to other formats and simulators and supports GIS data conversion from Gredos.
- grtoolkit — Common functions for quick python development
- h10awswrnglr — Pandas on AWS.
- harlequin_odbc — A Harlequin adapter for ODBC drivers.
- hbsir — An intuitive platform designed to simplify the analysis of Iran household budget survey data.
- heroes-ai-handler — A package for handling GPT, embeddings, and data for an AI Assistant.
- hexpot — Realtime quantitative trading tools
- hivemind-plus — A workflow wrapper for Hivemind
- hldb — Supple oracle/mysql/hadoop query,export datafile as csv/excel ,up/download datafile to/from ftp,zip/tar datafile, for easy done with data
- hra-etl — A small example package
- hydrobot — A suite of processing tools for Hilltop hydrological data.
- hydrobotdbc — A custom Pyodbc wrapper
- hyperdb — Hyperdb provides wrapper functions for working with Tableau hyper datasources and moving data between Tableau Server, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure through a common interface
- iaccess — Provides support for DB2 for iSeries for remote python clients using IBM i Access Client Solutions ODBC driver
- iauditor-exporter — no summary
- ibis-framework — The portable Python dataframe library
- icc-utils — Package used to handle common functions at ICC
- ics-sbom-libs — ICS SBoM libs is a set of libraries developed by Integrated Computer Solutions (ICS) for handling Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) documentaion.
- idg-metadata-client — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- ifdtools — no summary
- in-dbt-spark — Release for LinkedIn's changes to dbt-spark.
- ingestr — ingestr is a command-line application that ingests data from various sources and stores them in any database.
- ispy2-mri — Log receipt of MRI exams into the database
- jentinkj-s21 — no summary
- joao-marcionilo-finances — Package with CRUD using SQL Server and a FastAPI local server for testing it
- jr-connection — A simple python package to connect to JR servers and get the data
- jupysql — Better SQL in Jupyter
- kedro-datasets — Kedro-Datasets is where you can find all of Kedro's data connectors.
- Keg — A web framework built on Flask & SQLAlchemy. Somewhere North of Flask but South of Django.
- KegElements — A testing ground for Keg related code and ideas.
- KGlobal — SQL Handling, Object Shelving, Data Encryption, ETL File Handler, E-mail Parsing, Logging
- komodo-sdk — Komodo SDK
- kontext-copilot — Kontext Copilot is an AI empowered assistant for data analytics that can run on your local computer.
- kqlalchemy — A SQLAlchemy dialect for Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)
- krazy — My own small package of uitilities I use.
- krptn — IAM and data encryption at rest
- kukur — Kukur makes time series data and metadata available to the Apache Arrow ecosystem.
- kypy — A python client library used to encapsulating Kyvos OLAP cube patterns.
- label-tree — A minimal client to access the label tree across BeatBoxAI applications.
- laforge — A low-key build system for working with data.
- langchain-sqlserver — An integration package to support SQL Server in LangChain.
- LiamHsieh-toolbox — Collections of Python utility, suppose to be built with Jonathan Carson but he left
- lib-conn-db — Uma lib de conexão de testt
- libgal — Librería para la simplificación del código en diversos proyectos de Python
- libMyCarrier — no summary
- libsmartocr — Uma lib de conexão de testt
- lime-uow — Framework to support the Unit-of-Work pattern
- llm-code-lens — Intelligent code analysis tool for LLM context generation
- load-for-database — Function to load data from XLSX files to a SQL Server database
- locobuzz-python-orm — Python database orm functions for Locobuzz, common code that is required in all projects
- LogLoader — Log Export
- lost-cat — Lost cat is a package to scan a variety of locations and report back the files, metadata, and summary contents as needed.
- lr-etl — no summary