Reverse Dependencies of pyodbc
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyodbc:
- crawler-framework — Framework for crawling
- crazy-ibmi — SQLAlchemy support for Db2 on IBM i
- Credito-SQLViaCode — A Python package to execute SQL queries and procedures and manage backups.
- crosstream — A package for streaming cross-server dataset joins in memory
- CRUDXWORKERTEJAS1899 — This is django CRUD web application 2
- ctrlaltdata — A package for working with alternative data sets in a finance setting.
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- CYMEPY — Helice interface for CYME
- cz-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- dagster-mssql-bcp — no summary
- dapper-sqls — no summary
- Data-Access-Layer — Tool for interacting with databases
- data-agent-aspen-ip21 — Aspen IP21 historian plugin for `data-agent` package
- data-check — simple data validation
- data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-diff-customize — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-mig — Arroyo: The Fíonta Data Migration Toolkit
- data-pyetl — Data Pyetl is an python approach to extract and load data from a source to a database
- DataAnalysisEnedis — DataAnalysis_enedis est une classe Python conçue pour faciliter l'analyse de données dans le cadre de la gestion de flux de données d'Enedis
- dataasset — no summary
- database-to-bigquery — Read from SQL server and load to Google BigQuery
- databricks-dbapi — A DBAPI 2.0 interface and SQLAlchemy dialect for Databricks interactive clusters.
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- databuilder-amundsen — Amundsen Data builder
- databus-keremkoseoglu — Databus is a framework to transfer data between systems.
- datachecks — Open Source Data Quality Monitoring
- DataConnect — This package contains connectors for databricks and sql server as well as setting up a flask environment project
- datalibsbf — Lib de disponibilizacao de funcoes genericas criadas dentro do time de dados
- datanerd — Contains multiple functions stats(), iv_woe(), pushdb(), teams_webhook(), and ntfy()
- dataneuron — An AI Data framework to create AI Data Analyst
- dataops-testgen — DataKitchen's Data Quality DataOps TestGen
- datarade — This library provides tools that allow datasets to be defined separately from a pipeline.
- dataset-orm — ORM for the dataset library
- db-access — Easy db access through sqlalchemy
- db-analytics-tools — Databases Tools for Data Analytics
- db-conn-lib — Uma biblioteca de conexão de teste
- db-copilot-tool — nl2sql tool for prompt flow
- db-engine-factory — DB Engine Factory: Simplify connecting to MySQL, MSSQL, and PostgreSQL databases through a single, unified configuration.
- db-extract — A package that can perform on-the-fly denormalization
- db-handler — no summary
- db-report — Database report generation
- db-trek — no summary
- db-utils — Helper class to connect to Redshift, Snowflake, DynamoDB and S3
- DB2Azure — Load data from on-prem SQL or PostgreSQL databases to Azure Storage as JSON or CSV.
- db2db-2 — A package to transfer data between SQL databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL.
- DbConnection — Convenient wrapper to create database connection engine based on the parameters passed. This engine can be used to run sql queries on the respective databases.
- dbcopy — Copy contents of a SQL database to another
- dbf2sql — Convert DBF files to SQL tables
- dbhydra — Data science friendly ORM combining Python
- dbpd — Python module for establishing a working relationship between relational databases and Pandas DataFrames
- dbscripts — A small Python package for handling 'database scripts', including analysis and dependency management.
- dbt-azuresynapse — The azuresynapse adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-db2fori — dbt adapter for IBM db2 for i
- dbt-fabric — A Microsoft Fabric Synapse Data Warehouse adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-ocean-spark — The Apache Spark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-pyspark — The Apache PySpark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-spark — The Apache Spark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-spark-livy — The dbt-spark-livy adapter plugin for Spark in Cloudera DataHub with Livy interface
- dbt-sqlserver-dyvenia — A Microsoft SQL Server adapter plugin for dbt
- dbTelematelAPI — Permite consumir el API de Telematel
- dbworkload — Workload framework
- dbyoke — A library to unify database connections and drivers
- dc-connector-templates — Connector Templates for data connector.
- dcs-cli — SDK for DataChecks
- dcs-core — Open Source Data Quality Monitoring
- dcs-sdk — SDK for DataChecks
- ddcDatabases — Databases Connection and Queries
- deduper — OneFlorida De-duplication Software
- deploydb — Deploy your database objects automatically when the git branch is updated.
- dew-gwdata — Python module for accessing groundwater data internally at DEW
- df-to-azure — Automatically write pandas DataFrames to SQL by creating pipelines in Azure Data Factory with copy activity from blob to SQL
- dicom-client-python — A small dicom client in python
- dipex — OS2mo-data-import-and-export
- disruption-py — Scientific Data Framework for the MIT PSFC Disruption Studies Group
- django-database-connection-pool — Database connection pool component library for Django
- django-db-connection-pool — Database connection pool component library for Django
- django-gbasedbtdb — A database driver for Django to connect to an GBase 8s db via ODBC
- django-informixdb — A database driver for Django to connect to an Informix db via ODBC
- django_iseries — Db2 for iSeries support for Django framework.
- django-mssql-azure-backend — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server
- django-mssql-backend — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server
- django-mssql-backend-aad — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server with AAD and Azure MSI suport
- django-mssql2 — Django database adapter for MS SQL Server
- django-pyodbc — Django 1.5-1.10 SQL Server backend using pyodbc.
- django-pyodbc-azure — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database using pyodbc
- django-pyodbc-azure-2019 — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database using pyodbc, compatible with SQL Server 2019
- djangopyetl — Django app for ETL
- dlt — dlt is an open-source python-first scalable data loading library that does not require any backend to run.
- dlt-dataops — dlt is an open-source python-first scalable data loading library that does not require any backend to run.
- docrx — search in documents
- dot-connect — Improve your workflow efficiency by connecting to databases and cloud systems effortlessly.
- DSreader — Read data from Digital Standard vegetation mapping projects
- dynaodbc — Python ODBC connector for the Dynizer
- dyvenia-dbt-sqlserver — A Microsoft SQL Server adapter plugin for dbt tailored to the dyvenia needs
- easy-db — Easy Python database interaction
- easy-reports — Simplified Report configuration, generation and distribution
- easypedidoapi — Package which helps to consume EasyPedido API
- easypost-core — A package providing easy-to-use solutions for common recurring problems. More info in the README file
- easypost-python-toolkit — A package providing easy-to-use solutions for common recurring problems. More info in the README file
- ecms-api — A python integration to allow for quickly sending queries directly to the as400