Reverse Dependencies of pyglet
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyglet:
- ailiga — no summary
- amethyst — A general-purpose keyboard-based launcher.
- apsc2 — A StarCraft II API Client for Python 3
- ARFlappy — Classic Flappy Game with Augmented Reality
- argus-gui — Tools for 3D camera calibration and reconstruction with graphical user interfaces
- asciiglet — Asciiglet. For when you need to draw with text.
- baconian — model-based reinforcement learning toolbox
- badwing — Skateboarder/Platformer/Lepidopterist Game using Arcade & Pymunk
- BattleBreakers — Async library for interacting with Battle Breakers/Epic Games API.
- bcipy — Python Software for Brain-Computer Interface.
- billiards — A 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards
- blocksworld3d — Minimalistic 3D blocksworld environment simulator for reinforcement learning & robotics research.
- boatface — Instrumentation panel for displaying NMEA and SignalK telemetry data
- brille — Irreducible Brillouin zone symmetry and interpolation.
- BZMicroStitcher — A package to stitch microscope images.
- c3d — A library for manipulating C3D binary files
- capture-the-flag — A Capture The Flag (CTF) environment.
- car-racer — A small racing game with the possibility to train an AI to learn to play the game
- carl-bench — CARL- Contextually Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
- cc.xboxcontroller — Getting input from Microsoft XBox 360 controllers via the XInput library on Windows.
- cellbell — Bell magic for jupyter notebook
- checkifc — A package to work with IFC meshes
- chemscad — GUI application for the creation of Reactionware.
- chess-ai-pip — no summary
- code-video-generator — Generate videos that walkthrough code
- commonroad-geometric — Contains basic functionality for facilitating research on graph neural networks for autonomous driving and provides an interface between CommonRoad and Pytorch Geometric.
- csle-common — Common functionality of the Cyber Security Learning Environment (CSLE)
- demosys-py — Modern OpenGL 3.3+ Framework inspired by Django
- dojo-toolkit — Toolkit for Python Coding Dojos.
- doro — CLI based pomodoro app
- dtcc-viewer — DTCC Viewer
- eagerx — Engine Angostic Graph Environments for Robotics
- eagerx-examples — Code examples of EAGERx.
- earwax — An audio game engine for fast prototyping
- edugine — no summary
- elkplot — A library for making and executing generative art for the Axidraw line of pen plotters.
- engscript — EngScript is an experimental library aiming to provide fast OpenSCAD-like, python tool, with integrated rendering and assembly capabilities
- eta-utility — A framework for researching energy optimization of factory operations
- f3ast — FEBID 3D Algorithm for Stream File Generation (F3AST)
- factory-ai — no summary
- fastrl — fastrl is a reinforcement learning library that extends Fastai. This project is not affiliated with fastai or Jeremy Howard.
- fragile-gym — Gym: A universal API for reinforcement learning environments.
- gachi — A useful tool for anal practice
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- genrl — A PyTorch reinforcement learning library for generalizable and reproducible algorithm implementations.
- GIFgraph — GIFgraph provides animated data visuals in the form of GIFs.
- glover — An Open**GL** Lay**over** library built on top of vispy for plotting BSB entities.
- glpg — pyglet OpenGL playground
- glview — Lightning-fast image viewer with smooth zooming & panning.
- graham-scan-based-incremental-delaunay — Graham-scan based incremental Delaunay triangulation algorithm with visualization.
- Graph-RL — Hierarchical reinforcement learning framework which uses a directed graph to define the hierarchy.
- guiml — An xml based GUI framework with property binding and dependency injection.
- gym-idsgame — An Abstract Cyber Security Simulation and Markov Game for OpenAI Gym
- gym-miniworld — no summary
- gym-socks — SOCKS: Stochastic Optimal Control using Kernel Methods
- gym-softrobot — Soft-robotics control environment package for OpenAI Gym
- gym-twolinkarm-env — This is the open-ai-gym environment for controlling two link arm
- hello-robot-stretch-body-tools — Stretch Body Tools
- hello-robot-stretch-body-tools-dev — Stretch Body Tools
- highrl — Two level RL for robots navigation
- ilpyt — The imitation learning toolbox (ilpyt) is an open-source Python code library developed at MITRE. The toolbox contains modular, optimized implementations of common deep imitation learning algorithms in PyTorch, with unified infrastructure supporting key imitation learning and reinforcement learning algorithms.
- imgui — Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui
- imshow — Flexible and Customizable Image Display
- incremental-convex-hull — Incremental convex hull builder and visualizer
- infinigen — Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
- isaaclab — Isaac Lab
- ivy-gym — Fully differentiable reinforcement learning environments, written in Ivy.
- jank — A game engine using Pyglet and Pymunk.
- jaraco.input — Hardware input support
- jaxex — A tool for creating science experiments in jax, torch, brax, etc
- journal-club — Weighted scheme to choose a person to present in a Journal Club
- jrti-game — Just Read the Instructions, the game
- kge — A 2D Game Engine Written in Python, running in Python and For Python Game Developpers
- khaki — A simple Pomodoro timer using curses (and pyglet for audio playback)
- lanku — LANK User
- lbforaging — Level Based Foraging Environment
- lunasynth — Generate synthetic lunar images using Blender
- ma-gym — A collection of multi agent environments based on OpenAI gym.
- magical-il — MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for robust imitation learning
- mahnamahna — Media (text/audio/video) analysis and manipulation
- manim3 — A personal variant of manim
- marlware — Multi-Robot Warehouse environment for reinforcement learning
- matchernet — no summary
- maze-rl — MazeRL is a development framework for building applied reinforcement learning systems, addressing real-world decision problems. It supports the complete development life cycle of RL applications, ranging from simulation engineering up to agent development, training and deployment.
- mazeexp — A maze exploration game engine
- mesh2vec — mesh2vec
- meshrender — Python utilities for rendering scenes containing 3D meshes
- metabci — A Library of Datasets, Algorithms, and Experiments workflow for Brain-Computer Interface
- metagym — MetaGym: environments for benchmarking Reinforcement Learning and Meta Reinforcement Learning
- mindaffectBCI — The MindAffect BCI python SDK
- miniworld — no summary
- moderngl-window — A cross platform helper library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple
- morpholib — A general-purpose programmatic animation tool
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- murt — Python Library for Multipath Ray Tracing
- muser — A musical game made using pyxel
- music-syn — A simple music synthesizer for Python 3
- mymesh — Python code for generating and working with meshes.
- narca — NARS Controlled Agent: an agent capable of playing various games in Gym environments, using NARS for planning.
- neroRL — A library for Deep Reinforcement Learning (PPO) in PyTorch