Reverse Dependencies of pyglet
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyglet:
- nes-py — An NES Emulator and OpenAI Gym interface
- neurocollage — A tool to create 2D morphology collage plots based on matplotlib.
- ngfp — A puzzle game based upon gfpoken.
- nmesh — 3D Mesh processing
- nnabla-rl — Deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural Network Libraries
- nvdu — Nvidia Dataset Utilities
- octomap-python — Python binding of the OctoMap library.
- oculoenv — Oculomotor task environments.
- openrl — unified reinforcement learning framework
- orzo — A python client application geared towards rendering 3D scenes with NOODLES
- pansy — pansy
- peng3d — Python and pyglet based 3D Engine and toolkit
- penndraw — Drawing library for use at University of Pennsylvania (adapted from Princeton's StdDraw)
- peony — no summary
- physicsrl — A package for reinforcement learning in physics simulations
- PicoMusic — no summary
- planarenvs — Lightweight open-ai gym environments for planar kinematic chains.
- plangym — Plangym is an interface to use gymnasium for planning problems. It extends the standard interface to allow setting and recovering the environment states.
- PLL-Lib — Package for Cambridge Part II Experiment Phase Locked Loops
- poetry-gerencia — no summary
- poetrylucidtest — no summary
- polystar — Polygon and polyhedron operations
- Printrun — Host software for 3D printers
- psychos — Library
- pyafai — Python Agent Framework for Artificial Intelligence
- pyblockworld — Minecraft like block world in Python
- pycaroon — Secret
- pycraft-snu — no summary
- Pydule — Access ChatGPT, Remove Background, AI Generated Image, Track Location, Play Songs, Create Qrcode, Copy Text, Translate a Sentence to Other Language and more..
- PyFense — PyFense is a tower defense game built using Python 3, the cocos2d and pyglet frameworks. If you want to contribute in any way (art, code, balancing, bug reporting) you can do so here: . Thank you!
- PyGL-Astroids — Asteroids clone written using pyglet.
- PyGL-Tetrix — One-day Tetris programming challenge using pyglet
- pyglet-cornerpin — Add a corner pin transform to a pyglet window
- pyglet-desper — Extension package for desper and pyglet interoperation
- pyglet-ffmpeg-two — Platform wheels with ffmpeg binaries and ctypes for pyglet
- pyleap — A simple 2D game engine base on pyglet
- pyliter — Generate color syntax highlighted PNG image from python source files.
- pymunk — Pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2D physics library
- pypen — Express your creativity in Python through simple PyPen sketches!
- pyplotgui — Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui and implot
- pyrender — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pyribbit — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pyrogen — Entity-Component-System framework for 2D games
- pytgf — A simple tile engine based on OpenGL
- pytorch-icem — Improved Cross Entropy Method (iCEM) implemented in pytorch
- pytorch-mppi — Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) implemented in pytorch
- PyWavefront — Python library for importing Wavefront .obj files
- Quantum-Correlations-Visualized — Visual Simulation of a Two-Channel Quantum Bell Test Experiment
- ramble — A program for playing content automatically according to time, location and place
- ratcave — 3D Graphics Engine for Scientific, Video Game, and VR Applications.
- Reiz — A Python toolbox for visual and auditory stimulation based on pyglet and pylsl.
- Replay-Highlights-Stream — Replay de las mejores jugadas de capturadas por apps de Overwolf
- rivuletpy — Rivuletpy: a powerful tool to automatically trace single neurons from 3D light microscopic images.
- rl-algo-impls — Implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
- rlschool — RLSchool: Excellent environments for reinforcement Learning benchmarking
- roboball2d — A simulated 2d robot playing with balls
- route-gym — RL environment for solving shortest or longest route problems
- rsoccer-gym — SSL and VSS robot soccer gym environments
- rware — Multi-Robot Warehouse environment for reinforcement learning
- rwaretest — Multi-Robot Warehouse environment for reinforcement learning
- safelife — Safety benchmarks for reinforcement learning
- sc2 — A StarCraft II API Client for Python 3
- sc2-env — A StarCraft II bot gym env library over python-sc2
- scene-synthesizer — Quickly generate a random articulated scene for robotics research and applications
- scenic — The Scenic scenario description language.
- scikit-robot — A Flexible Framework for Robot Control in Python
- shimmer — Create games in python, without hassle - batteries included!
- Shimmy — An API conversion tool providing Gymnasium and PettingZoo bindings for popular external reinforcement learning environments.
- simcx — Simulation Framework for Complex Systems
- siste-test — HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.
- starship-landing-gym — A Gym env for rocket landing.
- starst3r — Ultra fast 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis.
- SyMBac — A package for generating synthetic images of bactera in phase contrast or fluorescence. Used for creating training data for machine learning segmentation and tracking algorithms.
- tankwar-env — MultiAgent gym environment for reinforcement learning
- tella — library for continual reinforcement learning
- thermosteam — BioSTEAM's Premier Thermodynamic Engine
- tickytacky — Tickytacky pixel game maker
- tiledtmxloader — no summary
- tilingsgui — A graphical user interface for tilings
- tjc-gym — OpenAI Gym environment of Traffic Junction with continuous action space
- trabalho-final-jackes — Trabalho individual de GCES - UnB
- trimesh — Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes.
- tudelft-pycar — Support library for the 'EPO-4: "KITT" autonomous driving challenge' at Delft University of Technology
- urdfeus — URDF converter for Euslisp
- verifai — A toolkit for the formal design and analysis of systems that include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) components.
- ververser — A lightweight wrapper around pyglet that allows hot-reloading of content.
- visceng — A fast 2D game engine for Python focused on normal-mapped lighting, optimized rendering, a simple API, and easy modding.
- vispy — Interactive visualization in Python
- vrprot — This package is used to generate your own protein structure images to represent 3D protein structures on the VRNetzer platform.
- vui — GUI framework written in pure Python
- wildcatter — Wildcatter
- wlr-layout-ui — A tiny GUI to configure screen layouts on wayland
- wmk — World Model Kit
- wordle-buddy — A game of wordle with suggested words!
- x-magical — X-MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for cross-embodiment visual imitation.
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- yapCAD — yet another procedural CAD and computational geometry system
- Yodine — A simple pyglet-powered 2D game engine, with simple multiplayer support.
- yourdfpy — A simpler and easier-to-use library for loading, manipulating, saving, and visualizing URDF files.
- Zipped-Album-Player — Zipped Album Player (ZAP) - A simple Python-based cross-platform player for the Zipped Album format