Reverse Dependencies of pyelftools
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyelftools:
- revizor-fuzzer — A fuzzer to search for microarchitectural leaks in CPUs
- riscemu — A basic RISC-V emulator
- riscv-isac — RISC-V ISAC
- sailreval — The SAILR Evaluation Pipeline
- sauci-pyelf — high level API to retrieve information from ELF files.
- scargo — C/C++ package and software development life cycle manager inspired by RUST cargo idea.
- scrutinydebugger — Scrutiny debugger Python framework
- sebaubuntu-libs — SebaUbuntu's shared libs
- secretelf — no summary
- sel4-deps — Metapackage for downloading build dependencies for the seL4 microkernel
- shepherd-core — Programming- and CLI-Interface for the h5-dataformat of the Shepherd-Testbed
- smolt — Small minimal-overhead logging toolkit
- speculos — Ledger Blue, Stax, Flex and Nano S/S+/X application emulator
- staticx — Build static self-extracting app from dynamic executable
- super-ide — A professional Cross-platform IDE. Cross-platform IDE and Unified Debugger. Static Code Analyzer and Remote Unit Testing. Multi-platform and Multi-architecture Build System. Firmware File Explorer and Memory Inspection. IoT, Arduino, CMSIS, ESP-IDF, FreeRTOS, libOpenCM3, mbedOS, Pulp OS, SPL, STM32Cube, Zephyr RTOS, ARM, AVR, Espressif (ESP8266/ESP32), FPGA, MCS-51 (8051), MSP430, Nordic (nRF51/nRF52), NXP i.MX RT, PIC32, RISC-V, STMicroelectronics (STM8/STM32), Teensy
- surfactant — Modular framework to gather file information, analyze dependencies, and generate an SBOM
- telfhash — Generates hash for ELF files
- thglib — thg exploit framework and exploit development library.
- thoth-python — A Python ecosystem specific library
- ThreatHunter — no summary
- tibia-ipchanger — Command-line IP changer for Tibia clients (Linux only)
- toltecmk — Build system used for the Toltec community repository
- ttyGotcha — SSH-TTY control Interface
- xanalyzer — Analyzer for files and urls
- zbuild-tools — It is the build system of SafeOS, which is based on Conan
- zhinst-toolkit — Zurich Instruments Toolkit High Level API
- zhixin — no summary