Reverse Dependencies of pyelftools
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyelftools:
- 32blit — 32Blit asset preparation and upload tools
- abi3audit — Scans Python wheels for abi3 violations and inconsistencies
- androidemu — Allows you to partly emulate an Android native library.
- apkutils — 一个APK解析库
- apkutils3 — Utils for parsing apk. Type hinting supported.
- arduino-dbg — Interactive debugger for Arduino device sketches
- auditwheel — Cross-distribution Linux wheels
- auto-android — no summary
- aws-lambda-builders — Python library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & frameworks.
- barf — A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework
- BdySandbox — Automated Malware Analysis System
- bids-analyser — Analyser for ELF files
- binary-refinery — A toolkit to transform and refine (mostly) binary data.
- bincopy — Mangling of various file formats that conveys binary information (Motorola S-Record, Intel HEX and binary files).
- BinTut — Teach You A Binary Exploitation For Great Good.
- c2fj — A C to flipjump compiler
- camkes-deps — Metapackage for downloading build dependencies for CAmkES
- carve-exe — Carve Exe is a simple best effort tool to carve PE and ELF files from arbitrary, binary files (e.g. memory dumps and executables).
- cfiddle — CFiddle makes it easy to ask and answers questions about the compilation and execution of smallish programs written in compiled languages like C, C++, and Go.
- chomper — A lightweight emulation framework for emulating security algorithms of iOS executables and libraries.
- cle — CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!) and provides a pythonic interface to analyze what they are and what they would look like in memory.
- clrxdisasm-wrapper — clrxdisasm wrapper for code object V4 support
- cmkinitramfs — A customizable simple initramfs generator
- collect-bin-deps — A tool to collect binary dependencies
- comdexpy — Python SDK for interacting with comdex node
- compiledcode — A ScanCode scan plugin to get lkmclue, dwarf, gwt, cpp includes, code/comments lines generated code and elf info.
- dan-build — Python-based build system.
- decomp2dbg — Symbol syncing framework for decompilers and debuggers
- dffml-operations-binsec — no summary
- dg-auditwheel — Cross-distribution Linux wheels
- dis-cover — Disasemble binaries and recover as much info as possible.
- dn3 — no summary
- Dragodis — A universal interface for running scripts under multiple disassemblers.
- dwarfgen — IDL/Code generation utility
- elf-checker — A tool to visualize and check where ELF sections are located in different types of binaries
- elf-inspector — A utility to inspect ELF binary files. Designed as a ScanCode plugin.
- elfdeps — Python implementation of RPM elfdeps
- embarc_cli — This is a command line tool for embarc open source platform
- emdbg — Embedded Debug Tools
- epyqlib — no summary
- esp-idf-panic-decoder — ESP-IDF panic decoder
- esp-rainmaker-cli — A python utility to perform host based claiming
- fetchy — Minuscule docker images made trivial!
- flare-capa — The FLARE team's open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.
- flocklab-tools — Python support for using the FlockLab 2 testbed (flocklab CLI, creating flocklab xml, visualization).
- freighter — Kai's GameCube modding library enabling C/C++ code injection into .dol executables.
- fuzz-craft — Toolkit for creating fuzzing harnesses.
- gadgetfinder — A tool with interactive shell for finding gadgets in executable files
- gdbundle-debuginfod — GDB and LLDB plugins to enable older versions of GDB and LLDB to support debuginfod
- gnwmanager — no summary
- GRCwjt — no summary
- hexrec — Library to handle hexadecimal record files
- Hydras — A module for constructions of structured binary packets.
- i8c — Infinity Note Compiler
- infernum — A lightweight Android native library emulation framework for executing the encryption algorithm.
- kflash — Kendryte UART ISP Utility - programming code to k210
- kordesii — A framework for decoding encoded strings and files in malware via IDA Pro IDAPython scripting.
- lddcollect — List files/debian packages used by a Linux binary/dll
- ledgerblue — Python library to communicate with Ledger devices
- ledgered — Python tools, utils, libraries, to be used with Ledger cryptodevices
- libmemmod — A library to modify another program's memory.
- malduck — Malduck is your ducky companion in malware analysis journeys
- manticore — Manticore is a symbolic execution tool for analysis of binaries and smart contracts.
- mchp-flasher-essentials — Collection of packages required for HB20 Flasher
- mdvazeerhello — A basic hello package
- memfault-cli — Memfault CLI tool
- mflt-build-id — no summary
- mflt-compact-log — no summary
- mlonmcu — This project contains research code related to the deployment of inferenceor learning applications on tiny micro-controllers.
- modm — modm command-line interface
- modm-cli — modm command line interface.
- moria-c — A library for manipulating in-memory C data structures
- moteus — moteus brushless controller library and tools
- mwcp — A framework for malware configuration parsers.
- nesiac — Memory usage visualiser for embedded applications
- odrive — Control utilities for the ODrive high performance motor controller
- one-gadget — A python library to find one-gadget
- patcherex2 — no summary
- pgtracer — Tracing tools for PostgreSQL
- pigweed — Pigweed Python modules
- platformio — Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence. Unlock the true potential of embedded software development with PlatformIO's collaborative ecosystem, embracing declarative principles, test-driven methodologies, and modern toolchains for unrivaled success.
- ppcdis-protobuf — NOTE: this is NOT the upstream ppcdis, this is m8's branch that uses protobuf persistence
- psdb — Package for interfacing with ARM-compatible debug probes
- punxa — Python-based RISC-V Full System Simulator.
- pyelf2rel — Python tools for creating Nintendo REL files
- pyelfwrapper — A wrapper for dwarf format elf file
- pylibdebuginfod — Python bindings for libdebuginfod
- pypipa — Platform Integrated Performance Analytics, PIPA
- pyroxene — Pyroxene is a Python test interface: Execute tests on remote device using minmal shim and ELF debug data
- pysymbolcheck — ELF symbol check
- python-elf-wrapper — A wrapper for dwarf format elf file
- python-lancelot — Intel x86(-64) code analysis library that reconstructs control flow
- python-sotools — Collection of dynamic linking tools
- pyx2cscope — python implementation of X2Cscope
- pyxie-solana — Simple Python CLI tool for viewing Solana program metadata
- qiling — Qiling is an advanced binary emulation framework that cross-platform-architecture
- raspsim — Python bindings for the RaspSim C++ library, a cycle-accurate X86-64 simulator based on PTLSim.
- rcb4 — A python library for RCB4
- repairwheel — Repair any wheel, anywhere
- reprounzip — Linux tool enabling reproducible experiments (unpacker)