Reverse Dependencies of pydantic-settings
The following projects have a declared dependency on pydantic-settings:
- restcodegen — no summary
- rethink-note — note taking app
- retk — keep and reuse your thoughts
- retri-evals — Open-source tool for building and evaluating retrieval pipelines.
- rettxmutation — Extract Rett Syndrome mutations from genetic diagnosis report
- rLogging — A set of tools to improve the observability of applications
- robotframework-airtest — 网易Airtest/pocoui的Robotframework测试库
- roboto — Official Python toolkit for
- roco — Runtime Config Generator
- rolabesti — CLI app to manage, search, and play collections of mp3 tracks.
- rooms-shared-services — no summary
- router-log-preprocessor — no summary
- rov-db-access — no summary
- rox-bridge — Bridge mqtt <--> websocket
- rox-septentrio — Driver for Septentrio GPS, posting messages to mqtt
- roxbot — Pythonic robotics toolkit
- rspyai — explore rust functions in a TUI with an AI
- rubin-nublado-client — Client for JupyterHub/JupyterLab in the Rubin Science Platform context
- rxn-availability — Describe your project here.
- rxn-utils — General utilities (not related to chemistry)
- ryght-platform-sdk — A SDk to use the Ryght Platform features
- s3serve — Simple S3 Server
- safir — The Rubin Observatory SQuaRE framework for FastAPI services.
- sagemaker-local — Some dependencies for running sagemaker local.
- sagemode — Deploy, scale, and monitor your ML models all with one click. Native to AWS.
- samosila-core — no summary
- sanmu — 基于pytest实现低代码自动化测试框架,支持web测试、app测试、api测试。只需要编辑xlsx文件或yaml即可完成测试。
- sarya-sdk — Sarya SDK to ingerate your Persona with Sarya Users
- saur — SQL Alchemy Utilities Repository
- sc-audit — Stellarcarbon database with monitoring and audit functionality
- scalify — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- schema-enforcer — Tool/Framework for testing structured data against schema definitions
- schemaless — no summary
- schemapack — Make your JSON Schemas sociable and create linked data model.
- scholarag — Pipelines for RAG on scientific papers
- scholaretl — ETL for parsing scientific papers.
- schug — Keep track of genes, transcripts and exons from different sources
- scooze — A flexible data layer for applications working with Magic: the Gathering cards and decks.
- scraper-bot — A telegram bot to stay tuned on real estate ads
- screenpy — Screenplay pattern base for Python automated test suites.
- scse-toolkit — no summary
- scystream-sdk — The official SDK for developing scystream compute blocks
- seabird-processing — Python interface for calling Seabird CTD processing commands
- sec-certs — A tool for data scraping and analysis of security certificates from Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2/3 frameworks
- seek-music — The client to seek msuic.
- segy — The Ultimate Python SEG-Y I/O with Cloud Support and Schemas
- sekvo — Your project description
- semantic-kernel — Semantic Kernel Python SDK
- semtest — LLM semantic testing and benchmarking framework
- send-s3 — CLI tool for uploading files to S3-compatible storage services.
- sendmail-container — API for sending emails with POST request
- senren — Senren Python SDK
- sentier_glossary — Client interface to sustainability assessment glossary
- sereto — Security Reporting Tool.
- serpent-lang — Helpful tools for querying and managing data in a natural language format.
- serpent-web — Core, Data, and Utility libraries for api development
- service-oriented — Toolkit for building service oriented applications in python
- sesh — Sesh is a session management library for FastAPI
- settings-doc — A command line tool for generating Markdown documentation and .env files from pydantic BaseSettings.
- settus — Settings management using Pydantic, with ability to retrieve cloud secrets.
- sfapi_client — Python client for NERSC SF API
- shakenfist — Shaken Fist: an opinionated minimal cloud
- shap-app — A comprehensive application for interpreting machine learning models using SHAP values
- shell-mcp-server — Shell MCP Server for Claude AI Application
- shoots — A Pandas dataframe data lake
- shrt — Shorten URLs
- shy_sh — Shell copilot - sh shell AI copilot
- sigye — (시계) A simple command-line program for tracking time.
- silverback — Ape SDK for the Silverback platform
- simaple — Maplestory calculation / Simulation library
- simba-sdk — Python SDK for interacting with SIMBA Ensure
- simbricks-client — simbricks client lib to send and retrieve experiments
- simple-agent — AI Agent Orchestration for humans
- simplemind — An experimental client for AI providers that intends to replace LangChain and LangGraph for most common use cases.
- singlecon — One config to rule them all
- singularity-core — Funny backend
- sir-lancebot — A Discord bot designed as a fun and beginner-friendly learning environment for writing bot features and learning open-source.
- sitemap-gazer — A CLI to fetch, diff and monitor sitemaps.
- skyfi-modelship — SkyFi ModelShip - The Insights partners integration library.
- slingshot-ai — Slingshot Python SDK
- smac-fastapi-auth — Reusable code for authentication in Python backends using FastAPI
- smallstep-python — A Python library at allows you to interface with the Smallstep API.
- smarthouse — Smart House Scenarios
- smartplug-energy-controller — Turning smartplugs on/off depending on current electricity consumption
- smartspace-ai — Smartspace SDK
- smighty — Small, yet powerful conversational agent framework
- smm-vk — no summary
- snapper-ml — A framework for reproducible machine learning
- snowdaypredictor-API — A Python package to predict snow day chances using
- snowpredictor — A Python package to predict snow day chances using
- solsystem — Type-safe Solana RPC http/websocket API with a focus on Helius and built on Pydantic models.
- some-aiohttp-middleware — Middleware framework for aiohttp
- sona-core — no summary
- songbirdcli — Songbird's cli.
- songbirdcore — core low level api for songbird
- sophios — DSL for inferring the edges of a CWL workflow DAG
- soroban — API and CLI for Soroban contracts in Python
- sovereign — Envoy Proxy control-plane written in Python
- sparkapi-python — Spark API and Client
- sparql-llm — Reusable components and complete chat system to improve Large Language Models (LLMs) capabilities when generating SPARQL queries for a given set of endpoints, using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and SPARQL query validation from the endpoint schema.