Reverse Dependencies of pydantic-settings
The following projects have a declared dependency on pydantic-settings:
- pygico-imagegen — Python, GIMP, and ComfyUI based image generation and text addition tool
- pygutz — no summary
- pyhocon-dantic — Pydantic settings source for hocon file
- pyiris-iceberg — IRIS Iceberg library
- pylocalpmanager — no summary
- pymemgpt — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pymemgpt-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pymonzo — Modern Python API client for Monzo public API.
- pynblint — A linter for Jupyter notebooks written in Python.
- PyNinja — Lightweight OS-agnostic service monitoring API
- pynteracta — A wrapper for Interacta API
- pyrb — Python Rebalancer
- pysanet — no summary
- pytest-nhsd-apim — Pytest plugin accessing NHSDigital's APIM proxies
- python-autojob — tools for automating job creation and management for DFT calculations
- python-fastflow — A workflow engine based on Kopf
- python-fastfs — no summary
- python-lilypad — An open-source prompt engineering framework.
- python-zebedee-sdk — no summary
- python3-commons — Re-usable Python3 code
- pythonLogs — Simple python logs with file rotation
- PyUdisk — Extensive disk monitor for Linux OS
- pyzf — pyzf is Zeff Muks's enhancement for working with Python
- qabot — Query local or remote data files with natural language queries powered by OpenAI and DuckDB.
- qai-schema — no summary
- qat-compiler — A low-level quantum compiler and runtime which facilitates executing quantum IRs.
- qcog-python-client — qcog python client
- qcs-api-client — A client library for accessing the Rigetti QCS API
- qmlib — A small example package
- qnexus — Quantinuum Nexus python client.
- qontract-development-cli — Helper tool for qontract-reconcile development
- qrdm — QR Data Manager
- qrev-cache — Easy Cache using local files, in memory, or MongoDB.
- qrev-email-verification — no summary
- qrev-instructor — no summary
- qrgen — A webapp to generate QR codes
- qrkey — Swarm robotics deployments made easy.
- qtstrap — Like Bootstrap, but qt-er.
- quack2tex — Add your description here
- qualibrate — no summary
- qualibrate-app — no summary
- qualibrate-config — no summary
- qualibrate-runner — no summary
- qualicharge-client — A python client and CLI for the QualiCharge API
- qualle — A framework to predict the quality of a multi-label classification result
- quartz-solar-forecast — Open Source Solar Forecasting for a Site
- quasiqueue — A Simple High Performance Multiprocess Queue
- quick-api-tests — no summary
- quickgrpc — quickgrpc lib library
- quixstreams — Python library for building stream processing applications with Apache Kafka
- quota-notifier — Automatic email notification tool for disk quota usage.
- qwikcrud — An AI-powered command-line tool that generates RESTful APIs and admin interfaces based on user prompts
- radicalbit-ai-monitoring — Radicalbit AI Monitoring platform installer
- radops — ops tooling for Striveworks's R&D team
- ragna — RAG orchestration framework
- ragstack-ai-langflow — RAGStack Langflow
- ragstack-ai-langflow-base — RAGStack Langflow base
- ralph-malph — Ralph, the ultimate Learning Record Store (and more!) for your learning analytics.
- raman-fitting — Python framework for the batch processing and deconvolution of raman spectra.
- rate-my-project — Swiss knife tool for analyzing project efficiency
- rcmt — no summary
- rdagent — Research & Development Agent
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- readmeai — Automated README file generator, powered by AI.
- readyapi — ReadyAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- readyapi-slim — ReadyAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- recap-core — Recap reads and writes schemas from web services, databases, and schema registries in a standard format
- recomenda — A recommendation system package using OpenAI embeddings
- red-config — My custom configuration library. This is for my personal use, it will be maintained as I decide to spend time on it. I wouldn't use this in your own projects.
- redbaby — Mini reimplementation of REDB, baby redb, redbaby.
- redispatcher — Dispatch and run distributed work asynchronously, brokered by Redis
- reflex-icon-library — Thousands of icons for any Reflex project
- reframe-py — Create, run and manage your intelligent LLM agents on dataframes.
- relax-py — no summary
- reliably-cli — Reliably CLI
- remax-pipeline — A Python package designed for scraping data from Remax, enabling local use and integration with Celery for handling ETL workers tasks.
- renumics-spotlight — Visualize and maintain datasets to develop and understand data-driven algorithms.
- repo-on-fire — A thin wrapper around Google's repo tool, adding some extras on top!
- Repo2Kook — Send GitHub Webhook to Kook
- Repo2Lark — Default template for PDM package
- repoagent — An LLM-Powered Framework for Repository-level Code Documentation Generation.
- repod — Tooling to maintain binary package repositories for Linux distributions using the pacman package manager
- rethink-note — note taking app
- retk — keep and reuse your thoughts
- retri-evals — Open-source tool for building and evaluating retrieval pipelines.
- rettxmutation — Extract Rett Syndrome mutations from genetic diagnosis report
- rLogging — A set of tools to improve the observability of applications
- robotframework-airtest — 网易Airtest/pocoui的Robotframework测试库
- roboto — Official Python toolkit for
- roco — Runtime Config Generator
- rolabesti — CLI app to manage, search, and play collections of mp3 tracks.
- rooms-shared-services — no summary
- router-log-preprocessor — no summary
- rov-db-access — no summary
- rox-bridge — Bridge mqtt <--> websocket
- rox-septentrio — Driver for Septentrio GPS, posting messages to mqtt
- roxbot — Pythonic robotics toolkit
- rspyai — explore rust functions in a TUI with an AI
- rubin-nublado-client — Client for JupyterHub/JupyterLab in the Rubin Science Platform context
- rxn-availability — Describe your project here.