Reverse Dependencies of pre-commit
The following projects have a declared dependency on pre-commit:
- vsr53 — Python Library to interface with Thyracont's VSR53 vacuum gauges
- vtest-sdk — no summary
- vtransformer — no summary
- VWS-Auth-Tools — Authentication and authorization tools for interacting with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-CLI — A CLI for the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Python — Interact with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Python-Mock — A mock for the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Web-Tools — Tools for interacting with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) website.
- vyper — Vyper: the Pythonic Programming Language for the EVM
- wa-leg-api — A python API for the Washington State Legislature web services
- wadler-lindig — A Wadler–Lindig pretty-printer for Python.
- waf-downloader — Web Application Firewall logs downloader.
- wafer_map — Semiconductor Wafer Mapping
- waffle-box — no summary
- wags-tails — Data acquisition tools for Wagnerds
- wagtail-ab-testing — A/B Testing for Wagtail
- wagtail-ai — Get a hand writing your content with AI super powers!
- wagtail-footnotes — Add footnotes to rich text in your Wagtail pages
- wagtail-heroicons — Add Heroicons to the Wagtail admin.
- wagtail-jotform — Embed Jotform forms in wagtail.
- wagtail-localize — Translation plugin for Wagtail CMS
- wagtail-localize-smartling — An extension for wagtail-localize that integrates with the Smartling translation platform
- wagtail-modeladmin — Add any model in your project to the Wagtail admin. Formerly wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.
- wagtail-newsletter — Turn Wagtail pages into newsletters.
- wagtail-pagetranslation — Allows to translate specific pages without replicating all wagtail pages tree structure.
- wagtail-shortcode — Draftail Shortcode Entity, adds link-like shortcodes to Draftail.
- wagtail-translate — Use Wagtail Translate to machine translate your Wagtail contents.
- wagtail-vector-index — Add your content to vector indexes for fast search and similarity matching.
- wagtailmath — Wagtail StreamField block for rendering mathematical equations
- wagtailmedia — A Wagtail module for audio and video files.
- waldiez — waldiez
- waldiez_jupyter — A Waldiez JupyterLab extension.
- waldiez-studio — Make AI Agents Collaborate: Drag, Drop, and Orchestrate with Waldiez.
- wam2layers — Atmospheric moisture tracking model
- wand-ai-client — Wand AI API client
- WAPT-Tools — "WAPT packaging utilities."
- warc2zim — Convert WARC to ZIM
- waretomo — Overengineered batch processing script for tomography data with Warp and aretomo.
- warp-tm-vis — Visualize template matching results from WarpTools
- water-column-sonar-processing — Processing tool for water column sonar data.
- waterEntropy — Python package for calculating interfacial water entropy from molecular dynamics simulations.
- wavelink-stubs — Type stubs for wavelink 2.
- Waves — Wind Asset Value Estimation System
- waylay-sdk-core — Waylay Python SDK.
- WAZP — Wasp Animal-tracking Zoo project with Pose estimation
- wdlviz — WDL workflow visualization
- weas-widget — A widget to visualize and interact with atomistic structures in Jupyter Notebook.
- weatherflow — Physics-guided flow models for weather prediction with flow matching
- web.db — General database adapter layer for common configuration and operation.
- web.dispatch — Dispatch; a method to resolve path components to Python objects and enumerate available children using pluggable search mechanisms.
- web.dispatch.object — Object dispatch; a method to resolve path components to Python objects using directed attribute access.
- web.dispatch.resource — Resource dispatch; a method to resolve a request to an endopint using the WSGI HTTP_METHOD and attribute access.
- web3 — web3: A Python library for interacting with Ethereum
- web3-async-multi-provider — compatible async providers that supports multiply RPC URLs
- web3client — Batteries-included client to interact with blockchains and smart contracts
- web3gateway — Web3Gateway - A Restful Web3 Gateway Service
- webargs — Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, Falcon, and aiohttp.
- webargs-starlette — Declarative request parsing and validation for Starlette with webargs
- webdataset — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- webdatasetng — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- webdav4 — WebDAV client library with an fsspec-based filesystem and a CLI
- webhooklib — tool for remote process call
- weblate-fedora-messaging — Weblate Fedora Messaging integration
- weblate-language-data — Language definitions for Weblate
- weblate-schemas — A collection of JSON schemas used by Weblate
- webtest-asgi — webtest-asgi provides integration of WebTest with ASGI applications
- weighted-sample-statistics — Calculate statistics in dataframes using weighting functions
- weni-rp-apps — Weni apps for Rapidpro Platform
- WESTPA — WESTPA is a package for constructing and running stochastic simulations using the "weighted ensemble" approach of Huber and Kim (1996).
- wetlab — Basic wetlab entities [`source <>`__].
- wetsuit — A Scikit-learn style wrapper for H2O estimators.
- WFacer — An automated workflow for constructing cluster expansion.
- wg-federation — A client/server tool to securely auto-register peers to a wireguard VPN
- wg-reflib — Add references to the Wright group library
- wgpu — WebGPU for Python
- whatlies — Tools to help uncover `whatlies` in word embeddings.
- whisper2subs — Transcribes audio using Whisper and translates it using DeepL.
- whisperchain — Voice control using Whisper.cpp with LangChain cleanup
- whisperplus — WhisperPlus: A Python library for WhisperPlus API.
- whispersubs — Transcribe audio/video files into subtitles
- whittle — Two-stage neural architecture search for large language models
- wi1_bot — Discord bot for Radarr/Sonarr integration
- wibor-simulation — Simulates the loan installments at different interest rates.
- wicspy — A comprehensive Python utilities library for various tasks
- widgetastic.core — Making testing of UIs fantastic.
- widgetastic.patternfly — Patternfly widget library for Widgetastic
- widgetastic.patternfly4 — Patternfly4 widget library for Widgetastic.
- widgetastic.patternfly5 — Patternfly5 widget library for Widgetastic.
- wids — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- wiki-cli — Command Line Client for quick lookups on Wikipedia.
- wilddog — A generic NFT metadata service
- Willow — A Python image library that sits on top of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV
- win32_pipes — A non-blocking C++ NamedPipe implementation for Windows.
- windrow — Haystack REST API
- winpath — Retrieves common Windows folders as Unicode strings
- winrtqrabber — Qr code scanner
- winterapi — no summary
- winternlc — no summary
- wired-injector — Dependency injection system for wired.
- witch-ver — git tag based versioning