Reverse Dependencies of pre-commit
The following projects have a declared dependency on pre-commit:
- uriregistry — A central URI registry that tracks where a certain URI is being used.
- url-normalize — URL normalization for Python
- uron — A python library to run code with different venvs or package versions
- ursgal — ursgal
- us-libraries — Libraries for us services
- usaugment — Ultrasound-specific image transforms for training deep neural networks.
- usbmon-tools — usbmon processing utilities (for Linux and Windows captures).
- usda-api — no summary
- useq-schema — Schema for multi-dimensional microscopy experiments
- utilyzer — A tool for awesome python utils
- utopya — A simulation management and evaluation framework
- uts46 — UTS46 Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
- uvicorn_context_manager — 🚀 Context Manager to run `uvicorn` ASGI applications
- uvmono — Add your description here
- uvotredux — Python wrapper to reduce Swift UVOT data
- uvrun — Run Python scripts with inline metadata directly from URLs
- uvrun_simonb97 — Run Python scripts with inline metadata directly from URLs
- uxarray — Xarray extension for unstructured climate and global weather data analysis and visualization.
- uyghur-ocr — Uyghur OCR
- uza — A compiler and bytecode interpreter for the uza programming language
- valimp — Validate and parse function inputs
- valor-lite — Evaluate machine learning models.
- value-object-pattern — The Value Object Pattern is a Python package that streamlines the creation and management of value objects in your projects.
- vangap-meliora — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- vangap-meliora1 — Credit risk development and validation tools
- vantage-sdk — Vantage Python SDK.
- vantage6 — vantage6 command line interface
- vantage6-algorithm-tools — Vantage6 algorithm tools
- vantage6-client — Vantage6 client
- vantage6-common — Vantage6 common
- vantage6-node — vantage6 node
- vantage6-server — Vantage6 server
- variation-normalizer — VICC normalization routine for variations
- varmeth — Method variant decorator
- vasim — Vertical Autoscaler Simulator Toolkit
- vasp-manager — A simple package to run and analyze VASP calculations
- vault-autopilot — Effortlessly manage your secrets and other Vault resources with the power of automation.
- VaultAPI — Lightweight API to store/retrieve secrets to/from an encrypted Database
- VaultAPI-Client — Client application for VaultAPI Server
- vbz-h5py-plugin — Oxford Nanopore Technologies VBZ HDF plugin for h5py
- vcf2ldif — This tool is designed to convert *.vcf (vCard) contact files to *.ldif file, for further creation of shared phone books on LDAP server.
- vec2-math — basic vector functions in 2D
- vec2text — convert embedding vectors back to text
- vector-pipelines — Create scalable vector search powered pipelines with ease
- vector-sdk — Universal SDK for Vector DBs
- veh-sim — A short description of your package
- velocitas-sdk — A Python SDK for Vehicle app
- velocity-profile — Module for calculating velocity profile
- velovi — Estimation of RNA velocity with variational inference.
- venvception — Install requirements and run code in virtual environments from the comfort of your own GIL
- vera-testframework — Testframework voor VERA referentiedata
- Verbex — Python verbal based regular expressions
- vercheck — Check if a version number is PEP-440 compliant and optionally compare it against a version specified in a python file or the PKG-INFO metadata file.
- version-bumper — Python package version utility to bump a version by parts.
- vertex_ai_huggingface_inference_toolkit — 🤗 Hugging Face Inference Toolkit for Google Cloud Vertex AI (similar to SageMaker's Inference Toolkit, but unofficial)
- vetr-summarizer — A Python package for visualizing ACI vetR JSON data
- vformer — A modular PyTorch library for vision transformer models
- viapy — Python module for interacting with VIAF data & APIs
- vicinity — Lightweight Nearest Neighbors with Flexible Backends
- victorias-test-package — Python Language Worker for Azure Functions Runtime
- vida_py — Python interface for Volvo's VIDA databases.
- video_sampler — Video Sampler -- sample frames from a video file
- video-translator — The collection of command-line utils to translate videos
- viewdom-wired — Injectable and plugabble components and services for viewdom
- vip-hci — Package for astronomical high-contrast image processing.
- viper-infra-commander — Viper provides a simple API (Python and CLI) to easily manage large infrastructures.
- vIQA — A Python package for volumetric image quality assessment.
- virgui — Prototype for the Virgo control room GUI
- virtual-allocator — Python allocator for a virtual memory range
- virtualizarr — Create virtual Zarr stores from archival data using xarray API
- virtue-skill — Cadence Virtuoso SKILL and Python library
- vis-evaluator — no summary
- viser — 3D visualization + Python
- vision6D — 3D-to-2D visualization and annotation desktop app for 6D pose estimation related tasks. This python-based application is designed to work on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu-tested).
- visionai-data-format — converter tool for visionai format
- visionmetrics — Evaluation metric codes for various vision tasks.
- visionpy-sc — Signature Analysis and Visualization for Single-Cell RNA-seq
- visions — Visions
- visionz — vision
- vissl — VISSL is an extensible, modular and scalable library for SOTA Self-Supervised Learning with images.
- vistir — Miscellaneous utilities for dealing with filesystems, paths, projects, subprocesses, and more.
- visualtorch — Architecture visualization of Torch models
- vivs — Calibrated Variational Inference for single-cell omics.
- vizta — Fast and flexible semi-supervised learning for peptide detection
- vldt — High-Performance Data Validation for Python
- vlmrun-hub — VLM Run Hub for various industry-specific schemas
- vngrs-nlp — Turkish NLP Tools developed by VNGRS.
- vnow-aider-chat — Vnow Fork of Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- vo-models — Pydantic data models for IVOA protocols
- vobjectx — A full-featured Python3 package for parsing and creating "iCalendar and vCard files"
- voila — Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications
- voltorb — A simple unofficial Electricity Maps client
- voltron-robotics — Voltron: Language-Driven Representation Learning for Robotics.
- Volume — Volume Compression and Rendering implementations
- VOPy — A framework for black-box vector optimization
- vortexasdk — Vortexa SDK
- vpn-server — Create an on-demand VPN Server running OpenVPN using AWS EC2
- vrs-anvil-toolkit — Useful tools and methods for applying GA4GH GKS and VRS models on the NHGRI AnVIL platform.
- vrsix — Tools for indexing GREGoR VCFs
- vsg — VHDL Style Guide