Reverse Dependencies of pep8-naming
The following projects have a declared dependency on pep8-naming:
- pyglottolog — python package for glottolog data curation
- pyituran — A module to interact with Ituran's web service.
- pykauriid — A (reference) library of tools to support work with the Kauri ID data structures and protocols
- pykx — An interface between Python and q
- pylife — General Fatigue library
- pyngrok — A Python wrapper for ngrok.
- pyproject-pre-commit — pre-commit hooks for python projects using pyproject.toml.
- pyramids-gis — GIS utility package
- pyrometheus — Code generation for combustion thermochemistry, based on Cantera.
- pysinglesource — The high level software development kit (SDK) to participate in the decentralised SingleSource identity eco-system in Python.
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pytest-doctest-import — A simple pytest plugin to import names and add them to the doctest namespace.
- pytest-helm-templates — Pytest fixtures for unit testing the output of helm templates
- pytest-local-badge — Generate local badges (shields) reporting your test suite status.
- pytest-phmdoctest — pytest plugin to test Python examples in Markdown using phmdoctest.
- python-clint-utilities — A library of stuff I use a lot.
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- python-supercell — A library for working with various sources of weather information.
- PythonEasyApplication — Easy Application in Python
- qtile — A pure-Python tiling window manager.
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- queryrunner — Output SQL queries results to file
- rak811 — Interface for RAK811 LoRa module
- recipe-scrapers — Python package, scraping recipes from all over the internet
- redis-cache-lock — Synchronizing cache generation to reduce work
- registry-sweepers — A set of utility scripts which transform/augment PDS registry metadata to support additional capabilities.
- regopy — Python interface for the OPA Rego Language and Runtime
- resotocore — Keeps all the things.
- resotodatalink — Data Pipelines for Resoto infrastructure data.
- resotolib — Resoto common library.
- robust-atd — Manipulate McAfee ATD appliance
- rpycocotools — Package providing utilities to load, manipulate, convert and visualize COCO format datasets.
- rpycocotools-stubs — Package stubs for rpycocotools.
- rsstail — A command-line syndication feed monitor mimicking tail -f
- scared — scared is a side-channel analysis framework.
- scikit-base — Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects
- scream — An opinionated CLI tool for Python monorepo MGMT.
- scrippy — "Scrippy framework install helper"
- scrippy-api — "Fonctions d'utilisation d'API ReST."
- scrippy-core — "Module principal du cadriciel Scrippy"
- scrippy-db — "Client de bases de données pour le cadriciel Scrippy"
- scrippy-git — "Socle de fonctions utilisées dans les scripts python de gestion d'infrastructure."
- scrippy-mail — "Client SMTP, POP3 et SpamAssassin pour le cadriciel Scrippy"
- scrippy-remote — "Client SSH, SFTP et FTP pour le cadriciel Scrippy."
- scrippy-snmp — "SNMP capabilities for Scrippy framework"
- scrippy-template — "Gestion simplifiée des fichiers modèles"
- sdv-installer — Package to install SDV Enterprise.
- seaworthy — Test Docker container images
- selenium-probes — A framework for building Selenium-based probes.
- sem-ver — Semantic Version Processor
- serde-ext — Extended classes and functions for use with Serde
- service-oriented — Toolkit for building service oriented applications in python
- sierraecg — Sierra ECG Tools for Python
- SimpleApplication — Simple Application in Python
- simplenet — A simple neural network in Python
- simpml — SimpML is an open-source, no/low-code machine learning library in Python that simplifies and automates machine learning workflows.
- singd — KFAC-like Structured Inverse-Free Natural Gradient Descent
- sirfshampoo — Structured inverse- and root-free Shampoo
- skbase — Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects
- skerch — Sketched matrix decompositions for PyTorch
- socketfromfd — socket.fromfd() with auto-detection of family and type
- sorna-agent — Sorna agent
- spacetrack — Python client for
- split-gpx — Split a GPX tracks into multiple parts
- sqlalchemy-pagination — A small utility to paginate SqlAlchemy queries.
- sspyjose — An (interim) JOSE library, featuring support for Ed25519, X25519, ChaCha20/Poly1305 and AES256-GCM as required for PyKauriID
- statista — statistics package
- sts-lib — An open library for flexible simplified-traditional Chinese text conversion.
- surrortg — surrortg
- svnwrap — Wrapper script for Subversion command-line client
- tarzan — high-level IO for tar based dataset
- tedana — TE-Dependent Analysis (tedana) of multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.
- telebotties — telebotties
- test-task-client-eugen — no summary
- textdistance — Compute distance between the two texts.
- tidypy — A tool that executes a suite of static analysis tools upon a Python project.
- tmp-fat-pdocs — A simple program and library to auto generate API documentation for Python modules.
- tmp-python-sample-yn1205 — Sample tmp_python_sample_yn1205
- todd-ai — Toolkit for Object Detection Distillation
- tongsuopy — Tongsuo Python SDK
- tongsuopy-crayon — Tongsuo Python SDK
- topyn — TOPyN: Typed Opinionated PYthon Normalizer
- torch-lr-finder — Pytorch implementation of the learning rate range test
- torchmultimodal-nightly — PyTorch Multimodal Library
- TreeDB — Glottolog languoid tree as SQLite database
- unfoldNd — N-dimensional unfold (im2col) and fold (col2im) in PyTorch
- uri-template — RFC 6570 URI Template Processor
- userWelcome — Simple python program with sql db
- vba-linter — Lint VBA code.
- vba-precompiler — Precompile VBA code.
- vivit-for-pytorch — ViViT: Curvature access through the generalized Gauss-Newton\'s low-rank structure
- wandb-preempt — Code and tutorial on integrating wandb with slurm pre-emption
- webscrapbook — A backend toolkit for management of WebScrapBook collection.
- wemake-python-styleguide — The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever
- widlparser — WebIDL Parser
- wilmes — Message fetching library for a Finnish school site
- wwwpy-experimental — no summary
- yager — Yet Another GEneric Reporter tool for parsing of XML data into an SQLite database and subsequent universal reporting based on SQL queries and Jinja2 templates.
- yanico — Yet Another Niconico-douga Command-line Interface
- yastyleguide — Yet another styleguide.