Reverse Dependencies of pep8-naming
The following projects have a declared dependency on pep8-naming:
- lasso.releasers — Release artifact publication automation for the Planetary Data System
- lasso.reports — Reporting support for the Planetary Data System
- lasso.requirements — Requirements report generation for the Planetary Data System
- latexpages — Combine LaTeX docs into a single PDF
- leet2git — Tool to ease the integration between Leetcode and a Git repository
- leukeleu-django-checks — Additional deploy checks and other tools to validate if a Django project is set up correctly.
- leukeleu-django-gdpr — leukeleu-django-gdpr is a tool to generate GDPR documentation based on the project's models.
- leukeleu-thumbor-multidir — Thumbor file loader that support multiple source paths
- lexibase — An SQLITE3 extension for handling wordlists in LingPy and EDICTOR.
- license-tools — Collection of tools for working with Open Source licenses
- lily-assistant — Lily compatible code quality checking tool
- limbus — High level interface to create Pytorch Graphs.
- limbus-components — Components to be used with limbus.
- log-to-json — Yet another package to convert log messages to JSON.
- magic-storage — Small Python 3 library providing wrapper classes for storage (caching) of test resources (and unintentionally other types of resources too).
- malpy — Minimal Assembly Language Virtual Machine
- manifest-ml — Manifest for Prompting Foundation Models.
- materya-mercury — Full suite for automated quantitative trading in Python
- matsubplots — Better subplots for matplotlib.
- mavsec — A tool for the creation of JasperGold SVP principle tcl files.
- meltingplot.duet_simplyprint_connector — connector for 3D printers running Duet firmware.
- meltingplot.rpi-camera — RPi Camera MJPEG Streamer.
- memoprop — Basic memoized properties for Python.
- mgnify-pipelines-toolkit — Collection of scripts and tools for MGnify pipelines
- money-to-prisoners-common — Django app with common code and assets for Money to Prisoners services
- Mopidy — Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python
- Mopidy-Advanced-Scrobbler — Mopidy extension for comprehensive management of scrobbles
- Mopidy-Webhooks — A simple Mopidy extension that sends webhook notifications to a remote URL.
- more.body-model — load_json infrastructure for Morepath
- mp-telegram-bot — Python Telegram Bot for Meltingplot 3D Printers.
- ms-ovba-compression — Compress and decompress Microsoft Office VBA data streams.
- ms-ovba-crypto — Encryption and hashing functions for Office VBA files.
- msticpy — MSTIC Security Tools
- nagios-check-hddtemp — Check HDD temperature Nagios plugin
- nagios-check-supervisord — Check supervisord programs status Nagios plugin
- nagios-notification-jabber — Notifications via jabber Nagios plugin
- naif-pds4-bundler — NAIF PDS4 Bundler (naif-pds4-bundler) is a software package that generates a PDS4 SPICE archives.
- nasty — NASTY Advanced Search Tweet Yielder
- nasty-typeshed — Python stub files created during NASTY's development.
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- nemreport — Generate energy report from NEM meter data files
- nemwriter — nemwriter
- neuroglancer-scripts — Conversion of images to the Neuroglancer pre-computed format
- ni-python-styleguide — NI's internal and external Python linter rules and plugins
- nichtparasoup — A hackspaces entertainment system
- nneve — Neural Network Eigenvalue Estimator for quantum oscillator problem.
- numgrad — Simple gradient computation library in Python
- nvidia-srl-base — SRL Python base package. Contains base classes, basic types, general tools, and developer utilities.
- obj-url — URL utility class
- ocrodjvu — OCR for DjVu (Python 3 fork)
- opencv-stubs — Unofficial stubs for the opencv-python package.
- opensignals — Open Signals
- Orange3-Bioinformatics — Orange Bioinformatics add-on for Orange data mining software package.
- ORCID-Hub — New Zealand ORCID Hub (Federated ORCID Intergration Solution for New Zealand ORCID Consortium)
- ou-tm129-py — Python environment for TM129
- papis — Powerful and highly extensible command-line based document and bibliography manager
- parver — Parse and manipulate version numbers.
- passkeys — Corbado SDK
- pds-data-upload-manager — Planetary Data Service Data Delivery Manager
- pds.deeparchive — PDS Deep Archive software for generating OAIS AIPs and SIPs for PDS4 Archives
- pds-doi-service — Digital Object Identifier service for the Planetary Data System
- pds-epitome — A small demonstration of the PDS Python repository template
- pds.ldd-manager — Software tools used in the management of PDS4 Local Data Dictionaries in GitHub Actions
- pds.peppi — Get Planetary Data from the Planetary Data System (PDS)
- pds.registry — A short description, about 100-120 characters, suitable for search summaries
- pds.registry-client — A simple PDS Registry Client which authenticates users with PDS single sign-on and signs requests to the serverless OpenSearch (AOSS) hosting the Registry database.
- pds.registry-moppers — Ignore this package
- pds.registry-sweepers — A set of utility scripts which transform/augment PDS registry metadata to support additional capabilities.
- pds.sumo-tools — Software tools used in the management of PDS4 Sub-models (formerly known as PDS4 Data Dictionaries).
- pds.updart — Get Planetary Data from the Planetary Data System (PDS)
- pdupes — Python duplicate file checker
- pelican-redirect-url — Pelican plugin to redirect to any URL
- pelican-youtube-thumbnails — Pelican plugin to link to YouTube videos by their thumbnail
- personalcapital-cli — Personal Capital CLI
- pg-grant — Parse PostgreSQL privileges
- phmdoctest — Python syntax highlighted Markdown doctest.
- phovea-security-store-generated — no summary
- pip-licenses-lib — Retrieve the software license list of Python packages installed with pip.
- plastic-balanced-network — Plastic Balanced Network Package (Akil et al., 2021)
- plugger — Plugger: A simple setuptools-entrypoints-based plugin manager.
- plums — Playground ML Unified Microlib Set: The Playground ML python toolbox package
- pocketwalk — Pocketwalk: Watch/Run/Commit.
- point-annotator — Package for annotating the data with types (e.g. cell types).
- polyaxon-pip-tests — Polyaxon package to group all std tests pip packages used in several projects
- pre-commit-config-shellcheck — Tool for checking entry points in the pre-commit config with ShellCheck.
- PrEditor — A python REPL and Editor and console based on Qt.
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- prospector — Prospector is a tool to analyse Python code by aggregating the result of other tools.
- ptee — "Progress tee", an enhanced "tee" program with in-place overwriting of "status".
- public-suffix-list — Split domain names into subdomain, registered, and public parts per the Public Suffix List
- py-parser-sber — Simple parser of Sberbank, using selenium
- pyaux — A collection of small useful helpers.
- pycasx — A Python implementation of ACAS XA and ACAS XU for Flightgear.
- pycid — Causal Influence Diagram library
- pyclugen — Multidimensional cluster generation in Python
- pycookiecheat-slack — Borrow cookies from your browser's authenticated session for use in Python scripts.
- pycose — CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) implementation
- pydownlinkparser — parses spacecrafts down-links complying with the CCSDS standard
- pyfmmlib — Python wrappers for particle FMMs