Reverse Dependencies of parse
The following projects have a declared dependency on parse:
- jammy — A Versatile ToolBox
- jcx — no summary
- JdpuPF — Personal Python Framework.
- jenova — Web framework built for learning purpose
- Jimpass — A universal password manager interface, powered by Rofi
- jinx-web — Jinx Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- john-bumbo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- juno-mutekey — Juno Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- jwt-validator-emagister — Access tokens validator. Role checker
- jwt-validator-fdelgados — Access tokens validator. Role checker
- kaggle-runner — Run kaggle kernels, for fast model prototyping.
- kahless — no summary
- kaychen — This is a web framework build while completing the course
- kbve — ATLAS
- kedro — Kedro helps you build production-ready data and analytics pipelines
- keelson — A python Software Development Kit for keelson
- kekagui — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- khldaemon — Plugin system based on
- kkpy — Python library for my meteorological research
- kma-url-api — KMA URL-API
- kwcoco — The kwcoco module and cli for image datasets
- kwgis — The kwgis module
- kwimage — The kwimage module
- lambdamoo-db — Parser for LambdaMOO databases
- laughbag — Laughbag Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- legend-pydataobj — LEGEND Python Data Objects
- Lemon-Library — An experimental Full-Stack Framework for Python
- lexman-ble — Lexman CCT Smart Bulb control through bluetooth in Python
- lightweaver — Non-LTE Radiative Transfer Framework in Python
- linkml — Linked Open Data Modeling Language
- little-api — Little API the web framework that could
- llm4shell — My LLM tools for shell tasks
- llspy — Lattice Light Sheet Processing Tools.
- ls336-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Lakeshore 336 temperature controller
- lshid — no summary
- LumosWeb — LumosWeb is web framework, simple and effective usage
- Ma-Jbumbo — My JBumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- Magicweb — A simple web framework
- mak-framework — Automation Framework Using Playwright Python
- mam — Runs linters and outputs them all together.
- marcosgeo-bumbo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- marhaba-app — Python web framework for Marhaba
- MattThePerson-CustomLibs — A collection of custom libraries for my personal use.
- mcdreforged — A rewritten version of MCDaemon, a python tool to control your Minecraft server
- merlin — The building blocks of workflows!
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- milkjug — no summary
- mirapi — A lightweight and fast ASGI-based Python web framework for building APIs with automatic OpenAPI documentation.
- mkdocs-git-snippet — An MkDocs plugin that reads snippets from Github Repositories.
- mkreports — A package to programmatically create mkdocs sites.
- mongots — A fast API for storing and querying time series in MongoDb
- monicapf — Python Web Frmaework built for learning purposes.
- Morelia — for "Behavior Driven Development" (BDD) -- a client-facing scripting language to put the squeeze on all your features
- morphocut — Image processing pipeline
- mpwf — My Pyhton Web Framework, Based on the tutorial "Building your own Python web framework".
- mqtt-cli — CLI for Paho MQTT
- mr-piper — The simple project package manager
- mrepo — no summary
- mruntools — no summary
- mumbo — Mumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- musha — Musha: Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- myframeuz — My python web framework built for learning purposes.
- myFramework — Python Web Framework to build APIs
- nat — Module to use the annotations created with NeuroCurator.
- ndsampler — Fast sampling from large images
- nef-pipelines — Tools for Manipulating NEF [NMR Exchange Format] Files and Foreign File Access
- netcov — Coverage analyzer for network router configurations
- netharn — Train and deploy pytorch models
- neuroconv — Convert data from proprietary formats to NWB format.
- newport-motors-py — A python package for operating newport motors
- nexusconverter — 将 PyTorch 模型转换为 Nexus 代码
- nfs4-share — Share data without data duplication using nfs4_acls and hard links
- NGPIris — no summary
- ngs-analysis — Analyze deep sequencing of complex libraries
- nicepyright — no summary
- nimbus-web-framework — A lightweight Python web framework built for learning purposes.
- nimrodel — Bottle-wrapper to make python objects accessible via HTTP API
- nimrodel-fixed — Bottle-wrapper to make python objects accessible via HTTP API
- nitrain — Train medical imaging AI models locally or in the cloud with any framework
- nlstruct — Natural language structuring library
- nntemplate — Bundle of usefull tools for training segmentation or image classification neural networks.
- NPSAM — NP-SAM is an easy-to-use segmentation and analysis tool for nanoparticles and more.
- nutcracker — Tools for editing resources in SCUMM games.
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- oberoon — A simple Python WSGI framework built for learning purposes
- oboframework — Python Web Framework built for learning purpose
- ogr-tiller — Creates vector tiles on the fly from local geopackage files
- olek — Olek Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- omega_format — OMEGAFormat Library (read/write/visualize): A Comprehensive Format of Traffic Recordings for Scenario Extraction
- ondivi — no summary
- open-web-calendar — Embed a highly customizable web calendar into your website using ICal source links
- openapi-core — client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3
- openg2p-fastapi-common — OpenG2P Library for initializing common API Backend components
- opengate-data — description
- Optimo-API-Testing — Package for testing optimo API
- osa-web-framework — A simple web framework for Python developers to learn how some fundamental concepts of web frameworks work under the hood.
- osl — OHBA Software Library
- oszitrace-ioc — Quick'n dirty view / save utility to retrieve and store waveforms from SCPI compliant devices
- ouqu-tp — no summary