Reverse Dependencies of parse
The following projects have a declared dependency on parse:
- convml-data — Dataset creation for neural network classification of clouds
- convml-tt — Neural Network based study of convective organisation
- coordml-runner — Python CoordML Runner
- cpphospitalmanagementproject — Hospital Management
- credential-shield-fdelgados — Access tokens validator. Role checker
- crosspm2 — Cross Package Manager 2
- cryptdomainmgr — Software managing certificate, dkim and domain updates automagically.
- cucutags — Generates ctags for BDD .feature/behave steps
- cutshort — Yet another, experimental utility to write wsgi REST API apps using python functions, Mostly.
- CyroStack — CyroStack Is A Performant, Easy To Use Web Server Based On Python With HTTPS & Plugins Support.
- CyroWebB — Backend Framework To Go Together With CyroWebF Frontend Framework.
- czsc — 缠中说禅技术分析工具
- dagster-stitch — no summary
- darwin-ssl-sniffer — Sniffer for encrypted traffic on darwin-based platforms
- dastyor — Python web framework built for learning purposes.
- datafiles — File-based ORM for dataclasses.
- datajoint-babel — Generate schema code from model definitions for both Python and MATLAB
- datarum — Datárum is a small python library to convert Gregorian dates to Wending, an Old English variant on the French Republican calendar, for use in various projects.
- deeperwin — A JAX based framework to calculate deep-learning VMC solutions to the Schrödinger equation
- deephyper — Massively Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization for Machine Learning
- dg645-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Stanford Research Systems DG645 delay generator.
- django-db-adapter — A flexible toolkit for customize how Django creates the databse objects for the application schema
- dmx-compressor — d-Matrix Compressor
- doublehelix — Genomic data manipulation tool
- droit — Simple library for creating bots
- dspeed — Fast Digital Signal Processing for particle detectors in Python
- dukhi — Dukhi Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- dumbo-marek — Dumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- dummy-framework — Dummy Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- E-Sic — Pacote para automatização de coletas no portal E-Sic, você pode obter os dados sobre as perguntas, respostas e até mesmo baixar os arquivos anexados.
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- eb808 — eb808 Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- eclectic — Eclectic Python Web Framework built by Eclecticlly.
- ecmwf_models — Downloading, reading and TS conversion of ECMWF reanalysis data
- edgar-utils — Utils to load financials filing from Edgar
- emmi — A Selection of Tools for EPICS Monday-Morning Integrations
- esa-cci-sm — Reading and reshuffling of CCI soil moisture
- exhub-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Huber SMC 9300 motor controller
- expert-score — The implementation of the ExPerT score.
- ezshare — A simple library and commandline tool to access EzShare WiFi SD Cards
- Faloodeh — this package is alpha version of faloodeh framwork from iran
- fastango-v1 — Python Web Framework build for learning purposes
- fastscore-cli — FastScore CLI
- feature-mining — Mine implicit features using a generative feature language model.
- fiat-toolbox — A collection of modules for post-processing Delft-FIAT output.
- file-tree — Describe structure directory for visualisation and pipeline
- filefisher — find and parse file and folder names
- fin-indicator — A library that calculates financial indicators and different signals resulting from Japanese candlestick patterns and indicators.
- fincept-terminal — A Terminal for Financial Market Analysis and Fetching all kinds of Data.
- fishtools — Tools for analysing FISH data.
- fitspy — Fitspy: a generic tool to fit spectra in python
- flash-framework — Python Web Framework built for learning and fun.
- FleekAPI — My short description for my project.
- flet-easy-static — no summary
- fletch — Fletch Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- flou — The framework for LLM-powered apps
- fluentxy — An interface to produce Pandas DataFrames from Fluent XY output files.
- folderpreview — Generates folder preview thumb
- forofo — no summary
- frame-API — A lightweight Python web framework.
- frameworkk — Dummy Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- fugit — Git diff handling in Python.
- funzel-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Pharos series of laser controllers
- furiosa-model-compressor-impl — no summary
- gaabumbo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- gelatin-mattymar — Gelatin Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- geomet-data-registry — Geospatial Web Services for Canadian Weather data
- geowatch — no summary
- gh-tools-gradient — Gradient Health training tools
- gherlint — Linter for Gherkin feature files
- glask-swh — A Flask-like python framework made from vanilla python
- good-valueserp — Add your description here
- gql — GraphQL client for Python
- guerrilla_aaron — demo
- guit — A Python CLI to open a web page from a Git repository.
- h5analysis — Library to analyse, plot, and export data stored in HDF5 files.
- handymatt — A collection of custom libraries for my personal use.
- handymatt.util — A collection of custom libraries for my personal use.
- hhcm-forest — A minimalistic tool to automate source code cloning and building
- hich — no summary
- hid-tools — HID tools
- highball — highball Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- hjreborn — A simple CLI offline judge system
- hrequests — Hrequests (human requests) is a simple, configurable, feature-rich, replacement for the Python requests library.
- http-server-base — Library for simple HTTP server & REST HTTP server base based on Tornado. Includes: Logging requests and responses with Request Id; Configuration loading; Methods for requests proxying
- httpx-html — Web Scraping for Humans.
- humanloop — no summary
- huracanpy — A python package for working with various forms of feature tracking data
- hyperdiv — Build reactive web UIs in pure Python
- ibeis — IBEIS - Image Based Ecological Information System
- ibm-watson-machine-learning — IBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
- ibm-watsonx-ai — IBM API Client
- ImputeHiFI — no summary
- ingesture — Ingest gesturally-structured data into models with multiple export
- insitupy-spatial — Package introducing the InSituPy framework to analyze single-cell spatial transcriptomics data.
- iosslsniffer — Sniffer for encrypted traffic
- irreducible — Irreducible Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- iug-gui — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jala — Python Web Framework built for learning purpose