Reverse Dependencies of pandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on pandas:
- abm-initialization-collection — Collection of tasks for initializing ABM simulations.
- abm-shape-collection — Collection of tasks for analyzing cell shapes.
- abm1559 — Agent-based simulation environment for EIP 1559
- abmap — AbMAP: Antibody Mutagenesis Augmented Processing
- abml-cli — no summary
- abnativ — AbNatiV: a VQ-VAE-based assessment of the nativeness of antibodies.
- aboleth — Bayesian supervised deep learning with TensorFlow
- ABPandas — Agent Based Pandas tool (ABPandas)
- AbPyTools — Python package for antibody analysis
- abqcy — Write Abaqus Subroutines in Python
- abqpy — Type hints for Abaqus/Python scripting
- ABR — Evoked potential analysis software
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- abraham3k — Algorithmically predict public sentiment on a topic using VADER sentiment analysis
- abraxos — Upgrade you Pandas ETL process.
- abritamr — Running AMRFinderPlus for MDU
- ABRSQOL — Numerical solution algorithm to invert a quality of life measure.
- AbsBox — an analytical library for cashflow modeling on ABS/MBS products
- absdata — Access to ABS data and correspondencies
- absdataset — A collection of dataset
- absense — Perform homolog detectability
- absfuyu — A small collection of code
- absolutely — A/B testing complete experimentation arena in Python
- absplit — Generates A/B/n test groups
- abstcal — Calculate abstinence using the timeline followback data in substance research.
- absTools — Abstract tools providing miscellaneous functionality for generic reuse
- abstract-database — no summary
- abstract-pandas — no summary
- abstractions-aimedic — Abstractions for AIMedic's training pipeline.
- abstractMLBaseModelTask — Abstract Machine learning base model with analysis
- absum — Abstractive Summarization for Data Augmentation
- abTEM — no summary
- abtestools — AB Test Framework for Python
- ABtests — Automated AB tests
- abtestsizer — A Python package for AB test sample size calculation and analysis.
- abtoolkit — Package with tools for AB testing
- abtrap — AB-TRAP: building invisibility shields to protect network devices
- abusify-id — Abusiveness Verification in Bahasa Indonesia
- abutils — Utilities for analysis of adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) data
- ac-segmentation — Segmentation for Axonal Connectomics
- Academic-Forecasting-System — no summary
- academic-metrics — A tool to extract and format academic data from Web of Science and Crossref
- academic-tracker — Find publications on PubMed, Crossref, ORCID, and Google Scholar for given authors or references.
- academicdb — Database for an academic CV
- acadyne — Una biblioteca biónica para la manipulación de tensores numéricos y simbólicos, facilitando cálculos avanzados en computación científica.
- acasclient — ACAS API Client
- acc-lib — Personal collection of methods useful for accelerator physics
- acccmip5 — Package for accessing CMIP5 database in real-time
- acccmip6 — Package for accessing CMIP6 database in real-time
- accel-brain-base — accel-brain-base is a basic library of the Deep Learning for rapid development at low cost. This library makes it possible to design and implement deep learning, which must be configured as a complex system, by combining a plurality of functionally differentiated modules such as a Restricted Boltzmann Machine(RBM), Deep Boltzmann Machines(DBMs), a Stacked-Auto-Encoder, an Encoder/Decoder based on Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM), and a Convolutional Auto-Encoder(CAE).
- accelerator-physics — Sharing useful python functions for accelerator physics with the public
- accelerator-utils — Sharing useful python functions for accelerator physics with the public
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- accelo — no summary
- acceltools — tools for ACCeL
- accern-data — Client for consuming Accern data feeds.
- accern-xyme — AccernXYME is a library for easily accessing XYME via python.
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- access-jamessaxon — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- access-sftp-server — Access SFTP Server
- access-spotify — A package to get all album and track info for an artist by querying the Spotify API
- accesschk2df — Automating the retrieval and analysis of access information using accesschk.exe
- accessible-space — Implementation of the Dangerous Accessible Space (DAS) passing model for football analytics.
- Accessive — Library for converting between various bioinformatic accession types for genes, transcripts and proteins.
- accessor-stubs — stubgen for xarray and pandas accessors
- AcciPy — Application for querying the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigations database
- accompanist — Analysis AWS WAF logs and generate a report
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- acctf — library that scrapes the data from an account such as securities, bank
- accudata — Simple module to store data with arbitrary structure in dict or Pandas DataFrame
- accuhit-pyutils — accuhit deeplearning library
- accuhit-utils — accuhitutils deeplearning library
- Accuinsight — Model life cycle and monitoring library in Accuinsight+
- accutuning-helpers — no summary
- accuweather-client — The goal of this project is to create a user-friendly api client for AccuWeather api.
- acda — Implementation of drug synergy prediction algorithms
- acdc-hst — Software to perform an optimized FUV (Far Ultraviolet) dark correction to HST COS data (Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph).
- acdc-nn — A deep learning predictor of protein stability change upon mutation
- acdc-py — A package to quickly identify unbiased graph-based clusterings via parameter optimization in Python
- acdctools — Collection of tools used by Cell-ACDC and spotMAX
- acdh-collatex-utils — Utility functions to work with collatex
- acdh-django-sirad — Django App to create a django-app out of a SIRAD Package.
- acdh-geonames-utils — Utility functions to interact with
- acdh-spacytei — A package to ease processing (not only) TEI documents with spaCy
- acdumo — Accelerated dual momentum
- ace-metrics — A lib for measuring ACE based IDR operations.
- ace-tools-open — Open implementation of ace_tools referenced in GPT4o
- acequia — Python package for reading, writing and analyzinggroundwater head time series.
- acestock — A gateway for jonpy on A stock market.
- acf — Lightweight recommender engine
- acgc — A collection of data analysis programs used by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change (ACGC) research group
- acheeve — Package coodinating multiple chembees
- achibdatalib — A library for data manipulation and analysis.
- acho-sdk — Acho Python SDK
- aclpubcheck — no summary
- acme-test-01 — no summary
- acmecontentcollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect data about the Islamic Recruitments.
- acmenewscollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect news articles, videos, and images.
- acmetric — acmetric package and sample project.
- acnportal — A package of tools for large-scale EV charging research.